
Message Posts by FlaAqua

Oook... Right now I really feel down and I need help to understand somehow what happened in this past month... This cancer guy started to follow me on instagram about half a year back, than he gave me also add on facebook. On 5 of March he responded to one of my instastories. Me being recently involved in a shady start of a relationship with an Aries guy that was still in in touch with his ex, I was really sceptical about this Cancer guy. But hours passed and we were still talking and after 3 days he hinted that he wants to go on a date. The day of the date we talked normaly but he avoided the date subject so, as an Aqua girl I saied it blunt that he should leave me alone if he's not sure about what he wants, so he told me that I made him realise some important things and he didn't want to loose me. Days go by and we get more attached, we send each other long messages about what we feel, he takes me to nice trips outside the city, he introduce me to his friends, he tells me his plans with me, that he wants to introduce me also to his family. I was a little scared that all this would be just a bluf, but still I believed all those things... At some point he told me he would want to sell his condo and that the guy that would buy it would made him an offer so he has to choose between 2 other condos and that he would let me decide wich one I liked the most, but after our first night togheter, in wich he told me he had started to love me, he had strated to withdraw... less messages, than not at all, no phone responses - he told me that he had some problems with a case and that he was waiting the response of the judge and that was the cause of less talking, to protect me... I've freaked out so the last week I was just trying to obtain a response, so I've flooded im with messages... thing that is not so common for me, because I hate to look like a disperate girl, but he would text me back only about thing that weren't related about us. Yesterday I was in a really bad mood so I phone him from the number of my friend and his only response was to let him sleep... after that phone I really felt that he just made fun of me and I've send him a last vocal message where I was telling him to not do the same thing with the next girl... After that he blocked me everywhere: whatsapp, facebook, instagram.... Right now I feel guilty and I really don't know what happened after that night that he got so cold... I don't know if he's gonna search me or he's gone forever...