I'm a cap and I actually am running into the same issue with a scorp. She has STOPPED trying to talk to me about those things when all I needed was some TIME to get to know her. Pretty simple. Just be patient.
This Aries is so BORED that she is now *playing* with everyone on this board.
Let the cap man go!
This is what I think you should do:
Tell him what you are telling us, that you think that he wants you as the "package" and not you as someone he truly loves. Just tell him how you feel about him, he will do his best to explain it to you or understand that you don't like the controlling behavior. Just be strait up, you don't have to break his heart, but be honest. Us cap guys like that.
I even tried to take her out for a night on the town last weekend but she declined.
Hey I did try the scorpio forum but I didn't get a lot of responses. I will try with a different title.
Yeah I do expect the worst. ugh. wish I didn't.
I gave her some presents and wrote her nice notes. Not exactly a big woo, but testing the waters. She is definately ignoring me. I asked her if she wanted to talk and that seemed like the anecdote.
well ladies, I tried wooing my scorpio all this week but I had a feeling she was ignoring me. I think she may have given up? I don't know, but we havent spoken in a week.
Oh ms. Lady, I'm in the market for a new phone. Just thought you could tip me off to this invention.
You are brusk. Don't be too forceful with him. compromise.
what phone do you have that says someone read your text?
Just wait on him, he's a dude.
Thank you for letting me know how you feel about the way this cappy is behaving. While sometimes I am aware of it, I realize I am having to constantly check myself, so I don't come off as ignoring or distant.
I did have an ex who thought I was too passionate, so perhaps I am just testing her waters so I don't come on too strong, but that is just me.
Wow this is great. I'm learning so much about you girls.
I agree with you about the respect thing. But I also agree with bittertaurus. There is probably something else going on right now that is taking him away from his current interest.
I can attest to this: Sometimes we don't get it, really.
Would it be too blunt just to ask him whats up and how he feels about the situation? I kind of like that, but thats me. OR
you can just play the aloof card, don't respond to him immediately, and see if he likes it when you play hard to get. That gets me sometimes too.
He probably just realized that he really liked you after the initial stage. Just wait and see what happens this week. and trust me, he won't fall for anyone else in a week or even a month if you decide to wait.
I agree with capangel
If the guy has his venus in sag, that gives him a lighter disposition...so you don't have to worry to much about his moods. But he definately won't want to be too intense in the beginning. Intense after the initial courtship i'm sure. I still say give it some time.
My scorpio had to do this with me. She was really patient and won me over. I sort of think that patience might me the name of the game in most cap/scorp situations.
My scorpio had a bad week/weekend, so she spent the time to herself. So we swich sometimes and she is the aloof one. I did let her know I was going to be there when she needed me to. and I think that is all she needs when she gets in her "moods".
My advice for MsScorp and all the ladies wondering what the hell is going on with the cap; if he is still calling or even responding to not being able to meet up for a date; just be friendly and let him know you are still interested. its not like he is 'intentionally' testing you. He just plays for keeps as well, and doesn't want to get involved with someone who may only be looking at him for his money or time. Us cap guys don't like being used.
Oh, and if you say you are going to do something, than do it. We despise flakey people.
we really aren't that cold. rich, but not cold.
I agree with alcheme. if logic and reason are right...and it is better for you in the long run. Its ok if it hurts to kick people out.
you have to make a lot of moves.
I think that is great GEG it sounds like trying to be friendly is what you both need. Is he a cap?
Yeah, just call him and be yourself.
I hope MsScorpio lets us know what happens/ but if she doesn't that means it going well.
yeah I did say jealous things *head bowed* I won't do that again....just a few times...not harrasment or anything. More as mistakes.
Hahah, yeah i'm going to call my girl soon. But feel free to ask me questions about caps.
He will come around, just let him know you are still there for him in the friend sense, loyalty is important to us, since we are loyal as well. You just sort of have to let us BE sometimes.
you guys are so funny. I contacted her, many times, she started dating someone when we were apart. Then broke up with them after I started contacting her again. But she definately took her time to getting around to me, but I think she was getting over her break up, which I think is healthy and i'm all for it. So I guess she responded to me *after* I apologized for being a selfish jerk...
ok, i'm going to call her and try to get her to spend some *quality* time with me this weekend.
thank you for the kick in the pants GEG...lol
Thank you GEG. I already have ideas floating in my head for this weekend. Now if I could just find out if SHE already has plans for this weekend...hahah.
Uh, yeah, we haven't had sex. I'm afraid of lighting the sheets on fire.
Good idea, I will try posting on the scorpio site, here is some more info.
Well its was going good for a few months...she got frustrated with me being TOO SLOW, decided that I wasn't really interested. I took that as rejection and we stoped talking for a year, then we recently re-aquainted ourselves with each other. She seemed totally not into it, but I worked some magic and now we are spending time together again.
I want to make a move but she seems very shy and timid, like she is more nervous than I am. By the way she has a lot of scorpio in her chart...her venus is in scorpio...there is some cap in her chart too. I sort of think she is afraid of loosing control, so far she has all of it...the control.
I hope MsScorpio is still in the bedroom with mister cap....
we can last for days you know
cap girl has it right on the dot!!! lol...hahaha
Yeah, I'd say my scorpio is going to have a lasting impression on me, perhaps more than she knows...
I'm still here after two years of up and down and up again....my god what has gotten into me....haha
hey greeneyedgem,
I'm 25, and I guess I'm supposed to get less rigid as I age? Isn't that true for all men though?
I'm an odd one..this much I know is true.
I second that krobe03
I'd prefer not to be rejected, and want to avoid that if I can.
whoops, I meant my scorpio girl..not cap girl
Dear Scorpios,
I'm a cap boy courting a scorpio girl. It has been a long process and I made some mistakes with her in the past.
My current advice: Be really patient, its not that he isn't interested, he just is looking for the perfect moment/time....something. Whatever his is I don't know, but when he want to open up to you its going to be for keeps.
When my cap girl and I were having problems this is what she would say: " hey, I think we understand each other better than we think we do"......
I think that is true to an extent.
I'm currently having the same problem with my sweetie, we haven't "gone all the way" per se, but we have been emotionally intimate. I'm interested in pursuing something more with her, but she told me that she would like to have the *freedom* to sleep with other men. She hasn't slept with anyone as far as I know, but we spend time together frequently....but she always cuts it short. Perhaps she isn't ready as I am? Or is she not sure I won't hurt her?