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Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by scorpdiva
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
I'll give scorpiodiva the best looking SCORPIO female award.
Only because the cutest one I ever seen here quit some time ago, damn those were the days. None the less there are some very beautiful women that visit this site.
Just an observation. 
awwww....... Thanks
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are your eyes really colored or those contacts?Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I am the same, I have felt suffocated for the last two weeks and have had a constant creative block and my music has suffered.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I'll give scorpiodiva the best looking SCORPIO female award.
Only because the cutest one I ever seen here quit some time ago, damn those were the days. None the less there are some very beautiful women that visit this site.
Just an observation. 
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by FemmeScorpion
Can someone be bad for your health? I swear everytime I see this guy I feel ill.
Its not love sickness.....just dont feelwell in myself. Arrrghhh!!
Its called emotional distress, if someone makes you feel this way by being in their presence avoid them at all cost, pure and simple.
There is no other answer for you I'm afraid, we all have had similar experiences and that is the only solution. You have two options.
Avoid or Continue Contact.
Recognize how each option will make you feel and proceed from there.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I find it absolutely hilarious that if a Scorpio tries to get back with an ex by attempting to speak to them that he is playing mind games but not one seems perceive the same about other signs. It just goes to show how ignorant people are, every time I tell my Aries ex to leave me alone and not speak to me she contacts me hoping to remain friends? is she playing mind games based on many opinions on this website; the ignoramus would say so, I say not.
It is a perfectly human emotion to miss someone whom you shared an intimate connection with, and want them back. Just because he is a Scorpio DOES NOT MEAN HE IS PLAYING MIND GAMES. He simply misses you and wants to get back together there is no mind games about it, don't listen to people on this website as they have never even met the man in real life therefore to develop an opinion on him is purely asinine.
Take what the people on this website say, with a grain of salt and listen to your inner self. What do you really think he is trying to accomplish? I doubt he is playing mind games, it is a common human perception to assume the worst of people and not the best so stop listening to these jack off's.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
nope I don't do any of that except the last thing about saying the opposite of what I want but thats usually only when I am annoyed and someone ask me what i truly want I do it out of spite.
But other than that I would say your behavior comes from a serious lack of self esteem, maybe you should isolate yourself from society and go on a trip. get away from the preassures of this world and go to nature where you can be by yourself and truly start to mediate and find your inner self and figure out the cause of your low self esteem. other than that your never going to get over your issues unless you truly make an effort to find out what is at the core of your problems.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by FemmeScorpion
I have never found myself in a fwb situation....guess have always been a relationship girl. If we are going to get it on you need to be my man and me your woman.
So it shocked me when my virgo mate propositioned me with a FWB situation.
Him: He's always fancied me,from the first day we met,now that we are both engaged he sees it as a great oppurtunity to
have some fun.
Me: Huh? What fun are you on about? Ofcourse we can still be friends,have coffee or lunch etc. We and our other halves can have drinks/meal together.
Him: Not our partners,you and I having some sexy fun together. I would love to run my hands,lips etc over your hott body.
Me: Oh I got are referring to a FWB scenario. I dont think so.
Arrrgghhh I really thought this guy was safe to hang out with. Bloody hell I have not spoken to him since sunday via text.
He sent me a txt this afternoon asking if we were still friends and he's sorry if he upset me. Mmmmm if i reply am going to seriously lay into him. So am thinking best to leave it.
The guy propositioned you for sex while you both are engaged to other people? wow if iam understanding that correctly what a scum bag, not only does he intend to be unfaithful to his partner he wants to include you in his debauchery.
Stay away from that guy he is bad news.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Common people lets keep the thread alive, I know everyone has a similar experience they can share 
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by Skykomish
lol New Detectives. 
Damn that's sad to hear you got kidnapped, well at least you are finally free. Prayer can be an amazing thing and as they say there is power in numbers when you pray.
And damn whats up with all the forum trolls these days, it seems like every thread I go into has people bashing on each other. I guess that's the nature of the internet people with repressed issues from their daily life come here to vent and take it out on other people I suppose.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by QuietSt0rm
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
is that you lovelyscorp?
no, ellesque is lovelyscorp. I'm scorpio_chic 
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Oh I'm sorry its been a long time
, anyways how have you been. You guys keep changing your names on me lol.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by TypicalScorpio
I believe in something similar but find it hard to put what I think of it in to words...I'm surprised no one has come in here and said anything...I would have thought a few people would have opinions on it.
a lot of the philosophers around here seem to have gone away. Its degenerates like dom, that give this place a bad rap lol. I know I took a long break.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Do you think there is something behind them? that was my initial impression as well. LOL
And yes domino is well domino. I could care less on what he says really we had this bout about a year ago, some people never change its sad really puberty must have decided to skip him.
Its interesting to me though cause I guess I'm always looking for the answers to more than what appears on the surface lol, and I know that there is much more to life than what most people observe.
Have you ever came up with an idea (or at least thought you did but later only to discover that it had already been invented? even if just recently) That's the theory that ones thoughts creates the actions of another.
Another good example would be have you ever wished for something to be invented and then a year or years later it does. I know both of these have happened to me in good and bad ways (the bad someone being writing the song that i made up, or at least i thought i did lol) I was so pissed to hear it on the radio.
Its an interesting concept to step back for a moment and consider that maybe we are not as individualistic as we may think and that our thoughts are being shared with other humans even if we don't realize it.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
is that you lovelyscorp?
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Wow these forums have really degraded themselves. What happened to everybody???
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
What kind of disturbing shit goes through your head P-Angel??
And personally No. I rather not have a kid than share my woman with someone else, especially a family member this isn't the middle east for fuck's sake.
Oh and I forgot to mention, giving the permission to do it once is like giving them permission to do it all the time, so anyone who is foolish enough to do something like that deserves to have that happen to them.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
yo dazed scorp I didn't know you liked tool, good to know their are some fellow fans out there. I am currently Learning a few of their songs on my guitar
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Now please visit my thread !!!!!!!!!!! Bring awareness Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
So if those men are have any of those traits (I know people can be blinded some times by their emotions) but your dealing with one. Both the ones I know have most of those traits.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Parasitic Living
Amongst characteristics of a sociopath, their parasitic nature is very evident. They act like leeches that cling on to everybody. They do so to find an accomplice to their actions. To get their plans done, they get hold of people closest to them, so that they can conveniently slip out the act when desired and then place the blame on others.
Radiating Charm
Sociopaths have a beautiful charm about themselves, which is good enough to cover up all their devilish acts. They are very amusing, carefree and lively. These are the traits that draws a person to them. They often win the admiration from others and can make the crowd gawk at them.
Sociopaths indulge in bragging about themselves like there's no tomorrow. They firmly believe that what they are doing is absolutely right and there's no way they would do anything wrong. They are self-assured about themselves. This leads them to making highly preposterous and unrealistic plans about life, making money, marriage and living. Sociopaths fail to understand why others around them are so against them.
No Guilt
Whether it's a murder, robbery, lie or any other criminal act for that matter, a sociopath feels no guilt whatsoever. They can never empathize with others and neither can they feel guilt for blaming others. They have an amoral world of their own. They lie to an extent where room for guilt gets occupied by self made reality. They often believe that the pain inflicted on the other person was deserved by them. Many criminal sociopath often are seen giving such explanations.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Characteristics of a Sociopath
A sociopath has a brain. Sadly, a sociopath never uses the brain for his/her use. They believe that much can be achieved by conning and manipulating others. Hence, with a thought like that, sociopath wastes time in convincing others about heir malicious ideas. They do so by putting on their charm. A sociopath victimizes the other person as an object to be used for implementing cruel intentions.
Incapacity for Feelings or Emotions
This is the main, yet hidden sociopath characteristics. A sociopath has no scope for emotions or feelings. They only make a superficial exhibition of their emotions. They do laugh, cry, get angry and depressed momentarily. The underlying reason for this superficiality is, they live in their own world and have their own set of morals. They are often ruled by a belief that their actions bear no consequence whatsoever, and they are not accountable to anyone. Incapacity for feelings and emotions allow a sociopath to elude responsibility for actions by placing the blame on others.
Compulsive Liars
Sociopaths have a boundless capacity to lie. It all begins when they lie once to hide a mistake and then continue lying to cover the earlier lies. As mentioned earlier, they are incapacitated to feelings, they do not understand the impact of compulsively lying. If they are caught lying, sociopaths are clever at changing the subject by blaming someone else and crawling clean out of the mess. Often, sociopaths are so clever at lying, that they pass lie detector tests also. Which is why, they rarely end up in prisons. And who thought sociopaths were out of brains!
Shallow Emotions
A sociopath does not have emotions is true. But a sociopath has shallow emotions is equally true. Shallow emotions adheres to show of warmth, joy, appreciation and motivation towards others to satisfy the ulterior motives. These sociopath traits make them seem emotionally strong. They remain cold and do not show reactions to what may cause a normal person to react. They make promises to others to get their job done. However, they are fake, and so are their promises.
Impulsive Nature
The logic of thinking twice before you do anything or say anything does not exist with a sociopath. They get so overwhelmed by a certain idea to which they react impulsively. These actions are always driven by a devious acumen, such as cheating, stealing and lying. The excitement of doing the act is so great, that they jump on
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
point incase fuck sagg men, don't be fooled by a smile and a carefree attitude, cause that carefree attitude actually translated to I don't care about anything other than myself.
Don't get me started on my grandma's husband damn hes even worse.
Sagg men (from the ones I've known) are Class A sociopaths, and if you don't know that is then look it up but ill give you a brief run down.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
ld her just to take me home. Well on the ride home we got to talking and when we came to my house i asked her for one last dance, started seducing here and i got all in her pants (just with me hand though) and she was about to get in mine when the dude kept blowing up here phone then he was whining and bitching that he needed to go home right now.
Well I know that dude talked some shit and filled her head with his manipulative bullshit on their way back to LA becaus e never heard from here again.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Im surprised you are attracted to saggs to be honest. and of course they are easy to get along with due to their laid back carefree nature. While its easy to carry a conversation with them I honestly do not trust them, there nature is way to carefree meaning "IE that generally they keep their own best interest at heart first and then someone else" and often they can be extremely devious a manipulative, and damn are they good at it.
I always feel on guard around one cause you never can tell what their true intentions are, they can act like they nicest people in the world while stabbing a knife in you back don't be fooled by shallow surfaces. You being a scorp and all I'm surprised you can see through it.
(my sources: My grandmother is married to one and one of my friends has a good friend that is one) My friends, friend, even admitted he liked to mind fuck with people as opposed to verbally confronting people about his problems.
Heres an example: me and my friend went to la to go to a huge rave and we stayed at his other friends house which happened to be where this guy was staying (he was the ex boyfriend of this person's house) initially i thought the two were dating but at the rave i found out they were not (also i sensed the girl like me because of the small passes, like touching my arm and leaning into closer to me when i talked to her, like she was overly interested lmao) anyways I found out they were not together from them and he said he didnt mind if i tried to get at her (probably cause he didnt think i have a chance) well I danced with her that night, and turned on my charm
. Anyways to make this story short she became attracted to me.
Well I managed to get her to drive up to ventura which is where i lived at the time from LA to come see me for my birthday, well this guy found out and begged to have her take him with her so he could visit a friend in oxnard (which later turned into a gayfest on sitting at this dudes house playing video games). So while they were visiting me I asked the dude in private i said "If you have a problem with this an this is weird for you just let me know ill back off" he said "nah, you know what at first i had a problem but your a cool guy and if she likes you i wont get in the way".
Anyways after an hour of hanging out he tries to have her dump me off so they could go to oxnard and visit his friend (she didnt want to do that so she said to bring me along) well I wasn't gonna stay at that house so i to Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
First message contained nothing.
Anyways its been awhile since i been here. My question to you all is how many of you believe in the Power of images and mass consciousness. (I.e such as the cross)
My point is how many believe that the universe is a paradox and that contradictory forces make up the entire whole. That we are all one consciousness and that we share matter subjectively.
The Chinese use to believe this and I remember learning in my 10th grade English class, and that is why they believe common images and ideas can be found through out different cultures even though there was no way to mass communicate back then.
Anyways I thought this would be an interesting conversation topic so lets discuss some view points. Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I think fish said it all, I wouldnt want him to pop out with a crater in his forehead.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I find scorpio men very sexy I cannot help but stare at them. What can us scorpios say? we just ooze sex appeal.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
You are a true Scorpio.
Congratulations! You are true to your sign. Based on your answers, you have the characteristics of a Scorpio. The Scorpio is a closed book. Secretive and mysterious, they don't like to be questioned. They also don't take compliments well and tend to be critical of themselves. When there is a problem, they obsess over it. They can be possessive and jealous as well when it comes to many things. Career-wise, the Scorpio feeds on investigation, anaysis and intensity. Scorpios are also extremely sexual beings and are passionate lovers. Famous Scorpios include Johnny Carson, Hilary Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nick Lachey, Anne Hathaway, Vanessa Minnillo, Kelly Osbourne, Larry King, Joni Mitchell, Ciara and Bill Gates.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I'm actually only 20, Won't be 21 till the 10th of nov.
Anybody could have posted that comment though, kinda obvious ,I was just the first to do so.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I agree with beetlegeuse, mirror his actions so he can see how it feels. Also it sounds like he feels like he isn't good enough for you and his hurt in past relationships causes him to constantly test your feelings (he want's constant reinsurance that he is the only guy for you) I don't think he isn't trying to play with your emotions on purpose just his opinion of himself isn't very high.
Try having a conversation with him, and talk to him about what I mentioned, just be very sensitive when you bring it up,I would recommend asking him in the form of a question like "why are you constantly telling me that I don't having feelings for you, do you feel like you don't deserve me or something" you can play around with it just don't be aggressive about it a more passive approach is in order.
the whole "I like you" then response " No you don't" or "I miss you" - "No you don't" is a sure sign that his opinion of himself is very low.
His comment about the whole "He also said he gets like this and is why many girls don't like dating to him" most likely means once he has feelings for someone he lets down his guard and then they see his insecurity and low opinion of himself starts to show. Not many women like to date a man who has a low opinion of them self.
Sounds to me like this man has been beaten down, dragged through the mud, and then spit on quite a few times and he has lost the will to pick himself back up, You are not the needy one, he is, It will work great for you if you are a nurturing person because this man is constantly going to need self esteem boosts. I.E tell him how much you are into him every day, complement him on the little things he does that you admire about him, etc, etc.
Well I hope this helps, good luck!
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by venusianbull
My 14 year old son was started on an HPV series thanks to this thread. *saluting*
Well I'm Glad my grief helped you open your eyes for you son 
@ Sea Siren, while is is possible that I could of had the disease before I slept with her, It is more probable that she gave, me HPV considering she has had an abnormal papsmeer and the dates correlate more with being with her than nine months before I met her (so actually about 11 months or so).
The problem with possibilities is they are just that possibilities, not probability. It is possible that I may win the lottery but is it probable?, probably not.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by Sea Siren
That's because it only takes ONE TIME to get an STD. A friend of mine contracted an STD from the first man she had ever slept with, and she had waited until her early 20s to even have sex. How's that for karma being a bitch? Thank the Gods it was something easily cured.
I suggest you MAKE condoms work for you. Otherwise you're putting yourself and everyone you ever sleep with at risk. And that just ain't right.
well thanks for the heads up, I was just thinking about having sex with the same person I got it from. Although in the phamplet the doctor gave me it says its ok to have sex with 1 uninfected person who is sleeping with nobody else. No joke, these are the exact words "Having sex with only one uninfected partner who has only sex with you is also safe" nothing about using condoms, which um doesn't really work against hpv anyways.
Whoever said I would feel better after going to the doctor lied to me lol. If anything I feel more stressed.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I also found out that her friend that has HPV, (well she does too Im gonna assume from her abnormal papsmear) but full blown cervical cancer and all kinds of fucked up shit wrong with her, and she never told her bf and was fucking him. I don't know why I have been so foolish I guess in part just the frequent easy sex :/
whoever said its the non-sleazy girls that are the ones who have something and not the sleazy ones, is defiantly right, thats what I meant when I said I had dogged some bullets, but then you meet a girl and you don't screw right away and you get to know her and you meet her family and you think well here is a nice girl comes from a decent family, blah blah and then when you finally do hook up BAM! bumps on your dick.
This life is too messed up I cannot wait to see whats on the other side lol.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
well I went to the doctor, So long to any hopes of it being a weird rash or something. It was very weird, I swear the doctor was doing all kinds of things to feel me up like after she checked it out she had to check my testies, my larynx, my abs and just about everything else lol, but enough of the funnies.
Its either HPV warts, or something else I think she said it was Condalomata Accumalta or something, which when I popped into a search engine it came up as genital warts. So apparently thats what I got, she told me that people get rid of this virus, but then there are people saying you cannot get rid of it you just keep it suppressed by a strong immune system, there is no way to test men for the hpv strands so you really never know what you got and thats what scares me, but the good news I guess is the kind of hpv that causes genital warts is low risk, so Im just gonna pray I don't have anything else.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by Kali
PS...I'm praying that everything works out ok for you tomorrow.
Honestly I broke up with her so much and I guess i stayed around like I said because I don't really no anyone in this town since I recently moved. so It was more of it provided me with something to do and plus pussy.
Bad reasons I know, I knew she wasn't for me I just hope my libido didnt cost me too muchcSigned Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I forgot to mention one small detail is this girl might be working for my grand dad he is having knee surgery and needs someone to take over for him so he wants to hire her, and I will be her boss.
They don't know about whats going on though, and I am sure as hell not telling my grandmother cause she is racist as hell and she hated the fact I went out with her if she found out she might have gave me a disease lord help us.
Isn't life grand lol?
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
like i said before I am getting tested tomorrow. Believe me I wish this was anything but what I think it is but I have monitored, researched, and the longer it has gone on though the more bumps have appeared and some in clusters, not to mention others have gotten bigger, they don't pop so they are no pimples, and now there is even a patch of skin that has turned red. And HPV is a virus that stays in your skin and mutates it just like what it looks like is happening to mine.
Believe me I would love more than anything fir me tos how up and it be some random rash or something but at this point I highly doubt it. I like that negligence info though I will defiantly pursue that and I find it hard not to be able to prove that she gave it to me rather than another partner especially since she had to have a piece of her cervix frozen off and about 1 1/2 to 2 months later I notice these bumps starting to appear after have been almost a year abstinent.
I use to trust her, and gave her the benefit of the doubt but ever since I caught her lying to me I have lost trust for her, and like I had a question awhile ago about her friends I am starting to believe that she is mor elike them, I know there is a 30/not/70/she is and I feel like she is just a lying little slut like all of her friends (and I mean all 3 of her best friends, cheat, lie and manipulate. Pretty much they are all scandalous bitches)
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by Beetleguese
Posted by MsPisces.
What do you mean condoms don't work for you?
I'd guess that he means that he can't reach orgasm when wearing a condom.
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Ding ding ding we have a winner! Good guess btwSigned Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
Posted by seavixen2
KWAS..I didn't mean to make light of your situation by saying "it's no big deal"...what I meant is that it is extremely common and highly treatable and after you get medical attention...your life will resume completely as normal with the exception of knowing that you have the POTENTIAL to have an outbreak again (but it very treatable and is less likely to happen in men)- that you don't have to live your life in the cloak of darkness, alone and celibate in your Scorpio den..that's all.
its really the fact I feel like I cannot have sex with anyone without infecting them, you tell me us condoms and all this it just doesnt work for me.
by the way i am going tomorrow to get tested at this clinic I guess she is going to show me where it is becaus eI have no idea where it is at.Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
I know it will be hard I just want to get even, more importantly I wanna steal someone of that 90k she has coming her way now, before I wanted her to use it wise and not spend it on me but now I feel like using her to get something out of it, this is what I mean when I feel like I am no longer the same, the desire to get revenge at all cost even if it violates my ethics, burns in me so strong right now.
I have prayed to god that something aweful will happen to her (which I have never done to anyone who has wronged me) but I am so sure It is warts I have looked at everything else on the web all photos its not pearly pauples or anything of that and I swear I found one picture where the guys warts looked very similar to what i have on my penis.
Its an awful feeling knowing that you are not sexually clean it makes you feel really dirty.
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 653 · Topics: 27
it is a big deal when u got a bunch of little red bumps all over your penis.
"HPV can only be detected if you have ACTIVE warts in males. In females, it is detected in an abnormal pap smear and treated by seriousness by having the contaminated area of the Cervix frozen with liquid nitrogen and in more serious conditions removed by slicing or cauterizing parts of the cervix."
exactly what happened I find it bewildering a doctor wouldnt have informed her about the causes of such a thing.
And yes you are right lovelyscorp I should have listened to you alarm bells ring in my head that intuition of mine has even told me something is not right, I remember I went to church one and i swear god was talking to me cause through out the whole time the only thing i could think of was dump this girl, you need to dump her you don't even love her, and I have but she is crazy and always comes back a and offers me pussy, and its lonely for me sometimes cause i moved towns don't really know anyone and she provides company and sex, both things which provide some happiness in a really stressful time, I am not trying to make excuses I know my lack of judgment has been poor.
The thing Is I cannot have sex with condoms they just don't work for me and Im not saying that just to say it thats why I was in a relationship cause I thought we were both clean and it was safe but I guess not.