
Message Posts by geminiflyby

I had the best dream of my favorite cat as well! I know I posted it awhile back in comments but I can't find it now. In the dream, my brother had been looking after her while I was away and I wasn't happy about the job he did. I took her from his arms and started brushing out her coat. The dream was so real, I could feel the weight of her, and feel her fur while I was brushing it. I woke up so happy I got to spend time with her again.
Aaaaand here we are again! 🤣
"Most of you here with your pseudo-intellectual and philosophical bullshit, acting all inflamed because of a harmless joke about a cat you never knew…" - but it's not about a cat we never knew. It's about someone who is feeling grief. Maybe she's not up to hearing about a "cat sandwich" right now.

I love completely and grieve completely. I have zero middle ground. I hate that about myself but I also love it. The pets in my life I've wept over more than people. Because of course they are beings of true love and acceptance - their love is not defined by whether we open a can of food for them or not. Certainly that's part of the bond we have with them, but that's not completely it. And that's not a point I choose to debate with anyone. You either believe it or you don't. One side will never convince the other.

And I 100% believe they wait on the other side. 100% . I have seen it with a dying family friend who saw his dogs while he was passing. Whatever your individual belief based on your own culture, ideals, religion, dreams, what have you - that's yours. This is mine. I know that there is love all around us like the air we breathe on the other side. I can't even describe it. And if animals were a part of that, then they still are. That's MY near death experience.
If I was close enough to the window, I would have shut it. If I opened it, I should shut it. That's just me. But, if as you say you were already out of your seat and half out of the bus, I'da pretended I didn't hear him and just go on my way. No eye contact. That's why earbuds are nice.
5 years……? 😱
Posted by xyzabc
Pluto/Mars and the Sun
IDK???? 🤷‍♀️
Here’s you! Very interesting.
Virgo is the new Cancer.
Posted by whateverthemoonsays
this thread never gets old...
Yeah, it kinda does. 🥱
Posted by borednbeautiful
Using sex to get emotions and vice versa.
Guilty! 🙋🏻‍♀️
Also eating crackers in bed. 🙄
Haha! I stay too damn long thinking they will change.
I’ll tell you though. You’re doing too much. I was with a Gem “partner” for like 2 years of this shit. It was the perfect relationship for him. I gave. He took. Wise up, Taurus you got a lazy ass Gem on the receiving end of your care. At some point you’ll get sick of it and leave.
He’ll tell you how he’s not interested and not a typical Gemini and doesn’t believe in astrology while missing the irony that he has an answer to everything. 🤣
All Americans are thoroughly confused by this question. 🤣
You’re not my husband 🤣
This ⬆️
Her chart looks pretty tragic imo. No earth. Not sure where her Merc is, that might be good to know. But that Gem Mars? ugh! Good luck with that. And the way she is acting for her age is very, very immature. She lacks confidence and clarity about herself. Very defensive and quick to image bad intent in someone else. I'm stressed out just reading about her! Here's how I see this unfolding - you are going to be with an unpredictable and emotionally clingy partner if you keep going. I don't see this ending well.
"She giggled a little, and then an hour or so late she says that hurt her feelings and it felt like an attack. ??? I reassure her it's just teasing, nobody is out to get you."

Oh HELL no! This is just the tip of the iceberg. Get out now while you can. Maybe smash first. Then go!
Confusion? Haha! You're dealing with a Gemini.
@BadderBunny is right. This is Gem sun coming out to play, not Cancer moon. I should know because those are my placements.

Yeah, she’s playing games, testing you, testing the boundaries. It’s what we do! 🤷🏻‍♀️ And fire Venus again like me but me but mine’s in Aries. She’s not shy! Haha! My Aries Venus makes me love the chase. Someone too available? ( yawns)

Don’t give in to her shit. Back off when she’s being an idiot or inappropriate. She’ll either fall in line (if she likes you) or leave to find someone else to torture. That’s Cancer moon. They are incapable of leaving someone they want to be with.
So where are all the guesses? Chop, chop @cersei
@SassyKiwi Just booked my flight to Rome. Only going to be gone for 2 weeks. My friend’s wedding is in buttfuck nowhere Italy. Almost exactly between Rome and Naples. So I’ll start in Rome and end in Naples. That will be close to Herculaneum and Pompeii. I know there is so much to see but I’m going to enjoy it and try to relax and not make myself crazy(er). 🙃
No way @MyStarsShine is wanting to get back with Virgo! 🤣 Really wondering how you stayed long enough to have the child. Do you think his habits have gotten more extreme over the years?
I don’t like to dwell on my failures. I try to learn and move on. Going over the woulda, coulda, shoulda will never change what happened.
You got your "closure" when you were standing outside his door. Whatever he says now, has no bearing on that moment. You want to go back to fantasy-land where everyone lives happily ever after. Not happening, chica.

But why do I have this feeling that you're going to ignore all of this advice and do what you want.....? Hmmm....I wonder.
I hope you have the sense not to go back.
My Cap g/f loves to travel and we’ve had a lot of adventures together. She has every detail planned out, I throw some gear in a bag and figure out what I want to do when I get there. 🤣 I make her more spontaneous and she makes me more prepared.

You go everywhere! Would never think that to be a Cap thing.
Bora Bora is definitely on my bucket list! I love to travel and need to break my workaholic tendencies and do more of it. Costa Rica was 🔥. Plans for Italy in August.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by geminiflyby
Compromise and settling will be a slow death of the spirit. It also means your happiness is dependent on another. That’s not a workable dynamic.

I think compromise to some extent is inevitable in relationships but settling is a big mistake as it can lead to regret.
click to expand
Yes, of course there is that with every rship. But I meant more compromising your own values in what you're willing to accept in another person.
Posted by ATGR
How can the future be boring? You don’t know what it’ll bring.
Right? I feel like life is unpredictable and constantly surprising. 🙃
Compromise and settling will be a slow death of the spirit. It also means your happiness is dependent on another. That’s not a workable dynamic.
Oh, they ARE broken! 🤣
@ATGR dude, pay attention
Going back to the Libra was what did it for me. I know you explained why but it defied all logic and cost you a relationship worth having. I just hope you won't make those mistakes again.
Whew! hahaha! I never know with you!!
@xyzabc - are you joking? Because if you truly believe that it's terrifying.
Line by fucking line. I'm a fast gemini reader.

Some paragraph breaks would've been welcome though!