
Message Posts by Sabian

Con Artist, Grandscammer, or Gang Leader
all what a attracted us was i had a big Dick and she had as nice ass thats it ...........................
I am a Leo i dated a cap and damm oh my damm that girl was crazy as hell and u talking about selfish bi% $ # they say we are selfish but compared to them hell naw just a evil muthaF^% $ # i am glad i am threw wit her never will i ever go wit a cap agian in my life i would rather take my chances with a pisces or a virgo before i go back to a cap Hell naw
We the Leos
We the Leos
It really depends on the person it self like i am a Leo and i know a lot of female aries Some of them i can see my self dealing with in a long time rela but some of them think about them selfs to much for me. I am not going to lie in a rela i am attention crazy i dont mind giving attention but if i feel i am not receiving the same about of attention i have no problem finding some one that will give the attention i want
I am i Leo and we ant pervs but love Sex more than any one tho
yall could work out but when yall clash yall clash
I have to say it is between Caps and cancers them cats is funny as hell gems is up there with them to they always have me rolling
86 all day Fire Tiger run it
Hell naw we ant we are protective over what is ours and will defend anybody we love but emotional no i dont think so
Me personal i like Libra women because they look cute as hell in the face but scorpios are freeks and aries are showoff sometimes but nothing under the exterior and caps are also sexey but my leo women i love them pretty face but wild on the inside
Thank you Leodiva somebody see the truth
LAMO at red lamb
See this topic has nothing to do with the eastern zodiac the is with the west so over here we the best plus dragon ant real so u cant say who would win between a monkey and a dragon goofy and like i said this topic about Sag,Leo,and aries not monkeys and dragons and rat
Lion vs Lamb u do the math
I Will have to say a Leo because lets look at the anmial the rep these signs
Male Lions always run the pride make sure the female get he food while they say and protect the family Male lions keep the family strong not only on top of that there planet is the Sun Hello everything revolve around the Sun not Mars
in battle between Leo and Gem Leo would win
Cap and the scales maybe the scales
Aries and the bull well u do the math Lamb VS a Damm Bull
ok i am going to be honest wit u all i am a leo every aries i know plays like they are strong but they are not to me they always try to control u when they know what the hell they doing them damm self they are not all that fun like everybody claim them to be and that is not a real fight between a Leo and a Aries because look at it (A lamb vs a Lion u do the math) we eat lamb every weekend LOL aries are not that strong to me they are soft. now the real battle is between the Leo and the Sag i know alot of sag them people are crazy there attack are not that strong but their wits make up for that

Lamb VS Lion LAMO