"He actually asked at one point if I would mind if he just sat and worshiped me for awhile, and then after if we could just cuddle on the couch." - thats AWESOME!
Nothing like worshiping and cuddling to make a good ending to a playful day. And yea i wouldn't blame him either if he toured iraq twice!
Cancer men seem to be the most adorable men of the zodiac, i read a book tho that says they definitely seem 'nice' but aren't push overs and some have had more then one girl at a time.... that makes me worry. How do you know if you're the only one? my last ex was a scorp and i was never really sure with him if he was being honest or not, not saying my cancer would... but i think everyone gets that little thought sometimes
hey cansir, turns out ur moons the same as my bfs! btw obviously as you can already tell, i waited, waited and waited. finally saw him after 3 weeks, i broke down and spilled my little aries guts out (rare for me to be really emo)... and we're official! He's gotten a little possessive, but otherwise again no rage, just irritated moments where he eventually gives up... waits and then tries again. Cancers seem to be very patient
Yea i hear about cancer mood swings a lot, honestly i enjoy taking care of my cancer, so its not really a problem... plus im moody too!
but yea it never really seems like hes holding onto any anger. for a moment hes really pissed / irritated, then 2 min later hes like over it. it seems to just roll off his shoulder rather easily. So i can never really understand it when people say 'cancers are moody and hold onto things', cuz he seems to get over it pretty quick.
I've never heard of cancers being vengeful, please dont tell me they dont do things out of spite?
when I'm angry everything goes wrong, but if my anger is towards a person... run. i hate not being able to do something about a problem. I end up dwelling for long periods of time on the problem trying to figure a way to fix it. I met a wise Aries woman who said im dwelling due to ego.... then i dwelled on that! i feel like i try to fix things as quickly as possible so we can go on to better things, but when i cant help, i feel useless.
Just wanted to put it out there! I have 2 gem best gfs who've made this entire month for me AMAZING! When your spirit has dropped and you feel like the world is crashing down below you.... low and behold a gemini appears!!!! They pick you up, dust you off and bring the life right back into your body like a emergency medic! I love you gemini's, and i just wanted to say home much you mean to me!
Mines been extra lovey too.... maybe it's that time of the moon? Cancer's are just so cuddle some all the time, how could anyone not adore them? Nothing like having a man who keeps you safe from harm and warm at night.
My cancer never seems to get angry, more like he has moments of just being annoyed. the closest I've seen him get was at his car and in the end he just yelled at it, i laughed and then he started laughing.
Cancers dont really hold onto anger do they?
Definitely understand the 'if you cant handle the heat stay out of the kitchen'. I hate wishy washy people, that's why im so confused, hes being all wishy washy and not talking. Okay fine, i screwed up i get it, im the first to admit when i've done something wrong. there were a lot of mixed signals that obviously i didnt see because im a very straight forward kinda girl. I dont see the point in saying one thing n then doing another 'o well i thought we were almost there', its like 'oh well obviously u didnt think, because if you did you would've informed me of what was 'supposedily' going on therefore i could confirm'. He rejected me over and over, and even a month ago confirmed he did not want a relationship. then last min he says 'i thought we were almost in one', its either we are or we arent! Then it's like why say 'we'll work things out' if you wont talk to me!? My sagi gf gave me the best advice i've ever heard, 'shit or get off the pot'.
Bleh... and yea ditching someone when you know u made plans... dick move. if you really did forget and i called u... try to fix it! I've played around with an aries before... honestly one of the most memorible days of my life! But yea like you said... we kinda exploded together and thats the way it ended. i guess put to strong fires together and its not that you'll get burned... more like putting a bomb next to a lighter... it will catch fire n it will explode in ur face!
I'm surprised you mentioned virgos, i wish you luck with that. personally i never found virgos all that appealing. great for friends, but never met one worth dating, they're to distant for my taste. Besides im probably far to implusive for theres.
It sounds like the relationship I had with my cancer, we always used to play and joke around and wrestle. We both are HUGE martial art fans and we used to spar together! I know of a few cancer men and each one of them has similar joking habits, we tend to bounce off each other like two ping pong balls. this one time we were watching a movie and ended up doing this greek dance because it looked like tons of fun!
I keep hearing aries and cancer isnt typically a 'good' pairing, but i thought because aries is the 'baby' of the zodiac and cancers tend to be nurturing, that it would be a perfect match!
What sign goes best with aries?
i feel like u just ran my head into the toilet and lost me.
That's actually why i think we work joe, hes ubber sensitive, but its adorable. i feel the need to protect and baby him, but i kno hes the one really taking care of me. definitely not changing, NEVER!!! i see no point in hiding who i am if thats not what he enjoys about me. i feel theres something there and even tho patience is obviously not my virtue, i cant forget. its like he put up this HUGE wall of china around himself to protect him against me, but im totally ready and waiting to do some SERIOUS demo work! im just gonna make him see the amazing me, shit im an aries we are AWESOME! i've never heard anyone complain about us and im not about to start now. i think im just gonna keep him in check and make sure im never forgotten, i mean i've always heard im an addictive personality that should be good for something right???
well looks like i finally got him to open up, i was patient and let him kno i was still around when and if he wanted to talk. invited me over, we talked and he said we went a couple steps back to where we were 4 months ago. hes been going crazy for the past 48 hrs not talking to me, so im happy to say we've not over yet, but as it was said we have some fixing to do. he says im just as stubborn as he is (but i find it cute!), and that he knows im far to thick skulled to give up. so if i didnt mind the wait, we'll figure everything out all over again. yay!
i hate being interrupted, my sister does it all the time and so does my mother. it's just rude.
ouch, that sucks. I've heard the younger the cancer the more immature, but hes pretty decent. we got back on speaking terms and are trying to work out our relationship, so im pretty happy about that and i truly hope we get back together... offically this time. that and he said im too thick skulled!? he said as long as i dont mind waiting and was patient we'll try to get back to our niche.
Anyone out there dating a cancer? Do aries cancer relations work? Anyone who has experience in this depo please tell me your experiences.
my non-bf bf is mad at me for being dumb and i feel like i've been just running round in circles like an chicken without it's head. i heard of people taking things differently but this is ridiculous.
Anyway good advice on how to handle the situation is greatly appreciated.
Cansir i am VERY well aware of his stubborn nature, now hes putting emo music on his page and the songs called 'made of scars'..ugh i just wanna shoot myself. i wrote him a letter that i'll probably send out by friday if he doesnt respond me to me. gonna txt me later today just letting him kno i still wanna talk. i stated in the letter how many times hes rejected me and told me theres no way of a relationship happening, and yet here he is saying there would be or that he thought there was. its been so difficult for me to hold bad my emotions and not become attached (obviously i am) and just 'hang around'. its like u say u didnt want me and i kept that in mind, i understand why ur hurting but what else was i to think?
yea i've gotta talk to him and figure all that out, its just so darn confusing. he said no several times and now hes saying he thought we were? what am i supposed to think? he says he loves me when hes in someway intoxicated and how am i supposed to take that?
angelfish i'd normally agree with your theory, but this time i seriously dont know what happened. I completely acknowledge the fact that i lost control and did something horribly stupid. uck, im just killing myself here i cant sleep my whole bodies going into over drive, im making myself sick. i just dont wanna be overwhelming and throw the world at his shoulders. last time i let my emotions run their coarse he ended up calling me a nut bag. but yea ur probably right, i gotta wait for him to come to me, but my nerves wont calm down.
So first off i'd like to say i'm in love!
Now the problem.... I hurt the man i truly loved in the worst way possible, hes a cancer boy with a really big heart.
I went to a party last night and got really drunk for my bff's birthday. she just turned 21 and we got sooo wasted last night off of jello shots and strong margarita's! so yea my guy left early because it was greek easter so i stayed at the party drinking away with my gf, and she just so happened to invite an ol guy friend of mine. so whatever the night goes on, in short somehow i end up making out with this guy and then my guy comes back and sees the guys arms around me. I walk off cuz i really had to go to the bathroom, the guy follows me in and says 'we need to talk', so he goes on confessing how he regrets turning me down a yr ago and he wants a relationship now blah blah blah (btw im single).
aparently in 'drunk' time i thought 10 min passed while im trying to get this guy to calm down, it turns out it was actually an hr i had been in there. my guy leaves and i end up histerically crying for the rest of the evening. i've been trying to get with my guy for... what seems like forever. i hurt him when i was much younger (like 6 yrs ago we dated) and i kno i hurt him last night. i dont kno what to do, i just couldnt stop crying and like he said today (via txt) that he was looking to get into a relationship with me (last month he told me he didnt want one so i put my feelings away) and i dont kno what his opinion is now.
i dont wanna lose him and im going crazy i need to talk to him and i've been crying all day can somebody give me some advice, i love this man so much and just one stupid moment because i was so drunk.... i just wanna die.