
Message Posts by Librag

Hey Libras

Do you feel more positive, peaceful and harmonious now that jupiter is in libra from september 9th?

I feel more like myself lately.. jupiter in virgo was hard on me..
I noticed that since we had sex the second time he is kinda cold towards me. he doesnt contact me like before..
Librasetting- He has aqua venus. and i have libra venus .. if I post our charts could you look at it? if you want to ofc...
Okay where?
Canceraqua - how do you know whats in your 7th house? smile
I have only been dating leo moons...I have sag moon
Sunmoonstars- he is handsome, and packed but i noticed that he wanted to keep the blanket on. He has a nice body too

Arose32- he was aggressive Big Grin
Yes it was worth it. He could go on and on.,
Have you read my first post? The story behind is there. She understood my post so what she wrote was petty
We had sex .. I basically jumped his d..
English is not my first language. I speak 7 languages, what about you?
Im really depressed about it all Sad
Hey guys

I have been really close with two of my "friends" who no longer talks to me. One of them a aquarius who got mad because i invited her at the end of our conversation to come hang out with me and another friend. She was behaving very cold towards me for 2 months and then i finally asked her whats wrong and she told me. Honestly i was in chock, how can you be so mad about a small thing like that. For the two months she was cold i really needed her and her support (i had surgery) and she didnt even care. She apologised for not being there for me but is acting the same way as before. My other friend who is a pieces is very self centered, but i have not made a effort to be friends again with her either, because she has the bitchiest attitude ever. I saw her at the mall and she ignored me, after 10 min we ran into eachother again and i tried to ignore her yeah i know really childish.

The aqua i have known since i was 2 years old, im 29 now. And the pieces for the last 10 years. We were all close a couple years back. But the two of them not really for the last 2-3 years. After my pieces friend and i are not talking anymore, the two of them are really Close. And thats ok im just really hurt and sad about it all..

I cant seem to get it out of my head. My friends mean alot to me.

How do u libras deal with this type of issues?
If i break up its over... If u break up i will be like a little puppy wanting your love back... I love the chase (alot sagg in my chart)
My ex have this placement. If he likes u, u would def know! We broke up 8 years ago, even tho he has a girl he contacts me often. When i have someone in my life he doesnt like it, gets jealous and tries to win me back. They have a hard time getting over someone if the girl did the breaking up. But like alot of libras really indesisive, doesnt know what he wants in the end.
I cant with libra men. They are like girls
Like i said we talked on and off for 6 years. I have been dating others, and so has he.

He is not religious.

I think he is gay but why would he get jealous and wanna see me all the time if he is gay. Makes no sense :/
I do lose interest and he feels that and then he goes all in, with buying me gifts and wanna go on trips im back again
He has had relationships with other girls.. Maybe he is just not feeling me but he wanna hang out all the time and text me everyday so i dont know. I have thought about jumping him haha but i just cant, im not used to making the first move.
Thanks koniuchaa. I do like him but 6 years with this makes me lose interest.
2 years ago he had a girlfriend but lied about it to me. He sais he was single and wanted to hang out all the time. I found out he had a girlfriend after they broke up
He doesnt seem shy. He is very funny, always makes me laugh. i feel he is insecure
We havent even kissed.
He just holds me.. Sweet but you know its boring after so long
Thanks guys.

Right now we are not talking bcuz of an argument he started and couldt finish it. He didnt reply to my last text in the argument. But when he comes back im def gonna ask him. We always argue about hanging out...he will ask me 8pm what are you doing tonight well knowing i dont like to be spontanious with him. And he has been blowing me off more than once in these 6 years, just dissapearing for some days and then comes back apologising.

I have been talking to this sagg dude on and off for 6 years. We havent even kissed. I have slept in his bed, feeling his boner and he didnt make a move. Just hugging. He talks to me like im his girlfriend, he gets jealous if i cant see him or if im with some other guy. He is 34 and im 29 soon. We fight like we are a couple. He always comes back... He talk about marriage and all that stuff... But he never makes a move. I know im not doing it...

Whats up with him.. Are they all like this or is he gay without knowing it. Its weird bcuz i know he is feeling me, he wanna hang out all the time, everyday,. Its like he dont have any balls seriously.