Wow, thanks for the comments. I think I pretty much have the understanding now that I was rushing or moving too fast. Which I was affraid of coming off like that anyway. Those werent my intentions per say though. I just wanted her to know how I felt about her... its not like we have to be "official" right now. The talk would've clarified that. I was going to let her know that there wasnt no rush or time limit on "us"...but at the same time I was going to be real about my feelings toward her. Maybe that would've scared her anyway.
Needless to say I havent heard from her since that little episode. I've tried to reach out to her but that was unsuccessful. I dont want to give up... but I dont want to seem like a stalker either so I'm kinda at a catch 22.
As far as our charts?? I dont know anything about that, hopefully someone on here can enlighten me. All I know is that i'm a capricorn born on January 14 and her birthday is September 12 which makes her a virgo lol. Someone help me out.
Ok so 5 months ago I met this virgo and we hit it off great! The first 2 months of us dating eachother were really great in my opinion. We went on a few dinner and lunch dates. I've cooked dinner for her at my place a few times. We basically were acting as if we were official but we werent. So me, being the capricorn I am, I approach her about this, asking if it were possible for us to take it to the next step... make things official. She was reluctant to do so, saying that Im being too clingy by wanting that. I am not the one to be clingy so I withdraw and we dont talk for about 2 months.
I reach out to her and its like we never lost contact. We meet up for a date at a comedy club and shes all over me, I can tell she missed me. So we continue dating again, meeting up for lunch dates and what not and then I bring up the issue of us being official again. She starts to act standoffish again. When we text she rarely responds. She comes up with excuses as to why we cant hang out... ect. So I decided to try to get to the bottom of it instead of cutting my losses because I really really like this woman. I call her and arrange for us to meet the next day to talk and maybe go to a movie after out talk, telling her that we really need to talk because Im getting mixed signals.
The next day comes around and its time for us to meet. I didnt text or contact her at all until it was almost time for us to meet up and by that time, she calls me. I answer as Im on the highway headed to her house... the conversation went something like this:
Me: Hello..
her: you havent contacted me all day, whats goin on?
me: I know, im sorry about that, I've been really busy all day(which was the truth) so i havnet had a chance to hit you up but im actually on my way to you right now... im on the highway. I was just about to call you actually(which was also the truth).
her: yea right... well im on my way home now.
me: oh cool, well I dont know about going to the movie just yet... i really just want to talk to you and get this off my chest
her: well I really want to see the movie so we can talk at a later date... im going to go ahead and go see the movie
me: *awkward silence* ....ugh.... ok... i guess.
She then hangs up on me.
I get upset and send a text saying that Im good on the talk, since shes showing that she really doesnt care anyway. After that I cut my ties and charged her to the game. Problem is... I miss her and I cant stop thinking of her. Is she worth it???