
Message Posts by Cuzimbatman

Posted by boxcarmirnta
Posted by pinkbird03
If he said yes, why are you stressing?
Well i guess cuz saying and doing are two different things...... He may now feel uncomfortable or obligated... And then making conversations weird and forced.. I dunno! I never get crushes so when i do im super nervous like a bumbling idiot jerkface
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Dude same lmfao. It doesn't happen often but when I have a crush it's like my personality goes out the window and I act like a moron lmao.

And you know she's yours and better treat her as such ..
Posted by notsosure
What´s the reason for squirting? Has got nothing to do with orgasm. What´s the pleasurable thing in it? Isn´t it just to make the guy happy?

I wouldn´t even want to squirt really. The mess, the pointelesness....
Lmao you're kidding me right ?.....if you can get your girl to squirt you know it's real....
They often seem mysterious to me ....and there way of be so sociable kind of throws me through a loop....even though I'm a cancer/ Leo cusp .....I find myself extremely attracted to Gemini woman ....they're amazing ....but they're so in their world I don't even know if they really view me as friend lol....there Witt and humor is what attracts me to them ....I love it ....and their intellect's like matched with my own ....I'm asking for ideas....I'm a pretty well developed cancer/ Leo so I can definetly keep up with the sociable ness....but how does one get them to open up?.....maybe I just need to be a constant source of positivity and for adventure ?...
Posted by Wynter
Such a Crabbie...peeping out behind your cereal box shell Big Grin
Hahahaha!..... I'm actually new on here this site is pretty awesome
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Cuzimbatman
That I'm cancer sun cancer moon Aquarius rising but not that sensitive?
Not Sensitive to what? Smell ?

u need to take a shower and wash under your fingernails.

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I smell find ......I do however need to clean my room lolol

Cereal is the nectar of life
I was born 21st of July
Posted by Cancan26
Kind of yea... What else you got in your chart... Specifically you mars

I think when people hear sensitive they think having your feelings hurt easy

When really it means... Having or displaying a quick appreciation of OTHERS FEELINGS
My mars is Taurus
Maybe something to do with my birthdate ? Lol
That I'm cancer sun cancer moon Aquarius rising but not that sensitive?
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Just eat a lollipop infront of him while having a convo lol
While your at it deep throat a banana ?
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Lmfao I love your humor.

Do what feels right.....if he takes it as being slutty fuck him ( no pun intended) and move're awesome and someone will see that ....
Just casual touching .....act like you're in too him.....
Another idea flirting isn't just talking .......
Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Just chat witty.....compliment on clothing small things like that...
Ahh ok.. thanks that's helpful
You're a Gemini it shouldn't be difficult for you at all. I'm a cancer Leo cusp.....I love the sarcasm....Witt .....humor Gemini woman have. Just be yourself ....
He's not into banter.. he's a bit serious. But yes I am myself with him... which is not working, I think.

Move on then.......don't change yourself for anyone.

hmmm alright.
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You're already yourself you don't think it's working......... so just be friends treat him as such. Who knows maybe he's just preoccupied right now.

Seems like you've already answered your question.
Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Just chat witty.....compliment on clothing small things like that...
Ahh ok.. thanks that's helpful
You're a Gemini it shouldn't be difficult for you at all. I'm a cancer Leo cusp.....I love the sarcasm....Witt .....humor Gemini woman have. Just be yourself ....
He's not into banter.. he's a bit serious. But yes I am myself with him... which is not working, I think.
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Move on then.......don't change yourself for anyone.

Posted by Astrology101
Posted by Cuzimbatman
Just chat witty.....compliment on clothing small things like that...
Ahh ok.. thanks that's helpful
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You're a Gemini it shouldn't be difficult for you at all. I'm a cancer Leo cusp.....I love the sarcasm....Witt .....humor Gemini woman have. Just be yourself ....
Just chat witty.....compliment on clothing small things like that...
My opinion is it doesn't matter one bit. If you just grow your least grown sides to your personality.....
July 21st but don't act like just a cancer.....
Just be yourself and be focused on improving yourself internally a cancer myself there were things I wasn't happy but I realized I needed to grow .....especially with the sensitive ....get over that and the insecurities it brings and you'll be fine you'll find if you can grow and be balanced asa cancer ...nothing can't stop you !....
Posted by clare
Do you trust easily?

I really need people around me who I can trust right now. I know everyone needs this, but I feel somewhat desperate for it in particular, moreso than at any other time I can recall.

So my question is, how do you figure out if you can trust someone?

I was thinking about this earlier today and I realised that I feel I can generally trust people more when they are willing to show some vulnerabilities. But is this an accurate way of gauging trust?

Those people who I have ended up feeling like I can't trust happen to have been less likely to show their vulnerable side/s. I don't think this is a coincidence, to be honest.
Just wanted to give a shout out .....ask me for help and I'll give it ....