
Message Posts by GemWoman92

My moon is Aquarius

Best friends:
Leo sun/moon, Leo sun/ scorpion moon, cancer sun/pisces moon

Leo sun/moon is the only one who never gets on my nerves lol
If you have Mars in Taurus with Venus in Cancer

you are . . .

The Sentimental Sensualist

For you sex packs a powerful one-two punch. One the one hand you have all the good, earthy sensuality of a Mars in Taurus Lover, on the other you react to this physical stimulation in a highly emotional way. For you the purely physical needs of the body and the powerful yearnings of the heart for security and love are hopelessly intermingled. This makes your sex life infinitely more complex than that of the typical Mars in Taurus Lover and infinitely more troublesome for any perspective partner.

The good news is that, at your best, you are more that worth the trouble. Your emotionally charged sensuality takes the pleasure principle to a whole new level. You are an extremely seductive lover who sees sexual pleasure as a physical manifestation of true and devoted love. At your worst, however, this powerful combination of emotional and physical sensuality can overwhelm your Mars in Taurus practicality and cause you to treat sex like a drug, something you desperately need in order to feel emotionally fulfilled.

I honestly don't even kno lol. It'd be interesting lol
I'm a watery gem so I love cancers. I do well with earth signs too...was in a three year relationship with a Taurus (but he had a few air placements so that might've just been an isolated incident lol) Air signs tend to only be friends to me, but I've never tried to date any other air sign except for Aquarius and I tend to only get along with second decans for some reasons. Leo's make great friends for me but I could never date one...Aires, no.....and no to libra's as well lol
He most likely is interested and does really like you but as Tete said above just be careful. I am a watery gem and if I really like someone I turn into a very mushy/emotional person towards them (venus and mercury in cancer). Now even though that may be the case I can still flip flop back and forth between my emotions and be distant the next time I am with said person. I don't know what causes it but I'm in a problem situation like this right now. He likes you but jut tread lightly and see what other signs he shows you.
I tend to like feb aquas better than the ones born in January. My mom is an aqua and we get along great for the most part but we know how to annoy each other and do it quite often lol. My moon is in aqua so I think that might be why I like them so much. I personally think you all are very interesting. You like to have justifications for your logic and you guys and gals always tell it how it is. I can see why some people don't like you all because I've noticed that sarcasm is a fav of you all as well. Overall great people but very misunderstood.
Mutable sun Fixed moon & asc.

Cardinal 35.6
Fixed 44.2%
Mutable 20.1%
63% right brained. I figured I would be!
Mine is empty beside my asc :-/
I have the same cusp and for the most part I'm mostly gem influenced in my characteristics but can be sensitive like a crab at times too. A lot of my cancer influences are skewed by my Aqua moon though so I seem pretty typical of an air sign. Which side of the cusp are you on?
Posted by crabberries
Not if your sun is Cancer

Im a cusp like barely a gem but even that doesn't help with the whole aloof persona I give off. Aqua moon is very powerful. For the most part i feel like the people in my life know that I care about them but just would like if I expressed it more. I don't get the rationale behind that though. If you know I care then why not just embrace the way I show it instead of constantly having to be reaffirmed. I have a lot of water influenced people in my life and those are the ones that I find complain the most about this "issue"
I typically just let karma take care of it but if I feel someone is really out to get me or a reaction out of me i can be a real cookiemonster. Generally though I try not to let people know when they have upset petty and take low blows so I know better than to use my words because I have a slick mouth smile
I like cancer people but then again i was born on the cusp of that sign and have a few placements there. I could see why you don't like air signs though because I typically don't care for water signs just because I feel its harder to understand their outlook on things. And far us air signs being weird everyone is weird.
Aquarius was my first choice until I met this Gemini.....mmmmm smile
My fav would probably be my Aries uncle!....that's my BFF right there lol. After that my male cancer cousin and his brother who I think is a Libra. My sister and mom are also two of my favs sister is scorpio sun/moon and mom is aqua sun/scorpio moon
Posted by scorpx3
Posted by GemWoman92
I don't have any sagittarius in my chart.

I see. This just made me wonder... you're star sign is opposite to Sag and you have no Sag whatsoever... You're not born on a cusp, are you?

I'm not exactly a cusp baby, although born in late October (late enough where Scorp season is official), and I have no Taurus in my chart.

I'm wondering if cusps are the ones who do have a lot of different planets in their chart, whereas those born away from the cusp don't have their planets/houses in the opposite sign to them...?
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Yep! Gemini/cancer cusp. June 20th
Saturn in Aquarius in my 7th house square pluto....its interesting :-/ lol
I don't have any sagittarius in my chart.
I lack fire and interesting enough I do have digestive problems.

Fire 9.8%
Earth 25.6%
Air 32.7%
Water 31.9%
Found this for gemini:
"Gemini ruled body parts are hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tracts, trachea, thymus gland, nerves and nervous system."

I like holding hands and I've been told i breathe loudly Sad
Why are you deciding to leave?
Posted by Astrobyn
Posted by ManilaVice
Posted by tiziani
There must be a winner.

i want to give it to markthecatfish coz 1. that's just too funny that male catfishes finally arrived on DXP 2. i don't feel like letting go of the joke just yet LMAO!

I agree... It also sparked a whole new interest in metal dudes, that i don't think we've seen here.
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Definitely piqued my interest!! Big Grin
Leo smile
My mom is aqua sun with a scorpio moon. My dad is cancer sun with Taurus moon. Together 36 years married for 30 this coming August Big Grin
June Gemini and I love late spring/early summer and fall. I don't like extreme weather and where I live the weather is bipolar!!!
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by GemWoman92
Who is that going to affect besides you though

My day is 100% better when I don't have to hear about her dried out beef wellington.
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Lmao you just made my day with that comment! Big Grin
Those are my placements and all I can say is one moment you know we love you then you have to question it the next because we seem so distant. Probably some of the most secretly passionate people in relationships but its hard to tell from the outside looking in. It takes time to get to really know someone who has these placements.
Who is that going to affect besides you though
I often let things build then snap. Mars in Taurus 10th house. It also depends on the situation but when its bad its bad.
Ill participate if you make one about fixed signed ascendants. This is interesting
My opposite would be:

Sag sun
Leo moon
Cap mercury and Venus
Scorpio mars
Aqua rising

Never dated anyone like this and im not too sure how I feel about it lol. Might be too much fire for my liking!
Posted by TrueTaurianGoddess
Posted by GemWoman92
Posted by TrueTaurianGoddess
Posted by GemWoman92
Well I'm happy I could give you some good Gem advice. I get especially distant if I'm confused and nervous. Try asking him to write a love letter. We like writing love letters


I'm actually mid finishing a love letter to him, my first one. I feel like I'm putting too much emotion into it because I'm saying everything to him I can't bring myself to say to him in person, but do you think he'd rather hear it in person? Like do you think he'd feel a certain way that I could write it all out in a letter to him but won't(can't) say it to his face

I personally wouldn't mind at all because that is usually how I express myself best. When my ex's would write me heartfelt letters and messages it always made me feel great and showed me they really loved me.

So, I wrote him the letter and gave it to him about an hour ago. Needless to say my anxiety is sky high right now being a Taurus and moon gem lol. I forgot to mention that's he's in a relationship as currently, but not one that I see lasting long. Still, is it weird I have it to him while he's with someone else or how would you take that?
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If this person is a rebound relationship then I would say that your chances are probably good. He is probably super confused right now though. Did you receive any feedback yet?
He's playing with you and your slowly falling for it so stop!!! lol that text he sent is a "fine" meaning two can play the ignoring game, but to make him learn and crush his ego don't give him a response. He keeps calling, don't answer. He pops up at your job again act un-bothered ( this will get to him). He seems childish tho so unless he's willing to mature, go find someone better smile
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
My mars is in Aquarius. Moon in Cancer. I do have a very aloof personality, but I'm also very outgoing when I WANT to be. Its so weird. People have told me that it's almost like I have split personalities. I'm either highly aloof, introverted, quiet, and observant or I'm talkative, energetic, silly, loud, and the life of the party. There's no in between for me. I'm either very aloof or very outgoing.

I can totally agree with this!
Posted by TaurusGirlRas
We think our emotions as Aqua moons n when there's too much emotional displays or demands we freeze up n don't do anything. I personally think this sogn sucks for normal relationships but rocks with friends n possible fwb's.

That is my exact problem! lol
February Aqua yes! My mom and an ex are both aquarians born in Feb and we get along great. However, I use to talk to an aqua born in Jan and we just didnt not sure what his other placement were but I was not entertained.
Posted by exxtasyx
I think it's such a cool placement to have. I read somewhere that certain images, scents, songs and things like that can automatically bring you back to a time in your life where those things were relevant to you. And it's so true. Are other Cancer Mercury people like this? Britney Spears' Curious fragrance reminds me of one of my childhood best friends, and whenever I smell it on somebody it automatically brings back memories of her flashing in my head. Oasis' Wonderwall reminds me of such a lonely time in High School and whenever I hear it, I can vividly see myself on the bus looking out the window. If I walk by a familiar area, memories of times I were there start flashing in my mind and it seems so real like I'm re-experiencing everything for the first time again.

What is your experience with this placement?

You just described my life lol. Im constantly reminiscing and tie different smells to old memories. Lol I like it at times but it makes me very sentimental Sad lol
Posted by littlemegabyte
Don't listen to the Gemini haters polluting this thread, he was not being deceptive. Listen to exxtasyx - he is a gemini - I am a gemini, his ego was bruised, maybe he is surprised by his strong feelings for you (appears to me that he has feelings for you), and he needs to step back and think about it. Gemini men are easy, as exxtasyx said, if you ignore him... he WILL come crawling back! Just give him some time.

I couldn't agree more! His ego is bruised and he will eventually get over it. Just ignore him like mentioned above. He already knows you miss him so its just more reason for him to give you the silent treatment if you keep contacting him. Even though you are worried stop checking up on him. We tend to find that annoy...its like you're trying to keep tabs on us( I have a Libra friend that does this and it annoys me). As far as making up hypothetical situations to "test" you, I only do that when I really like someone and im trying to test the waters.
Posted by TrueTaurianGoddess
Posted by GemWoman92
Well I'm happy I could give you some good Gem advice. I get especially distant if I'm confused and nervous. Try asking him to write a love letter. We like writing love letters


I'm actually mid finishing a love letter to him, my first one. I feel like I'm putting too much emotion into it because I'm saying everything to him I can't bring myself to say to him in person, but do you think he'd rather hear it in person? Like do you think he'd feel a certain way that I could write it all out in a letter to him but won't(can't) say it to his face
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I personally wouldn't mind at all because that is usually how I express myself best. When my ex's would write me heartfelt letters and messages it always made me feel great and showed me they really loved me.