
Message Posts by DiwaDewi

Disclaimer: Sorry if this post will be a bit of a long read.

Quick background: I'm a Cancer and my boyfriend is a Libra. We've known each for years and had a thing before (online) but have only been together this year. We have been a couple since February.

Things are really great between us and so intense! Our connection is unbelievably intuitive, almost pyschic sometimes. Sex is beyond amazing. BUT (heh!) two months after and things have started to get a lil wonky.

As intense as our love is for each other, that's also how spicy our fights get. And boy did it become frequent.

Anyway, I'm not gonna go into much details. Just think that we really didn't get a long most of the time anymore on that third month onwards to the point that the littlest things gets blown up and we argue almost every single effing day. We do get calm at the end of the day and still have that amazing sex (gosh, that one is just hard to say no to! It's just that good despite whatever shit had happened).

So well, I got pregnant. I thought he'd mellow down, but no. Still the same! And he is good at turning the table around and place all the blame on me saying I provoke him all the time and make him angry and that I have all these drama (yeah, sometimes okay when I get sad). Like whutt? I'm peace loving, dude! I don't like fights. Duuh.

Long story short, our relationship is turning toxic so I decided to go home to my grandparents and spend the early part of my pregnancy there 'cause I don't want to be surrounded by all this negativity and be stressed by him. He didn't want to of course but I persisted. We talk everyday until now (still away from him) but he still stresses me out. There's just always something to argue about and he can go hours just ranting to me. There was a time it took us two freaking days talking about issues and he's blaming me he couldn't work 'coz he feels bad. That was so draining.

Okay, Ima try to get to my concern. Our relationship seems to be on the toxic side now but we both can't seem to let go of each other because we still do care and love each other (and well, we're still very very much sexually attracted to each other). He's been very clingy and insecure and would want all my attention to him even if I'm on family events or socializing with friends. Part of me wants to keep this relationship 'cause well, we both want to build a family together especially now that I'm carrying his child. But another part of me is telling me I should end this because of all his red flags (plus he always tries to get me jealous saying he's suddenly surrounded with girls).

I am torn! One day he seems cheerful and loving and sweet, then the next he has issues with me again. So confusing! I just want a normal relationship. Not like this where we fight on the daily (oh god, that guy needs to chill!). Any thoughts or advice?