
Message Posts by infatuation

intellectualbrat: you are so right!
^_^ lol!
my libra crush has dimples when he smiles, and he's so cute!!
i actually thought he was cute the moment i first saw him in school and i didn't have a crush on him yet. then we became friends and i fell for him hard.
wow. jennie-lynne, i act just like you!
sometimes i walk by their classroom and i say hi if i see him and he sometimes comes out and we talk about, say, the weather. or his interests. or coming contests...then the next day he walks past me and i don't acknowledge his presence!
but then he's confusing me too. he sometimes sees me in the hallway and smiles from a long way off, and then we won't make eye contact when we're near each other. and so i'm confused. i get the role of confuser, and then become the confused, and back again. T_T
lol first time i took it i got libra.
second time i got aquarius.
third, gemini.
i have multiple sides, and idk which one is the side i usually display. people notice that, too. sometimes i'm sweet and the next moment i'm cold...i might be reserved one moment and bubbly some other times...but i enjoy it!
been away for a while. i've been on a trip and no contact with him, because he won't text me. it's because we have different 'cause my cellphone sim card is from _____ and his is from Smart Communications. and since he always uses Smart's unlimited load promo which Smart ends either when the number of hours for which you registered your phone to the promo is finished already (or simply, when the promo has expired) or when you text someone from another network, he won't text me at all. and so i'm considering getting an old phone and buying a Smart sim card. i'm pretty sure he'll text then. along with a great number of schoolmates who also have Smart sims.
we talk sometimes in school, but it never lasts very long. i'm also considering knowing about his interests so if we do talk it will be much longer. also i'm trying to train my mind to become more mentally active than before. there is a big risk that my heart will be broken anyway, and if it must be broken i'd rather be left heartbroken but better than before mentally, physically, emotionally. yeah; i'm using him as my inspiration and motivation
ok, so i like this libra guy, and we're friends. i just want to know...what do libras like in a girl? how can i talk to him more? can i get him to like me, even while he likes another girl who's almost perfect in his eyes?? thanks
PS i've posted this in the gemini section, too, and they think that i should post this here.
the guy likes the girl but it's not like they're seeing each other. she's not paying attention to him, actually. so don't think i'm trying to steal him from anyone, please!
do librans like smart people? gemini's style is to attract, huh?
how do you attract a libra guy, aside from flattering him??
i haven't done anything that makes me look like i'm chasing him...thank goodness! anyway, do i have a better chance at getting him if i'm smart?
thanks to everyone who posted!
for those who say i should just give up, well...he's not the kind you'd want to give up on. and it will just break my heart if i don't try at the least. thanks anyway!
(and it's not an ego thing. i have enough ego for now, and i'm not increasing it because my head will blow up to the size of i-don't-know-what.)
i would've liked it better if he didn't like her...but she won't care if i did got him to like me; she's not paying much attention to him, really.
and to 22Diddy02, thanks, too! i do need a bit of encouragement.
i'm going to post this in the libra section too, if it's okay.
i like pop and rock, and rock n' roll, and classical; anything that transports me to a different place when i hear it. my iPod is my best friend. i can't live without music.
i can't stand it. spent so many hours being depressed and all...
wow...i totally understand you. we just have too many personalities and the right personality isn't always what we have for some situations...wrong personality for the wrong time and wrong place...
i have too many personalities that i don't know how to describe my attitude, really.
ok, so i like this libra guy, and we're friends. i just want to know...what do libras like in a girl? how can i talk to him more? can i get him to like me, even while he likes another girl who's almost perfect in his eyes?? thanks