
Message Posts by cotton candy

i really have the samr issue
pisceans plz tell what do u like? what attracts u in a woman heart? heart not body Tongue
Garfield thanx allllooooot for these tips i really appreciate it smile i hope i get good luck and lick both smile LOL
thanx missmorals
thank u all for your heartbfelt answers. what i meant by make him fall in love with me again ( i meant to try to solve the issue we have not in aggresive way just try to bring the love again ) that what i wanted to say. he is trying to gain my trust so hard but i started to push him away till now i think he gave up and i don want my relationship with cold and meaningless
so he is asking me out i just want to suprise this pisces guy of how much i understand what he need.
so pllllz i need tips on how to suprise him i want romantic gesture coz he is doing alot i just wanna show i saw what u did to gain my trust.
thank u all for your heartbfelt answers. what i meant by make him fall in love with me again ( i meant to try to solve the issue we have not in aggresive way just try to bring the love again ) that what i wanted to say. he is trying to gain my trust so hard but i started to push him away till now i think he gave up and i don want my relationship with cold and meaningless
so he is asking me out i just want to suprise this pisces guy of how much i understand what he need.
so pllllz i need tips on how to suprise him i want romantic gesture coz he is doing alot i just wanna show i saw what u did to gain my trust.
im sag he pisces still struggling but what i learned till now is dont pressure him with our firy emotions and creaziness they r like kinda soft gentle romantic dudes smile
dont nagg alot,create your own space and dont try to invite him in he s going to come when he is ready, try the (from the heart complements) if he did some thing good but not without reason .
hi p-amgel thanx honey
what i meant is that how to capture his heart again ,i realized that there were some mistakes i did in the past in dealing with him ...what im planning is to reconnect again without making myself looking trying too hard. coz he is trying to win my trust again and thets cause us alot of toubles,,,in other words i want him to fall in love with me again ? how to do it ??
hi all
plz i ready i want advice in how to deal with pisces fiance im really thinking of breaking up with him coz i fel like he is not caring and not interested to me < for the records i cought him cheating last year and since that time im feeling sad not happy,, i really want to fall in love with him again ,he is trying but i need to do it by myself ,,u know what i mean ??