
Message Posts by bopbop

well! well! what do we have here!!! u cant start a fire... with out a spar.....k!!
sorry to say! a4 ur here just telling some of gemis characters
well u also missed the gemini spelling?did I spell tat correct?? tat or that Winking
she doesnt want to talk ... at all
i just had a fight with a gemi girl...n she asked me to end it here...she says' she hate my intrusion in her life here forth.
this all happened when i was at her place to say sorry...n i really want her back....what do u think i shld do now??
well to be very straight...we dont care!!! whats all this shit!!
Liars, scared, secretive n generally don't like to reveal abt themself. they dont have a heart n moral values...
they need to think twice before saying anything. Similarly before doing something....m i correct gemi's?
how perfect fieryearth!!
r u ready to take a chance/burn urself...then try it...dont bother abt who is going around with.
relax try spendin some time with him..try to know him better.
wats ur age girl?
im after a gemini girl frm 2 years, and she know abt it but to my surprise after 2 years i got to know that she has been folling around she lied her job, her place, even her name trust me all these eyars i was calling her with a fake name. now that she know that i got to know her true color, she acts funny...she behaves as if its my mistake...what kina person is she?
so i still continue this or just quit.
I remembered she mentioned abt a Charted Accountant(CA) career.. dis gave me a clue.. now 2 my finding I got 2 know that that the CA preparation classes was held in dis area.
One fine morning I vnt there n found the same scooter parked in front of the college?.bingo!!!?I was thrilled?.. 2ok me 2 months running around...n got her after 1 n half year.
I was her 4 the 1st time face 2 face? blue t-shirt, jeans n a white sport shoe?.with a scarf around the neck with a knot at one end?holding a book ? varing a specks?.believe me she was beautiful?she first stared at me?.as i walked 2wards her?I was nervous thought 2 ask her if she was the same girl im looking 4?.i asked her if she was ?Ms.XXX? she had a smile?dis smile was a confirmation abt her. She had a nice smile?.i was silent, could not believe I was there right in front of dis girl?who's been making me run n wait.
N with in minutes what did I get in return after all the ef4t I put, the same abusive words?.dis time though it was a voice based version.
It was thrilled 2 see her but cing her go wild at me made me feel bad?. I left the place apologizing 4 what I did.
Was I admiring a girl? was she playing with me?? Making me wait 4 hrs?.time n time again? Was it a part of of her fun.
What wrong did I do. y me? Did I do a mistake being good 2 her?
She never came on line after that?she blocked all my mails.
N now after 6 months she comes all of a sudden with New Year wish..behavin the usual way?.n askin me 2 meet.
V meet jan 31 was the day?believe me she is 1 of those real Gemini girls what u read in books?Linda Goodman type's.
She shared that she got a new job n was workin, V spend a hr talkin. I shared with her how I found her?.she did not believe me?thus she did not give me her office address.
The following 2 days she was not online?I started leavin offline msg's assumin she was not impressed with me?msg like ?looks like the lady is not impressed with me? n so on?the 3rd days she cam online n sayin im a creep?dis upset me, I 2o gav her usin words like ?I had enough of dis?lrnd a lason not 2 pity on others"
its now 2 veks n I dint see her online.dis time though I vnt 2 her scooter servicin center?paid RS.1000 n got her details
N guys u know what her real name is somethin else all the time i she gave me a wrong name
help needed what do i do
Leave it or go n say im sorry 4 usin those words?
Gemini girls any a scorpio with out scorpio traits.
I'm sure non of u wld hav ever done or heard some thing like dis be4.
it all started 2 yrs back when i came across dis Gemini girl (20 yrs old - jobless sittin at home) on chat....durin our conversations she'l go wild n suddenly start fault of mine though..obuvs she was upset abt somthin..i felt sorry 4 her state...n also in-a-way started admirin her.
Our chats where 4 hrs...som times frm mornin 2 evenin...v spoke abt everythin n anythin. 4 mnths later v decided 2 meet at a v'll know place in our was a anxious n tensed moment 4 me, all the while i waited 4 dis time, 2 see a person whom u have been sharing ur personal things, its a very different experience, i was goin 2 meet a girl who, i have been admirin all dis dressed n traveled 25 kms 2 meet her.was there half a hr early n was there almost 4 a hr...waitin 2 c her not turn up. it upset me but then i dint show it on her.
d next day she behaved normal as if nothin happen...neither did i ask her the reasons 4 not showin up..v spoke as usual.
2 of months later v again planned 2 meet...she called me 2 a book stall..n ya she reads a lot...a big fan of ayn rand.... dis time she was there but was scared 2 meet me n cing me approachin ..she ran started her bike(scooter)n rode as fast as she culd
i noticed she was on a black scooter n don't know y my eyes vnt straight on the # plate..i made a note of her vehicle #
N 4 the next 4 times she made me wait 4 hrs . She never came..i used 2 travel all the way from my home 2 dis place n wait 4 a hr n head 2 my office from there, controlling my anger I decided 2 do something, dis was a challenge now 4 me 2 know why she was doing dis?is she scared 2 meet, is she playing with me fooling me?i had 2 do something
I figured out that she always used 2 call me in n around the same area in a radius of 3 kilometers.

Dis made me think..
What made her call me their?
Why only there?
Why only during the morning hrs?
Was she residing some where there?
Was she working somewhere?
N as I was doing dis home work?
I vnt 2 her college?paid Rs.500 2 the office boy 2 get her details she was a 2004 pass out?I was surprised 2 know her name was not listed at all?.now did she lie 2 me?
Then vnt around the whole area the place she said she was residing?n when ever I got time I used 2 take my bike travel all the way 2 dis place?sit in a caf? n see if I could get 2 see her scooter. I did dis almost 4 a month. 