
Message Posts by aquaking

wow this was a stupid post
your just a front!
buh buh buh blahh
right now libras have really been getting on my nerves.
I never watched wayne play not being a hockey fan. I hear hes the great one though...
And i think water respects airs intelligence and thinking.
I dont think water respects fire brashness. Water is more emotional and need the security that fire can throw away in a minute.
I would say pisces and aquarius
Quite a repetoire.
Babe ruth
Who had the better cake?
Your mamas selfish! :p
WATER gets along better with air than with fire.
Aquarius! smile
Fiery truth definately had a spazz attack.
She wanted to get sodomized?!
Im a very nice waterbear lin. I dont know what shes talkin about?
And, wheel my boards better than urs! :p
Lol u r annoying smile
gracious leo is retarded.
keep it at the top
this thread is so freakin awesome!
lol. figures smile
aquarius. they can find things out.
sure but easily distracted
exactly it gets tiring when u hav to repeat urself.
aquarians hate ignorance so if u want to offend them, talk, stupid.
no no way. geminis only understand something when u tell them twice.