Crab princess you have a point there he put I'm an incredible woman and that I deserve someone better than me so I texted him back: I will respect your decision of not wanting a relationship because your not ready and I will not force myself upon you that way but I hope that you and I can meet up later down the line when you are more secure in yourself because if anything As Winnie the Pooh quotes "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think" and more important than you realize till next time.. Because there will be a next time.
Clueless cancer: I'm a pisces woman and I fit it to the T thus our chemistry was beautiful and came natrual but it hurts me knowing he doesn't think he's good enough cause he is but I don't know if I should just leave him alone or reply and tell him how I think he is amazing
I feel as though despite me being a wonderful lover I always end up getting hurt, do you agree we pisces women most of the time are the ones left with a broken heart
Clueless cancer I did but I regretted it and now it hurts knowing he doesn't feel like he's good enough cause he's more than enough
Cancer man and I were dating exclusively but due to his hectic work schedule we never had time for one another thus I broke it off well I ended up texting him I miss him which he replied we had great memories have you found any guys yet? And I told him no one compares to you and he replied to be honest Im not looking for a relationship and you deserve so much more...I don't know how to reply to that
WOW this thread by far has become the most informative on cancer men dilemmas as well as helped me immensely I can not convey enough how each one of your personal expierences has proven to me I'm not the only one going through this confusion of a cancer man inner struggle of being able to open up now I think for most of our behalfs we are all being patient and thus I sincerely hope we all will eventually find what's worth it. If any of you could possibly give me a little insight on mines because just recently I told my cancer man that he needs a break to figure things out and that I'm willing to give that to him but don't be away too long where I forget your smile in which he responded you truly are remarkable thank you for understanding thus did I do a good job?
Lovesick Cancer we need to but I sent him a text saying that I'm going to give him space cause that's what he needs but if I don't get a respected correspondence it's not worth it anymore and to not take it as pressure just that I want him to have ease in his life
There is oh there is! And he said he still wants to be in my life like he asked to see a movie later down the line but i don't know how to respond
Well I only texted him the break up simple cause I don't know when I'd see him next and it hurt hoping I'd see him but literal weeks passed by so I just had to he did reply to my message and said "haha you are an amazing girl!!" I want to so bad reply with sass and be like "tell me something I don't know" but I think the best thing is just to do me and if by chance he does want me back I need to have his actions back it up
I sent it to him and that was that, knowing him he won't respond but it feels good I just was so sad by the fact he asked to be friends and can I get tips to move on
So in a nutshell everything we had was perfect the chemistry but he just didn't put in enough effort to see me thus I couldn't take it anymore I sent him a text saying I'm basically done and he texted me back almost immediately mind you he never texts me back "I wish we would have done this in person but can we please remain friends" I have yet to reply but I want to text him back this "As much as I would of preferred to have a face to face talk I resorted to this simple because I don't know when I'll see you next which was the only major problem. As for the friendship I honestly don't think it's the best route to take at the moment, as for the time sake I'm going to keep doing what I do best and that's being the amazing person I am. Don't miss me too much. " should I send that or not even worth it and ignoring it?
So in a nutshell everything we had was perfect the chemistry but he just didn't put in enough effort to see me thus I couldn't take it anymore I sent him a text saying I'm basically done and he texted me back almost immediately mind you he never texts me back "I wish we would have done this in person but can we please remain friends" I have yet to reply but I want to text him back this "As much as I would of preferred to have a face to face talk I resorted to this simple because I don't know when I'll see you next which was the only major problem. As for the friendship I honestly don't think it's the best route to take at the moment, as for the time sake I'm going to keep doing what I do best and that's being the amazing person I am. Don't miss me too much. " should I send that or not even worth it and ignoring it?
first and foremost I just want to say I appreciate all your responses. I am really new to this. they mean a lot even the harsher ones despite it being a tad too brutal but as they say the truth is brutal.
so here's the latest update:
we spoke on the phone last night and he apologized for being so distant he has been overwhelmed with work and I told him I understand from than on we just hung up but unfortunately I didn't bring up the next time to hang thus my question is should I wait till he intiates to hang out? and than bring up how our relationship is evolving?
& p.s. we did have sex without any secure foundation and at that time I hadn't realized the tolls of it since it really did feel like genuine passion
what does the retrograde do to cancers?
i sure hope he isn't done I truly did develop a liking to him
i'm going to just be patient. but how long is too long to be?just in your perspective
.We have been dating for 4 months (not official)
.I went on vacation and when I came back he just did a 180. I know there is no such thing as perfect but it sure felt like it
.his birthday is July 19th and my Birthday is Feb. 28th (pisces)
Well basically out of no where he jus dissappered
and it has been 2 weeks since I last saw him
during this time he would text me but not once initiate to see me
So I made a rather impulsive decision and texted him this last night:
For the past two weeks I have not seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship because if you are not willing to put in the effort than I see no point in us carrying on and if you feel this isn't going to work out than i much rather you just end it so i can move forward
he has not replied to it.
thus is this his way of saying goodbye without even having the common courtesy to respond
his birthday is July 19th
jynja I'm sorry I am very new to this
backstory: we have been seeing each other (not official) for about 4 months
In the beginning things were I know nothing is perfect but it sure felt like it than he did the famous cancer man dissappering act but surely we communicated and things were back on track and better than ever and than I went on vacation came back and he dissappered yet again and idk this time it felt different since he wasn't up to par to hang out thus I sent him that message which he has yet to reply to i'm not sure if that is his way of saying goodbye so it hurts cause I just need clarification for closesure purposes
I don't know my natal chart but my birthday is Feb. 28th as for him his birthday is July 19th
First and foremost I havent seen him once since my trip which was two weeks ago and he only contacted me to say whats up but never once asked me to hang and was acting strange like he became distant and not attentive which is such a 180 because prior to my trip he was acting lovey dovey and it felt PERFECT
I decided to ask him to hang out but he never responded
So I got really sad I'm a sensitive soul and couldnt take the distance anymore
I decided to text him this last night:
For the past two weeks since my vacation i haven't seen you once and honestly it would be nice to know your perception on this relationship if you are not going to put any effort than i dont see us continuing on and if you feel you dont want to be together than i much rather you end it so i can move forward
he hasnt replied yet and its been a day
is it over?