I guess she really is like that. She misses him and is sad without him but she’s also tired of being the doormat to Libra. Guess time to put on her big girl panties and let him reap what he sows.
I Just don’t get why you can’t be faithful to your wife, just be faithful or leave. I understand there are many dynamics to marriage And people marry for many reasons but if you have to keep lying to someone to get sex that’s actually a weak move. She was with them for about three years before all this other stuff went down. Allegedly he’s not coming back according to what he said but as he was leaving she told him since you’re not coming back I’ll see you in three months LOL. She did tell him she was going to start seeing someone and he said that was a good thing etc. etc.
So.... he popped up tonight. He came to see her and talk. He said he missed her and they talked a lot like they used to. They always had a connection. She told him “you chose someone over us” and he said that when he started talking to her (my friend), he was already compelled to start leaving and that walking away isn’t that easy and that he needed to figure out what he wants. I told her if he wanted her then he would’ve just chosen her but allegedly when a child is involved (now kids) he said it isn’t that easy. She told him a real horror story about someone who was cheating and how the person he cheated with went buckwild (he knows she wouldn’t behave like that, she’s not there to hurt someone). He said he told his wife everything and that she said she had an idea (I think the horror story made him think she would tell when it was just her telling him what happened). He said he is going to give it an honest shot with his wife (yet he ended up at her door after allegedly confessing to his wife and saying they would work on marriage). He asked for sex and she said no about 5 Times but eventually gave in (I know she’s an ass). He said he will really try to figure out if he should stay and he is saying good bye to her to work on his shit.
My take: when you didn’t speak to her after it turns out you weren’t leaving that was good bye so don’t come back. His risky behavior (wife tracks phone) says to me that he wants out, he was hoping for out or he wants his wife to do something. I don’t know you guys tell me wtf is going on with this dude. I know she’s an emotional crab and she has a weakness for their connection because much like him she doesn’t vibe with too many people.
Funny update: she installed a video camera on her home (video doorbell). While she was out cyrano popped back up (motion sensor went off) and I guess he saw the lights out but didn’t ring bell. Sigh Cyrano why can’t you just be a faithful person.
I had FWB with a Libra a long time ago and he was great in bed. Good stamina and during the act itself great but..... I will say the leading up to it wasn’t creative.
I guess telling him to get lost might be a good way of letting him know she’s not here for the bullbutter.
You’re overanalyzing. Verbally he may be afraid but think about his actions. Cancers aren’t (well the ones I have met) too much into casual sex and they know with FWB they will catch feelings. How about going out to dinner or something that will allow you guys to talk since most are chatty Cathys with people they like.
Message him with open ended question. Cancers do love to talk but sometimes a small nudge might help. Risk it.
I guess I’m a little blind to this issue. I would usually tell people what my issue is.
Wow whatever happened to talking it out. That’s sad I thought a Libra would be more communicative with his spouse. She dodged a bullet.
So in an earlier post I said that my cancer friend was rekindling a relationship that she thought was years in the making with a Libra male from her past that reached out to her. He is married to an Aquarius and gave her the impression that he wanted to and was planning to leave his marriage. Well his wife caught on to him and he lied about everything instead of being honest so he and my friend stopped talking. I told her to move on (also with advice of people on this site) and she started to (she was pretty heartbroken). She started to look like her old self and she was healing. After three months, no contact from either side, he showed up at her apartment and called her name till she came to her window. He said he missed her so much and literally he said I have to leave before I get in trouble and took off just as fast as he got there. Any insight to that behavior? Wtf was that?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. My BFF is a cancer female who was in love with a Libra male and broke up 10 years ago. However, before going their separate ways the Libra male met his current Aquarius wife but kept trying to seduce and get the Cancer female to pay attention to him no matter how much the Cancer female rejected him. They stopped speaking for 8 years because he wouldn't stop being a jerk and she buried her feelings. Fast forward to now, Libra male reaches out to talk and all is innocent, the Cancer female thinks he wants to just be friends... until he doesn't. He gave her a sob story about not being in love with Aquarius wife and still loving cancer woman except he says sooner or later he will leave but he has kids. So my bff hangs on talking to him but his wife discovers the texts. He texts my friend that his wife found it and the lie he told his wife was that the my bff chases him but he never pays her any mind. He texted her saying I'm married and leave me alone even though he started all this. She is staying away but why go so far into the past to hurt someone? Do Libras go back to their exes only in times of need or ego smoothing? This may not be just a libra trait but I'm a Taurus and I don't usually see this type of butter.
I think if you sit down, discuss it and arrive at it together then why not. If it makes you happy then I say do it
Is cancer better off with a more emotional sign?
Hi all
Any advice is greatly appreciated. My BFF is a cancer female who was in love with a Libra male and broke up 10 years ago. However, before going their separate ways the Libra male met his current Aquarius wife but kept trying to seduce and get the Cancer female to pay attention to him no matter how much the Cancer female rejected him. They stopped speaking for 8 years because he wouldn't stop being a jerk and she buried her feelings. Fast forward to now, Libra male reaches out to talk and all is innocent, the Cancer female thinks he wants to just be friends... until he doesn't. He gave her a sob story about not being in love with Aquarius wife and still loving cancer woman except he says sooner or later he will leave but he has kids. So my bff hangs on talking to him but his wife discovers the texts. He texts my friend that his wife found it and the lie he told his wife was that the my bff chases him but he never pays her any mind. He texted her saying I'm married and leave me alone even though he started all this. She is staying away but why go so far into the past to hurt someone? Do Libras go back to their exes only in times of need. This may not be just a libra trait but I'm a Taurus and I don't usually see this type of butter.