Horrible! Unless you don't mind a girl that constantly flirts and needs attention from men. Worst sign tobe in a relationship with at least for me I'm a Taurus. Great to party and sleep with. Horribly flirtatious loud obnoxious hoes.
I'm a Taurus man married to a Leo. I hate her attention seeking extroverted ass. Always seeks attention from men. Complimenting them. She's loyal but never makes me feel special with a group of people. Sex is good as she can be kinky. I would party and have sex with a Leo. Never again would I be in a relationship with one.
I am married to a Leo woman and I should have ran when we first had sex. Such a flirt. Always needs attention from men. Never makes me feel special when were with a group of people. Sex is good as she can be kinky. Other than that I hate her extremely extroverted personality. I would party and have sex with a Leo. Other than that give me a laid back Virgo anytime. Do not get in a relationship with a Leo woman. She loves craves the attention of men too much.