
Message Posts by FireyKitty

I've dated two Capricorn guys and had fwb with three and they were all the kinkiest guys on top of that they consistently sexted and talked to me about sex all the time. I actually believe/believed they were all just horny beings. So weird that people have experienced other wise
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by FireyKitty
If so, how? Can you guys share your experiences and such? Capricorn men drive me crazy but a lot of my close girl friends are Capricorn. I'm bi and whenever I look up compatibility between two female signs... nada! I'm sure many people wonder this

You're a Leo...from personal experience with both Cap men and women, as fire signs we often need some kind of direction. Caps make great teachers for fire signs. I learned a lot from my relationships with them.

(btw LOVE your steampunk corset!!)
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Thanks, it was hard to make haha.
I just think that some of the differences between a female and male sign could be important. Like Gemini men and women, in my experience Gemini women have been a lot easier to communicate with and sway, which would probably up my chances of the relationship lasting vs. the stubborn Gemini men I seem to encounter.
Idkkkk, just seemed like an interesting topic that astrology rarely touches on!
Posted by MindControl
1) You're sexy as hell Winking

2) Not really. However females and males of the zodiac seem to have slight differences in their personalities- most likely because generally women are more emotional than men.

For example: virgo women are a bit different from virgo men

Awww shankssss
If so, how? Can you guys share your experiences and such? Capricorn men drive me crazy but a lot of my close girl friends are Capricorn. I'm bi and whenever I look up compatibility between two female signs... nada! I'm sure many people wonder this
I know they weren't a very good fit, but I just mean that I've had very strong connections and relationships with those signs. Someone who took care of me voluntarily and I took care of them love lol.
I do use it loosely, although the term is relative, all dependent on what you consider love to be?
It is just crazy how I thought my Libra was perfect and after a year and a half...he is still too timid, indecisive and honestly socially just not up to par with how I'd want him to be. He is my best friend, but I chose the topic title as "everchanging" bc I've been in love with a Sag, Virgo, Aquarius, Libra male and female, and Capricorn. So is there ever really truly a match for any given sign? Actually my first boyfriend was a Scorpio, super intense relationship. Thoughts? Comments?
So recently I broke up with my Libra boyfriend, he and I share a lease and still live together but we aren't doing anything whatsoever. Recently, I pursued this scorpio fella at my work and he along with other male coworkers adore me. Scorpio man is younger than me by about a year and 3 months. He always picks me up, shares with me and loves spending his time with me. He is incredibly understanding and loves to look at me. Our SEXUAL CHEMISTRY AND ATTRACTION IS SO STRONG, we had sex on the first and second date and he is still just as interested? I've had a few scorpio men pursue me but they weren't my type, he is sweet, a tad bit shy, so amazingly gorgeous and dotes on me just as much as I do. He is even understanding of my living situation with my ex, which is beyond me. He also talks about how he is a long term person. I feel like I struck gold? What are scorpio men all about?! Because so far I am enthralled.
Ya my libra mom is flakey too and I know done libra males who are too but I do know that Libras put who they like before anyone so I can't see him backing out if he really likes you. My bf when we first met was straightforward, no games and would do anything to hangout if I wanted to. Reevaluate him and your interactions, is there something you're missing? Maybe he isn't that into the idea of you guys dating
Maybe they like strength since they're so mushy lol. My boyfriend is like that, so maybe they don't have the white knight syndrome they could just like their opposites. But I know my libra mom would def be considered a "bitch" most of my libra friends really have that strong personality lol. So maybe your libra guy friend just made a mistake or likes to be walked all over
Their creative and intelligent minds. They define enigmas. Yum.
Hate their trait of being flighty and undepenable, but being with them is so fulfilling I don't even care.
Posted by Curiousram
If someone rejects your help leo, do you get offended? I just got in a heated argument with my leo friend because i rejected his "help" on hooking me up with a guy i didn't find attractive. He then began insulting me telling my preference in men are ugly old ect ect. This is just an example id like to hear everybody's take on it and different situations.

mmm that sounds ridiculous, he shouldn't be offended because you weren't digging some guy. I'm always giving advice and it's constantly not being used, but naww I don't get offended. That's what young people do, ask for advice but do as they please. I know I I stopped asking for advice lol. Advice is just for someone to stick in the back of their mind, and say " I shouldve done that," when the time comes
Posted by Scenic
I usually love leos. My best friend is a leo and when we were younger, we hated each other. We were both hard-headed people who had different views on how to do things. Once we matured a bit we ended up becoming really close. My boyfriend had a pisces ex who was really sloppy, a cheater and liar, and just a mess. It just depends on who you meet.

true true. I always forget that one of my closest guy friends is a pisces. He's all sorts of amazing. So 1 out of 100 lol, jk. It usually isn't the guys for me though because my nephew is a pisces, he talks back and talks a lot but he's awesome. The girls though, so complicated >.
Posted by ZelaleZ
Personally, I cannot get along with Pisces Suns on a deep or close level. I perceive them as deceiving with an unnecessary mean streak. I've met lot of Leos feeling the same way about Pisces and I think Pisces don't like Leos either. However, I'm confused, I see Leos and Pisces in couples!!! It's surprising. Pisces men can be good looking when they have the jupiterian traits, but their personalities and sensitivity don't turn me on. I've never been attracted to Pisces men. but most of my Sagittarius girlfriends end up dating Pisces, and they all turn out to be cheaters or liars with no back bone (which suites the stereotypes pretty well). Okay, I know that not all Pisces are like that, but the ones I've encountered were deceiving.
Leos, plz share your experiences with Pisces.

Mmm this is exactly how I feel. They're miss understood and not horrible people but they are mean. Most pisces men and women actually like me a lot but I see them as deceiving also, there's something not right...My sister in law is a pisces and my gosh she reacts, has a temper and just goes off and then makes excuses or half ass apologies. My bestfriend has this guy pisces friend who she met through me (he scared me and became obsessive, not in a loving way, he's into males) anyways he got jealous and sabotaged her relationship. And lastly my other two pisces girlfriends slept with our friends boyfriends,and one of the girls who got cheated on was pregnant. Eeek.
I won't say I don't like them, but they seem to disregard the feelings of others, WHICH leaves me cautious, uninterested and I keep my distance.
Verrry true. I've had long relationships, this one started differently and feels differently though.
Our chart is (him/me):
Sun Libra / Leo
Moon Capricorn / Taurus
Mercury Libra / Leo
Venus Virgo / Virgo
Mars Aries / Gemini
Being content is a form of maturity.
I have never felt so absolute about a love. My Libra bf and I are only four months in, but every day I realize a feeling of satisfaction.
He's good looking, nerdy, smart, physics degree, dependable, too sweet and sexually...he blows me away. He's got a high sex drive &&& he's kinky. A little socially inept but he makes me feel as if I finally have a partner.
I know I'm young so it is new to me but what was your experience like. When you stopped having a "boyfriend" or girlfriend and you realized that person was your mate, your partner? Did their sign play a big part? Supposedly air and fire mix well.
Oh except aries, pretty much all my aries friends are usually with their partner or talking to them. My bestfriend is an aries and she needs a lot of reassurance and attention, she knows it lol.
Taurus can be super clingy. My aries gf dated her taurus for three years and he until this days clings.
Same with my virgo ex very very clingy, emotionally though.
Air signs, I don't think gemini or Aquarius are clingy whatsoever. Libra can be but they are just considerate and consistent. My bf is a Libra and he's so dependable smile
Fire signs are all initially clingy but after awhile, they aren' my experience. I personally am too social and busy with work and school although I make time for my bf and I often.
Water signs all seem clingy. Scorpio men, ive dated plenty and they're always talking to me. Pisces and Cancer are pretty clingy too, or maybe they just loveeee being with their partner.
Posted by Wynter
Sagittarius - depression - armed robbery.
Gemini- schizophrenia - confidence scam.

Yeah, I could see the armed robbery being a spontaneous, unplanned thing the Sagittarius male would do. And depression, definitely...
And I guess Hitler was an Aries? Or maybe Taurus? But if he was an aries, we know what crime they would commit then
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by FireyKitty
I always feel like Leo's are some of the best people I've met, with the best intentions but I guess that is just biased thinking!
It isn't good when my brain and astrology intertwine that way.
I realized that some Leo's truly are power driven and just batshit crazy lol.
Mussolini, Castro, Abdullah, Obama...all Leos.
I came to the conclusion that every sign is psycho is different ways

You're putting Obama up there with Mussolini and Castro? Isn't that's a little harsh? LOL
Don't forget Clinton. Big Grin

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is it?...
jk ya, I knew when I typed it that it would look that way. He's not a dictator but Leo's love them some power, makes us feel real good lol.
MMM clinton
Posted by MissFisk
Taurus women can bake their asses off!!
Aries and Sags can cook and cook well when they feel like it.

right?! I feel like if you don't think they're good cooks it's because they were too lazy to.
Sun Libra
Moon Virgo
Mercury Libra
Venus Virgo
Mars Aries
Sun Leo
Moon Taurus
Mercury Leo
Venus Virgo
Mars Gemini
I always thought Rich & Grace from Skins were so adorable!
except he would be Grace and I'd be Rich lol.
So I guess we'd be more like Simon & Alisha. Experience, looks and personality wise ha. I've done a lot of dating (he was a virgin), a ton of partying/drinking/whatever and meeting him has made me somewhat mellow. I can do whatever and be who ever. Love him to the moon and back smile

It's funny, 3 out of 5 of my closest friends have Libra moms so we always joke about how they are all the same.
Lots of controlling, which we kind of need since we're of those friends is a Libra guy with a Libra mom and Libra stepdad. It's usually world war one over thurrr.
Posted by size zero superhero
I suppose I lucked out. My mom is a 10/22 Libra-Scorp cusper with a Capricorn moon...and she's fairly mild-mannered. I wouldn't say passive-aggressive, moreso just passive. LOL.

Ya, same. She isn't necessarily passive, just not as aggressive as a typical Libra mom. She's also pretty good about saying exactly what she wants and feels, if you don't listen and she's rude it isn't necessarily passive aggressive. She will just ignore you or take time. Moms are pretty used to their kids not listening to them lol. She's a 10/14 Libra with a cap moon.
My Libra bf makes me the craziest, but best tasting food. Then again, his Cancer mommy is a chef and owns a restaurant so that may be all her.
We cook together every night. He loves my Puerto Rican dishes.
Imma go with Sagittarius men, Aries women, all Pisces and Cancer, Leo's and occasionally Libras. That's my experience. I know a lot of earth sign women and not many of them cook, so I can't judge that.
What psychological/mental disease would you associate with each sign?
and what level 3 crime would they commit?
I always feel like Leo's are some of the best people I've met, with the best intentions but I guess that is just biased thinking!
It isn't good when my brain and astrology intertwine that way.
I realized that some Leo's truly are power driven and just batshit crazy lol.
Mussolini, Castro, Abdullah, Obama...all Leos.
I came to the conclusion that every sign is psycho is different ways
I think I know what you're getting at. Libra men and Sagittarius men definitely have a different way of courting. Libra men seem pretty straightforward and persistent. In general, I don't think Sagittarius men are very consistent with the things they tend to do - somewhat like Leo's. Maybe that's why she sees him as clingy bc he acts 100% interested in her.
I've dated a couple Sagittarius, we have some weird instant connection...oh and they are just as manipulative as Leo women. Most fire signs can be and are at some point, in my opinion.
BUT the short answer is yes, we can like "clingy" or "needy" men. To a point it can be annoying, but where it stems from is all that counts for me. If I'm reciprocating those feelings and the clingyness stems from care then I find it endearing and learn to love it. My bf's libra, kind of clingy but more so just completely there for me. I wasn't used to it and would talk about it to friends at first but it's actually a nice trait that I haven't always found in the Sag and Cap men I've dated. It's nice to feel like you can depend on someone. And always remember, we love to be adored so anyone complaining about how a guy is giving them too much attention is talking just to talk.
My 2 aries girlfriends, 1 sag guy best friend and libra guy bestfriend. We all used to actually see each other every day.
I don't have any leo best friends anymore but them and Aquarius, I love to the moon and back also.
Just be careful, make sure the cousin's dont think the same way though! No playas lol. Libras and Leos help each other feel at their best and secure, lots of support and love. I've got a lot of leo/libra couples around me, including my bf and I. Try it out Winking you might be happy that you did!
I'm not a libra, but I mean he is doing his own thing(the aries) so why don't you. I mean that's the aries and Leo's issue to figure out, I usually don't condone homie hopping, but I also think you cant miss out on relationships because of their connection to someone close. The best way to go about it would be to take it slow, and ya I'm gonna say it, "Bunk HIM," the aries guy lol. You guys are long term friends and he still isn't being decent?
Lol I had one for a bit but I always encountered the opposite answers. I think it varies, one by area and two by how you've answered questions that are somewhat relative. For the race one, I usually saw that it doesn't matter, but some no's. No one cared what their parents thought...hmmm I'm from socal and now live in Seattle. So who knowssss, maybe that matters?
Posted by SpiceNSugar
I think someone should do a statistical study of how many Leos come here describing the EXACT same scenario:
1) Cap pursues vehemently
2) Leo gives in and shows some love
3) Cap backs off (or even runs away)
Personally, I don't get it.

Right?! You might as well just read one of the billion of cap and leo dilemma post for advice. I agree that you are selling yourself short. If things are already starting out rocky and you also don't see a future then it is a set up for disappointment, but that's your decision, all relationships are learning experiences.
I've dated mostly Caps they work in mysterious ways, yet we love them. But they are basketcases and I say only pursue a cap, as a leo, if he is giving you what you want from the beginning.
Doesn't the chase become unappealing after a certain age? :/ to me someone not wanting to "label" with someone they "really like" is a sign of someone who's fickle and unsure. Therefore, you will never feel secure. Why be another one of his hook up buddies? What about him do you really like? Since you're going to be putting yourself on the line!!!
Posted by PVandJelleh
Posted by FireyKitty
Posted by PVandJelleh
Taurus moon and Virgo moon
Scorpio moon and Cap moon
Pisces moon and Cancer moon

Good to know ^.^
I'm a taurus moon and my bf is a virgo moon! We get along perfectly except that he is even more indecisive than I! My Sun's leo,he's a libra so most of our planets go together as they're "supposed" to lol

I think these two moon signs are just magnetically drawn to one another. I know so many Taurus moons its crazy. Yes we are always an indecisive pair because each wants to accomodate the other. I think that these two moon signs bring out the best in one another, though we can also enable laziness in one another a lot too.
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Lol that's true. I never knew much about our moon signs but he definitely brings out my best side of me. He also is a cook so ya...he makes me extremely lazy but we're also equally active. Regardless of what we're doing, I realized we're both very content with just one another.
Aries, vibe and their conversation skills and tactics. I know them well Winking
Sagittarius too.
I can usually spot my fire signs.
Posted by PVandJelleh
Taurus moon and Virgo moon
Scorpio moon and Cap moon
Pisces moon and Cancer moon

Good to know ^.^
I'm a taurus moon and my bf is a virgo moon! We get along perfectly except that he is even more indecisive than I! My Sun's leo,he's a libra so most of our planets go together as they're "supposed" to lol
Posted by Iggster

So the talk hasn't happened yet. She was supposed to call me yesterday but nothing yet.
My patience is wearing thin to be honest. She has time to post on FB yet no time to call me or message me?
I'm ready to book my ticket to the Bahamas instead of Greece. At least I know I'll have fun doen south.
I'll keep you all posted.....

I think it's kind of apparent, her feelings seem to be those of uninterested feelings. No matter what games leo women play, when we want you you will know it. Point blank. She wouldn't go on this long trying to get you to chase her, because any big gesture would make her feel horrible if she doesn't reciprocate those feelings. Personally, I'm afraid of hurting people's feelings so I will just not be attentive to you and not act too interested...I'd also just say I'm not into it. Which is harder than it seems and from what you've said it seems like that's what she tried to say. She doesn't think it'll work means she doesn't think it will work lol...
And ya..maybe you don't care but it's a lot to make that age gap work. It doesn't mean she's not mature she's just looking for something else. Relationships are also about growing together, it's hard to do that with someone who has already experienced what she will eventually go through.
And to answer your question, long distance can work if one person is willing/open to relocating...eventually and has the funds to travel back and forth. If not, then no it won't work. My ex, the virgo, and I met online and talked for years but a lot happened in that time and we could never be fully faithful or 100% together bc there was no way to get to each other. Years later we eventually got together after he broke up with his ex and we moved in together for a year. I have a new it's safe to say it did NOT work out lol. But he's still head over heels for me