
Message Posts by crabby_apples

I'm a female cancer sun capricorn moon. Maybe this isnt good advice for the average person but it's been working for me. Just stop caring. stop giving a feck. remind yourself that no one's opinion only has the power that YOU give it. I personally think this can be hard advice to follow however as it's really about your overall attitude rather than an in the moment thing. Perhaps if there is a specific person who is doing this tell yourself long before you see them again that you have decided to stop caring about what "blank" thinks and that your'e just gonna be yourself and youre gonna do and say exactly what you want regardless of what "blank" has to say about it. That's what i do when i need a reminder that i'm boss and a specific person is trying to get in the way of that.
I've dated one taurus and i dated his for 2 and a half years and as far as i know i wasn't really flirting with a ton of girls while we dated. I DO however know that while we dated he had a bit of a thing for one specific girl but im not too sure how they interacted. But i do know they didnt do anything serious while we were together. It seems Taurus men are generally pretty committed. I always found him very trustworthy. i would recommend dating a taurus fo shoooo.
kinda sounds like a mid twenties man who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.
kinda sounds like a mid twenties who's DESPERATELY trying to settle down and squirt out some kids before his balls shrivel up.
ummm so Cancer sun Capricorn moon here.... yeah.... still dealing with that fact.

So ive kinda been wrestling with the fact that i am Cancer which is ruled by the moon but my fecking moon sign is my EXACT OPPOSITE, Capricorn. Kinda thought i hate it. Now im finding that it just enables me to be more secure because my more RIGID and logical way of deciphering my feelings keeps a lot of people way the hell away from my heart. which is precious and i don't trust anyone to handle it. The downside is that my mind FREQUENTLY gets in the way of my heart which im beginning to discover is a very powerful tool in navigating this world *sigh* well. wish me luck!
I was side chick once and never again. Met this couple and instantly clicked with this girl's bf. Only about a week later did i decide to tell him how i feel (i never normally do that. I REALLY liked this guy). I did not expect him to ask for a kiss which i agreed to but then things went downhill very fast and he sexually assaulted me until i finally said yes to having sex with him. it was easily the worst mistake i had ever made in my life. I don't even really care about the gf much. she was always bitchy with me and when i confessed to the mistake she said it was all my fault that it had even happened and continued to date this guy. I guess they deserve each other.