I always wondered if there was a hierachy of attraction for a person to be attracted to another person on a first meeting basis. For example:
Since a woman's Sun and Mars tell what she looks for in a man, which is she more likely develop an attraction to: (a) man with no Sun-Sun relationship but positive Mars-Venus activity in both ways, (b) a man with a Sun square Sun but her Sun is trine his Venus, (c) a man with his Sun semi-sextile her Sun but his Venus is conjunct her Sun, or (d) a man with no Sun-Sun relationship and no Mars-Venus activity but his rising sun makes good aspects to either her Sun or Mars.
What is the purpose of exaltations and detriments and the others? Does that necessarily mean something bad? I mean I have Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio (supposedly both in detriment of each planet). Some books say that their power is weakened, since Mars is ruled by Aries (Libra's opposition) and Venus is ruled by Taurus (Scorpio's opposition).
However, the two signs intermittingly switch planets all the time. If I want something, unlike Libra, I'm aggressive. And, in love, unlike Scorpio, I'm kind of passive and leaning more on "in love with the idea of love", instead of my focus being on the sexual side.
Someone please explain the meanings of detriments and exaltations to me.
I always wondered if there was a hierarchy of attraction in synastry. For example, would a Cancer woman with a Mars in Leo be attracted more to a guy with a Cancer Venus, Leo Venus, Cancer Mars, Leo Mars, Cancer Ascendant, or Leo Ascendant?
I'm using her Mars b/c several astrology sources say that a woman's Mars tells what kind of guy she's attracted to, as well as her Sun. It just vexes me when a woman's Sun and Mars are in different signs and in incompatible elements.
I met a girl. She's 26 and I'm 23. It was unusual how we met. She is like the head of the department at the factory we work, and I'm am only a temporary. However, unlike most people there, whom have kids, are married, and/or older, I'm among the youngest people there and the only one pursuing higher education. She's a Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Gemini Mercury/Virgo Mars/Cancer Venus and I'm a Sagittarius Sun/Gemini Moon/Capricorn Mercury/Libra Mars/Scorpio Venus. Is there any hope any attraction whatsoever or am I just alluding myself (due to a Sun Conjunct Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus)? Is the attraction mutual or is it merely an infatuation?