LEAVE NOW!!!!!!!!! Do not make any excuses for him or for yourself! He's abusive, he's been abusing you all this time and you are just getting a taste of the physical aspect of it. Next thing, your body will be found in the dumpster. "An ounce of prevention it worth more than a cure."
Don't even take time apart from him and or seek counseling, just pack and GO!!
Hugs & Kisses
You are a beautiful woman, you don't need to put up with NO form of abuse, treat yourself with respect and you'll find a well deserved man to treat you the same!!!
thank you Phil, i'm learning a LOT from an Aquarius perspective with regards to relationship and labeling them with titles, unnecessary titles that is...urgh!
very informative.
Thank you, actually, today is my day! Very peaceful and quiet I must add. Happy Birthday Geminis!
I have several Aquarius friends including a sister, and I must say we all see eye to eye on MOST subject matter! It's like we are in tune with each others energy sometimes it's scary!
I currently dating an Aqua guy and oh boy the distance is unbearable, but at least it lets me reflect on what I like most of all... that is my freedom!
At times I can sense him, and that mental telepathy thing is NO joke when you love someone.
I recall once i was stressing and my Aqu g/f sent me a text out of the blue asking me if I was ok, i replied and told her no, she said she could have felt it all the way in Fl, that was so weird. :S nonetheless, it was appreciated that our connection was that strong.
I read in Linda Goodman's love sign book that Aqua & Geminis are great match up... that was my main reason for asking this question to see if you Aqua's have ever been with a gemini on that kind of level.
LatinaIndia, thank you for regonize how glorious a gemini women friendship is! I read your thing about your friend and it brought tears to my eyes, you see, we are very stand-offish when it comes to females (i, myself included) but once we are YOUR friend, we are loyal and supportive in whatever your goals are as if we are the ones going after it. (friends to the end like chucky)
Lots of ppl think (think is an operative word in this sentence) that we are fickle, flaky etc, we can BE, but realistically we're just to guarding out hearts from becoming hurt because once we open up to someone, whether male or female, it's like it's hard for us to let go of that person.
we are similar to Aquarian, jsut that
They both are walking paradox, can this match work?
Trust me I know, but two things, gotta have alot of life of your own..And also when you are connected to a Aqua man and HE IS Connected to you he is not distant at all. You can feel his presence around you rather he calls or not, they just have a way of staying conncected to the woman he loves cares about ect.ect..Now if you cant
really feel that then either you are not connected to him or perhaps he is not connected to you and well then you may wanna worry..Other then that its all good..
You are ABSOLUTELY right about the connection, i so can feel it as though he's here with me... weird but yes, i do telepath is feelings for me.
WOW, i'm learning by the minute about these strange creatures called Aquarius Men, love him anyways..
thank you Starfish, this distance thing gets unbearable at times. I just sent him a pic of a stripper shoe i bought, asking him when he's gonna let me model them for him LOL
i hope that works.
I've read up that Aquarians & Geminis make great frineds, lovers and playmate, i soooooooooooooooo wanna be his best friend likewise him being mines and us sharing a bed.
Oh BTW, we've been dating since October of last year, so it's still fresh in is head, i kinda like that he's reserved and shy, so funny, but it's just gets unbearable...
I'm confused. I don't see a situation.
the situation is that he's aloof... i give him his space, yet still his distant is unbearable, we used to talk constantly, now we don't........... PERIOD!
i'm confused myself
I'm a gemini and i'm going through the same thing with my Aqua, he's so detached, i can be too at times, but not like him, at times i would go a week without calling him, and whenever i call, i don't let his detachment bother me. But OMG, it's been a week and I texted him today, he replied "what's up?" I said, " Later i'll call you when you get off work. Drive safely & have a pleasant day!"
I just called him, becuz he gets off work at 11pm so I gave him time to get home, relax and eat something. Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I called NO answer...
What can I do in this situation? Help Please!
^^ name some songs ^^^
typo and grammatical error LOL
reading this thread and this is so true about Gemini girls. OMG!! LOL
i reaally love this board, i get to really understand me better and the type of ppl that i want to surround myself with.
We Gemini's ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can now see why other signs would envy us...LOL
I love me and will always love me even though i can be wishy washy ...LMAO!!