Queen, although I'm not a Scorp, I do have a Scorpio rising and north node. The best relationship I ever had was with a Virgo. They lack the emotional intensity you may want, but they always have your back. My Virgo really helped me realize my potential in so many areas. I think they're very "real" people and I like that about them. I think it's worth a try. Oh, and the sex was amazing!!! I was just too immature to appreciate what I had.
Oh no, please don't go!!!!!
Actually, we are becoming really good friends and I like it that way. It's just different for me to actually admire and respect someone I work for.
Has anyone ever worked for/under an Aquarius? If so, I really need some help. I'd actually love to know what sign your bosses are in general.
Is it me or is a good date hard to come by? There was a time when I had a couple of people I could call up and hang out with. Nothing major, but I knew I would have a good time talking, laughing, and whatever!! It's probably been two years since I've had this. I can't seem to meet anyone who can balance the work/fun thing either. It's like they're either too serious or completely full of it. Any other Leos going through this?
Leo woman Aries man. He's a teddy bear around her. You can see him melt when she walks in the room. They've been together for a while, but only married a few years.
I dated a Virgo for two years and it was one of the best relationships I've ever had. A few months ago I thought about getting back with him, but our relationship is just waaay better as friends. He didn't have enough "umph", ya know? Pretty quite, but like everyone else said he was a great provider. I saw him get a little stingy with others, but never with me. I'll always cherish his friendship.
Then, I met Mr.Taurus. Fun personality, very charming, but a bit of a control freak. I don't think he liked the idea of me going out with friends. Just the thought of another man approaching me drove him crazy! It was cute at first, but not for me. Now that I think about it, I could definetly see him being with a more passive woman.
He's a Sag (He was 17) and I'm a Leo (I was 16). Still love him to this day.
I have to admit that I do this sometimes. I'll really get excited and call a few times a day or text etc. Then I get scared that the person will always expect this and I back off. I'm not sure if it's a Leo thing, but I date a Leo guy on and off and he seems to be the same way. I tend to be a workaholic and the thought of having all the obligations of work on top of someone wanting to see and/or talk to me everyday always makes me "freeze" and reconsider. I truly believe he's just weighing things out right now. Lay low, stay confident and somewhat indifferent and I think he'll feel the pressure is off and will be able to relax. I can say that we (Leos) really like to know that you are a friend first everything else is secondary.
It's funny I grew up with lot of Pisces and of course we've learned to accept each other's differences. I have one female Pisces friend and she can be very demanding of my time and energy sometimes. I've learned to limit conversations with her b/c there's always some complex issue she needs me to help her "figure" out. Very attention seeking. I've dated two Pisces men. One, boring and cheap. The other, manipulative and cheap! They are not for me!
You Are An INFP
The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.
At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.
How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak
Thanks guys. SC, I'm a Scorpio rising as well.
I know how important your sun sign is, but how important are rising signs? Should we really put a lot of effort into knowing someone's rising? So many people don't even know what time of day they were born. Do you think rising signs are a major part of our personalities?
One of my closest friends is a Scorpio female. We've been friends for about 20 years. I really click with the women. The men can sometimes be a little intense for my taste. I like a great sense of humor, confidence, sense of style and an overall "friends first" kind of relationship. Scorpios can start off somewhat serious, which isn't bad, but I like to feel "chummy" first. Whatever happens after that is fine. I have a Scorpio rising so I like the intensity, but not too fast. Does that help?
I hope this is right. I'm giving it a try, he's definetly hard to figure out.
I really had to think a minute about this. I know three Aquarius women, two whom I adore and the other I don't care to associate with too closely. From my experience they are tons of fun, but they also have a very intellectual/serious side when it comes to dealing with people outside of their circle.
I feel so much better reading all of your responses. In fact, PrringLeo, that exerpt fits me perfectly! I've had some interesting scenarios w/ friends the last few weeks as well. As a matter of fact I'm down to only a few friends, which is fine because I have to TRUST the people in my circle 100% . I think it still throws people for a loop to meet a person (especially a woman) who seems so friendly and easy to talk to, but stays somewhat elusive. I guess those willing to stick around and really get to know me will be the people I consider true friends. Thanks again.
First, I'd like to say that I read this board all the time and I love it! I just wanted to ask everyone what they thought about Leos being aloof. Has anyone ever told you that? Maybe it's just me...I don't know, it could be my Aquarius moon or venus in Virgo. Maybe my Scorpio rising just makes me seem that way at first.