I have decided to move on. It's hard after so long but I think I am in love with the illusion that I have in my own head of who he can be...
That illusion is no longer working for me. Meeting people around here is hard. Most have some sort of addiction. Alcohol, pills, drugs, something. I'm not a bar goer either.
I didn't leave him. I went over every night after work a ten hour day and then going to feed my grandparents and getting them to bed safely. I still managed to get over there afterwards. He is ALWAYS drunk. I did everything possible to be there for him with the exception of forgoing my own family.
I have made my decision. I have been his emotional punching bag for long enough. I don't deserve that.
But I didn't. I got evicted after 11 years. I had no choice but to move. Believe me, moving was very hard on me and my family bc where we lived was like family.
I have been with my aries guy just short if 4 years now. Again, we are back to him ignoring me. His best friend was recently injured and is now fighting for his life. I'm text him only twice a day to check for any changes. Nothing more. I'm trying not to get in his way but the ignoring has been ever since I moved and no longer his neighbor back in March I haven't seen or heard much from him. I went over the day after the accident and he broke down in my arms. Cried for hours. Wanted me to stay but I have to take medication every night. He was drunk and passed out so I went on and left. When I ask about his friend or anything else I get one word answers.
I have supported this man emotionally when others wouldn't.
I just don't understand bc during my move I had to stay with him a little more than 3 weeks. He was so loving and I made him want to be a better man, he loved me with all of his heart, just alot of things that I know were hard for him to admit to. I am the longest relationship he has ever had. All the others were a few weeks at most.
Now that I'm no longer a neighbor he doesn't seem to be interested anymore....
I need aries advice. Do I hold on or just let go?
Yes, I live here. Been here for 10 years. Own my place. Have kids still in the same since kindergarten. Not trying to uproot them. He on the other hand, rents a place three doors down, no kids, and lives with his sister and other roommates.
Not screaming for attention. Don't need that to justify myself. Perfectly happy with myself.
I've been a single mother for 17 years now. I own my shit, pay my bills, not on the system and hold a great job as well as a part time Job. I've raised 3 kids, one in college for radiology, one in military, and the third a senior in high school with several scholarships . I don't need a man. I can do this on my own just fine!
I have been pretty much done with him since mid august. At first I tried to be nice but it didn't work. Still verbally abused. I'm done, yet he still tries.
For almost two years I tried. I finally got tired of trying. I started to realize that with every break up and reunite the outcome would always be the same as the last. Hell, I even could pun point the time frame and how it would happen. I began to notice it coming before it happened just by his actions. Oh, and if his sister's relationship was on the rocks or not.
That was also a big factor.
Anyway, I don't contact him, but he continues to contact me. I ignore his attempts. I have to listen to their nasty comments from down the road everytime they are out in the yard "hanging out". GETTING DRUNK.
The drinker the louder....
I've complained, called the cops, whatever.
I don't know if other caps are the same as myself. I give chance after chance until I've completely worn myself down and then suddenly I'm done. It's happened in all of my past relationships rather it be family, friends, or lover.
A drunk doesn't do it for me, especially a miserable one. His sister is the miserable one 99% of the time but our on again off again relationship isn't worth the effort of dealing with her or anything else for that matter.
Can't get restraining order until an act of violence or a threat has been documented. Changing my number is out of the question bc it's easy and my grandparents know it. I'm their care giver. Can't block messages.
Anyone wanna offer a suggestion on this?
Just want to be left alone
For the most part I seem to get a good bit of attention from aries men over any other astrological sign. Come to think about it, a lot of my friends are aries as well.
I'm 41 years old and never really loved anyone that I've had intimate relations with until my most recent and he was aries.
Rocky to say the least. Almost two years of breaking up every 9 to 12 weeks and I'm pretty much done. To see or hear from him doesn't really bother me any more, but he still seems to try to come around.
I give him almost two years of my time and self and now I'm just tired. This is how I am. I will try for so long and then suddenly wake up one day and I'm done. If things are typically good then I don't just change my mind over night, but when they are constantly back and forth I get tired of it.
I have no interest in Arian men any longer.
Are all cappy ' s out there like myself?
I just don't get it. It's been a few weeks since having to call the police on him. No contact until today. I got a text from him.
Apologizing and asking if we could at least talk. I didn't respond. He sounds lost and helpless but I don't care to get back into a revolving door situation again with him or anyone else.
Yes, I still think about the good times that we had, but I'm not one to dwell on the bad in any relationship. Regardless of our good times, they still revolved around his alcohol and it's just not worth getting back into again. The holidays are coming and I'm sure that is weighing on him. The past two years he has had me around. Being his only real girlfriend ever it was all new to him. His sister doesn't like me, so why would I even want to spend a special time that my family enjoys with miserable people like her? No, I don't tell him that bc all that would do is cause more undue drama.
I swear that everything I've ever read in the past when I was trying to get answers as to why he was being like he was, and trying to understand him, said that once Aries are done that is it, you can't change it. He told me he was done for the last time. This time I didn't run back, I let him go. I didn't take him to something that we had planned together. I left without him. I have done my own thing, driving right past him without a hard or sad feeling. So, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is why is he still contacting me if when an Aries is done they are done.?
When I tried for the past two years he wasn't interested, breaking up every 9 to 12 weeks. Now I'm done trying and he is all of the sudden interested...
It is a pattern. One I'm trying to break. It has been quiet the past week and a half. Thank God.
I think he realized that I was letting go and decided that couldn't happen. Trying to unsuccessfully stop it.
I can't just move. I would love to but I own my place and can't afford to move. They don't seem to stay in one place long judging by what I've heard in conversations of the past. Hoping their stay soon comes to an end and the whole miserable crowd leaves.
Well, he had me for a long time. I begged for his attention most of the time. I'm done, so why start now?
I have no feeling for him anymore. Just nothing. Pity maybe.
He needs to take the hint. None of my friends really even talk to him much anymore behind all of this, but he will still bring his drunk behind over.
It's kinda sad
Thank you all for the insight. It's been a long road but finally a peaceful weekend.
I live in an older trailer. They are east to get into.
I'm hoping that he will stay away now.
Time will tell Me and my ex went on for two years breaking up every 9 to 12 weeks bc he "wasn't into me anymore". Whatever, it gets old after a while and very exhausting. Let him go. He isn't worth it.
I'm slowly moving on. Now suddenly mine is trying. For me, it's too much too late.
Best of luck bc it's an emotional rollercoaster until you decide to get off.
Unfortunately I had to call tonight. Upon getting put of the shower he was in my bed. I'm heartbroken that it has gone this far.
When I wanted him he didn't, now that I don't he does. I told him several times that once I made up my mind to let go it was not likely that I would go back.
I hate that it's come to this type of thing.
I'm saddened not only for he and I but also my two kids having to be in the middle. Now he is pushing the side if his truck and yelling out why do I not want him anymore and what gas he done.
We are packing clothes for work and school tomorrow and leaving the house in hopes that he will be with his other drinking buddies for the weekend and not around here....
Bc restraining orders are NOT that easy to get around here. You have to have three or more incident reports of physical violence before they issue a restraining order.
Not weak at all but would like to sit in my OWN yard without his being around
Yes my kids know. They hate it bc they love him. He isn't their father but they love him. They want it to be over as much as I do and they are alot of the reason I finally let go. They told me that they were tired of watching him flip on a dime at me.
He knows I'm not interested. There is no more hesitation. I'm very clear. I have even gotten a little hateful. After working 10 hours with children I'm exhausted when I come home. Not in the mood to deal with him. All I want to do is sit outside, enjoy the fall weather and relax.
I don't even talk to him but I'll talk to everyone else.
My blessing in disguise was that my oldest graduated bootcamp in aug and my ex decided he needed to do his typical ignoring act on me then flipping out being verbally abusive about two weeks before graduation. I was so involved in my son's crucible, graduation, and trying to raise money to get to graduation that I had very little time to pine over the ex. He thought he was going to go with us, even sitting outside waiting on me when my family and I drove right past him, leaving him in his yard. That was when I knew I was done. Not a tear shed then or now.
No, I'm a single mother with two kids. I've been here for ten years. I own, they rent. He has no responsibility, no kids, just being a roommate. I shouldn't have to uproot my family bc he can't respect the fact that I have finally quit playing his game and moving on.
So, I haven't been on here in a while. Sort of hoping the problem would resolve itself. No such luck.
Apparently, my ex cannot get a job bc if a drug charge 8 years ago. Oh well. He isn't doing anything to help the situation out, still drinks every night until he is falling down drunk.
I wish he would move. He lives too close. It's to easy for him. Every night I come home he is sitting at my picnic table with my neighbors. Beer in my cooler. Like nothing has changed. I've gotten to the point that I won't sit at the table for too long anymore.
I don't respond to his texts, asked him to stay away and even threatened him when he prayed my door open and came in. I was asleep only to wake with him standing over me. I can't see without my glasses so naturally I pulled my pistol.
I don't know how or what else to do. I'm moving on. Not with someone else but just with myself. I don't even look at him the same. Lastnight my family had dinner with my neighbors. He showed up. Sat on the couch next to me and laid in my lap. Grabbed my hand and tried to get me to rub his head. One of the things I used to do. He loved it.
I pulled my hand away and got up. He text all night. I didn't respond and cut my phone off.
I'm so confused. I just don't get it or him. He tells me he doesn't love me only my kids, stays away for 7 to 10 weeks and then starts this crap again. I used to jump at his advances, but now I'm no longer interested.
What can I do? I thought that once aries are done, that's it no matter what. This past weekend would have been two years. He text me on that date saying happy knowing me for two years and it is one of the best things that ever happened. While it saddened me, I didn't respond to that either. Am I stuck with this until he finds someone else to occupy his time? He doesn't date. I'm his longest ever relationship. What do I do? I can't get away from him. He lives three doors down and if he is home and not at his best friends house he is down here at my table.
Please help.
Yes, yes, yes. Mine would run about every 9 to 12 weeks everytime we would get back together. Breakups were pretty clean and pretty silent. Then suddenly they became mean and nasty breakups. After the third bad one I have decided to try to accept and move forward. Not with another, just not running back begging for another chance anymore.
He won't leave me alone now that I have been trying to cut communication. I've done well but his harassment is relentless now. I've always heard Aries don't like to be chased so when I decided to finally let go I thought it would be a clean release...
I'm doing what I can to cut it off. I stopped responding to his messages last week. No response at all to their messages this weekend.
They are beginning to make me really dislike him. I wish they would go on and move. Been hearing that one forever.
Their roommate told me that they had been drinking most of the day. The sister went to the store and bought liquor. My ex cannot do liquor. On top of the alcohol the roommate said that the sister kept telling my ex that I was seeing someone else bc she had seen me. He sees me home every nite. I mean he lives three doors down. She had been telling him that I'm no good for him and that I'll never make him happy. Telling him that I don't like her and how could he be with someone who doesn't like his own family. Just causing him to get more and more angry.
I don't hate her nor do I hate anyone. I choose NOT to be around her bc she makes the atmosphere a drain. There have been times that she has come down here and our happy atmosphere turns immediately sour. It's weird.
When she is with her bf and not staying at their house my ex and I are fine. Even when we were together we were fine. But if her and her bf are fighting (which they are now) and she comes home he becomes mean towards me.
I have finally accepted that he only loves my kids. I have accepted that he isn't going to control his sister so therefore I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm trying to move forward now. FINALLY! I almost fell back in, and then I remembered this kinda stuff.
I remember the day he told me he loved me, and I also remember all the times during our breakups that he told me he didn't.
This saddens me to think that things are ending so harshly and to feel that it's making me really dislike them.
I just want to move on peacefully.
Ok. So, I posted asking about how much longer. Now, this weekend I decided to hang out with some friends at my house. Mixture of men and women. All having a good time, minding our own business. One of my neighbors comes down to join. He is my ex ' s roommate. He informs us that it pissed them off to hear us laughing and having a good time.
I just ignored it. I have lived in this neighborhood for 10 years. We have always had a great time over here. People always coming by. It's just a happy positive place over here.
That being said, I start getting these messages from both my ex and his miserable sister. I never responded to any. Mean nasty messages. Calling me names etc.
Next thing I know they are yelling things down the street.
I'm so tired of this.
He told me he didn't love me and was only with me bc he loves my kids. I'm tired of hearing it. While the drama of this weekend hurts me deeply, I do not understand why they won't leave me alone.
I also found out through the neighbor that my ex ' s sister and her bf broke up. No wonder. Misery loves company!
Please just leave me alone. Stay in your misery but leave me alone. I have now blocked both numbers.
My neighbor also informs us that he was asked by them where his "allegiance" stood. Really? Get over yourself! Just bc she has had problems with my other neighbor none of her friends or family are allowed to socialize.
Grow up, we aren't in middle school. This isn't a rivalry, it's only hers, we aren't at war. Get over it!
Ok. So, I posted asking about how much longer. Now, this weekend I decided to hang out with some friends at my house. Mixture of men and women. All having a good time, minding our own business. One of my neighbors comes down to join. He is my ex ' s roommate. He informs us that it pissed them off to hear us laughing and having a good time.
I just ignored it. I have lived in this neighborhood for 10 years. We have always had a great time over here. People always coming by. It's just a happy positive place over here.
That being said, I start getting these messages from both my ex and his miserable sister. I never responded to any. Mean nasty messages. Calling me names etc.
Next thing I know they are yelling things down the street.
I'm so tired of this.
He told me he didn't love me and was only with me bc he loves my kids. I'm tired of hearing it. While the drama of this weekend hurts me deeply, I do not understand why they won't leave me alone.
I also found out through the neighbor that my ex ' s sister and her bf broke up. No wonder. Misery loves company!
Please just leave me alone. Stay in your misery but leave me alone. I have now blocked both numbers.
My neighbor also informs us that he was asked by them where his "allegiance" stood. Really? Get over yourself! Just bc she has had problems with my other neighbor none of her friends or family are allowed to socialize.
Grow up, we aren't in middle school. This isn't a rivalry, it's only hers, we aren't at war. Get over it!
Yes, we had almost two years. Most of it was good until he decides otherwise. It was constant back and forth. When we were good we were great for weeks. Then suddenly he ignores me again. I'd try to find out why and he would tell me he didn't live me and just there bc of my kids.
I deserve better and so do my kids.
I don't want to go back again. I don't want to do it again. It's not going to be any different next time.
He still keeps texting me. Tonight I am having a get together for my son who will go to military combat training. He has been home 14 days now and all of the sudden he and his best friend want to come see him. My god, this man lives three houses down from us. My boy tried to go over there but no one answered.
I have been doing very good emotionally until now. With all of these texts and now wanting to come see my son I'm starting to slip.
I know exactly what I need to do and have been trying. Stopped responding to his texts. But I'm slipping.
This feeling is the reason I stayed single for 5 years before this man......
I don't entertain us seeing each other. His texts end up with that question. I quit responding two days ago. He is still texting.
I haven't responded to anything today or yesterday. He is still texting. In fact a good night text about ten minutes ago.
If it weren't for the fact that I've had the same number almost ten years and it's the only one my grandparents know by heart I would definitely change it
How much longer is it going to take for my aries ex to stop contacting me?
He should be well aware that I'm not going to sleep with him any longer. I have made that very clear bc I don't entertain his thoughts or questions regarding that. I just stop texting.
The past few times he has texted he hasn't asked, finally!
I'm done. Almost two years of back and forth. One minute he loves me then good Ole sister comes around and he becomes mean and hateful, can't trust me, doesn't love me, says he only sticks around bc he loves my kids, blah, blah, blah...
I'm done with it..
I do love him but I'm not willing to go through this any longer.
I'm not hateful so I cannot be mean spirited. I will text as a general conversation, but not entertain anything regarding sex or relationship.
How much longer before he finally let's go?
I am the only person he has EVER had a relationship longer than a few weeks. We do; however, break up every 9 to 12 weeks. The difference with us vs his other FRIENDS is we somehow kept getting back together.
I wasn't willing to let us go that easy and kept running back. He always came back.
Now, I'm just over it. I don't want to live a life of watching him getting drunk every night, walk on egg shells around his sister bc according to her everyone is out to get her, etc....
HOW MUCH LONGER? I thought that when aries were done that's it.....
I think I have a problem. I continue to go back into a relationship that I know is going nowhere.
I stayed single for 5 years up until the past two. On and off I have dated this one guy. It never lasts. 9 to 12 weeks together and he hides. I keep going back. I don't understand myself. Anyone else with this annoying problem?
I am curious. Curious as to why he is interested.
It does give me an odd feeling. Needless to say, he has been deleted now and can't see anything I'm doing unless he looks down the road
So, my kids put me on snap chat. I'm new at it and don't really know the ins and outs of it yet.
About a month ago my aries and I split up again. This time I don't want to go back. He has become verbally abusive and I'm afraid if I let it go then it will end up becoming physical.
We have a mutual friend that comes and hangs out with me and the neighbors. He informed me that my ex watches my stories on snap chat.
I had forgotten he was even on there and didn't know how to delete him until the other night. He is no longer on my snap, but my question is, why is he even watching them?
He told me he didn't want anything else to do with me, so why keep up with me?
I've deleted him on Facebook and now snap chat.
I can tell you from experience. If you allow this man to do and treat you this way, forgive and forget, it will keep happening. Only getting worse. I just ended a relationship with my aries over his mouth. Three times and he is put. It will not get any better as long as you keep brushing it under the rug...
Forgive and forget, relive and regret....
I can tell you from experience. If you allow this man to do and treat you this way, forgive and forget, it will keep happening. Only getting worse. I just ended a relationship with my aries over his mouth. Three times and he is put. It will not get any better as long as you keep brushing it under the rug...
Forgive and forget, relive and regret....
Ok. I think my message is being misunderstood. I WANT him to leave me alone.
I want to move on. I just don't want to have to hear his childish name calling and stuff. Especially when I do start dating again.
Problem is that he is constantly saying mean things. Just hateful. His while family is miserably hateful. I want to live without having to deal with any of their crap.
How am I supposed to do that? I don't want to make him jealous or want me back. I just want to move on... I WILL date again regardless of his living three doors down and always being in his yard getting wasted
Bc he likes to party. I'm his first gf ever that was longer than three or 4 weeks.
Even if he hadn't broke it off I was well on my way to it.
He left me. I'm just tired and don't really care to go back again.
No sex here. Not gonna happen.
Not now
My aries ex is making me crazy. He has become extremely verbally abusive. I finally had enough of it and this time I fired right back. I am tired of allowing him to do this to me so I finally stuck up for myself.
Lastnight me and my next door neighbors were all hanging outside, grilling, laughing, having some drinks and our "typical" fun.
He lives a few doors down. We are just minding our business and next thing we know his best friend is standing there asking me if it's ok for him to come hang out with us. I looked at him and said it's a free world but this is my yard and if you guys have been drinking liquor as well as beer then no. He needed to stay down at his house.
Few minutes later they come down. I just ignored him for the most part. He kept whispering to his buddy. I heard him say "I don't want to be back with the stupid bitch" I almost told him to just shut up and leave, but I didnt. I took the high road and ignored him. It just wasn't worth the fight or ruining my good time.
This time I am actually considering started to date again. Not him but move on. Not immediately, but in time. I still need to heal. Two years of break ups and this is the first time I've considered dating.
Why would he send his friend to ask permission? Why would he want to be around me?
How is he going to react when I start dating again?
basically I am just trying to find out what I'm up against....
We actually had a great relationship until his sister would get on one of her drunks and become angry at everything. Then we would have problems. All of my friends loved us together. His family didnt,but then again i was his only ling term gf, EVER
Dealing with her always drained my energy. I love life and live tobe happy, but i noticed that wbem she was around i always had this worn out draining feeling.
Im not even sure why i care except that i love him and its a love that ive never experienced. Im in my 40s, so i have had my experiences...
My aries ex refuses to speak or deal with me. About 6 weeks ago his sister and her bf came over, already drinking by ten am. As im asking my neighbor to do the tune up on my car i offer him 60 dollars to do it. Suddenly my exs sisters bf offers to do it. I never told him he could.
Next thing i know her comes my exes sister, getting in my face and pushing up on me, bc she thinks i asked her bf to do my car, getting in between my ex and i.
My ex and i werent even arguing. I knew he wasnt able to do my car bc he was on call and i didnt want to tie him up.
I go to take care of my grandparents and then i get this text from my ex asking wth my problem was making him look like an ass to his family. Caught off guard, i call him. I cant get a word in bc all he can do is yell at me, so i hung up...
I am assuming that his sister thinking that i tried to get her bf to do my car was probably in his ear and the drunker she got, the worse she got. The one time i did get to talk to him he told me i sent him to a very dark place and to leave him alone.
It wasnt me who did that, it was his sister and all of the other drunks over there.
After confronting me, she did it to my neighbors wife when i left.
He refuses to speak to me. Will he ever speak to me again.
Everyone that knew us told me we were a great couple, but his sister would be a thorn in our relationship bc they all live together and that i was a threat of taking him away from her.
@aries 415
Our relationship was about 16 months. Several breakups over his ignoring me. This last was bc i told his sister, who had already started drinking, that i wasnt going to make it over for the game bc i had to get my car fixed while i had the opportunity to use another car and her brother wasnt going to be able to do it.
The sisters bf offered to do it when i was talking to my neighbor about it. Before we could turn our heads he was headed down to their house to get tools. I never intended for her bf to do anything. Next thing i know, her comes the sister getting in my face, hollering and screaming.
Finally getting her away i left to take care of my grandparents. On the way back home he sends me this text asking me wth. Am i thinking making him look like an idiot to everyone. Caught off guard i call him. All he can do is yell at me, doesnt allow me a word,then hangs up.
Apparently, while i was gone his sister just kept getting drunker and drunker. She came back over to my house and got in my neighbors face.
She is very hateful and forceful with her words and opinions. I can only assume that the drunker she got the.more angry she became. Feeling like i come between her and her bf she decides to fill my boyfriends head with crap.
So, pretty much since then he wont have anything to do with me.
Whats going to happen when i meet someone else? He lives three door down from me.