
Message Posts by gizela

He seems to not live alone...
after ending one relationship goind to next(or...looking for woman having one girlfirend-not fair)

I ended this relationship because he did not treat me well..

Now I know that he met her new girfriend(she is living from him 120km , has few year child and has a husband but there is now "divorce" time)

They met ech other on 18th of November 2016 (I think about 10 a.m in Gorzow Wielkopolski Poland)

I do not know her data.

For me from his side this relationship is probably for fun, sex etc.
When will this end? Winking
His chart:
ok thanks
I do not understand Donna? I want to go here relax psychically , do some trainings and work remotelyWinking
I had a a lot of problems last months ans stiil crying because of some people so now I want to go for 2 months to cyprus(or change my flight to Mallorca

I bought ticket:

2nd of Janyary 2016-28th of February

Will be good wather (not a lot of raining) at this time, or better to change for Mallorca
(I prepare for triathlon - for me tempareture 15 degrees is fine but what about HARD raining) and will I be satisfied?

If not I think about changing flight to Malaga or Mallorca.
I do not know which type of chart should I give

I borned:18.03.1984 Gniezno (POL) ,8:45