
Message Posts by capaquababy

Hello all!
I've been obsessively reading the Taurus forum thanks to the guy I'm dating and I thank everyone for all the insight. A few bits of advice about the proper care & feeding fo taureans of the male persuasion have really helped me.
-Give them their space and don't freak out; he'll be back if he wants you. And up to a week of radio silence doesn't mean squat.
-Give first to a Taurus and you'll receive even more in return. (I think that's from VenusianBull -- You are wise!) I'm Capricorn with Venus in Capricorn (i.e. pretty reserved) but I'm making sure he knows how I feel and it's always payed off with him becoming a little more relaxed and open and generous with his time/affection. He's even learned how the phone works.
-Require respect. He asks me to do silly things (tying his shoelace, for example -- he said I was closer to the ground, lol) and I can see he gets a kick out of it when I sweetly suggest that he can do it his own fine self. And I'm not shy about my opinions on more weighty topics as well; he always listens and a few times we've respectfully agreed to disagree.
Sorry to take so long to get to the point... but really, thank you to all the regular posters, I'm sure you've been helping a lot of lurkers like me.
So in the forums I've seen it repeated that bulls need to feel secure and know that they are #1 in your affections and attention. I also see it repeated that they like independent women, hate to be smothered and prefer to pursue than be chased.
The question is, where is that balance? Between providing the needed assurance and keeping him just a touch on his toes?
I'm new here so I don't know if you've said in other threads -- but what happened with your Virgo? How would you have changed your approach 18 months ago if you'd known?
Cheers, luck to all!
Thanks Amandus and Kaleidoscorp for the wise counsel! I have a hard time expressing feelings too, I suppose I'll just have to get over it. As I was preparing to write him this morning I got an email from him that was pretty stiff, apologizing for not "handling it well" and basically wishing me well. I'm not sure if I was just dumped. I'm hoping he's still interested but assuming I'm mad and not wanting to show any of his own emotions. I think you're both right, I bet this would have been prevented by communication from my side. I'm replying now with something reassuring and that I hope to see him.
Lesson learned -- the worst communication is no communication!
It's so easy in person. Distance is making things weird!
Thanks again smile