Well I am a Leo female dating a Leo guy and I can tell you that leos fall in love very quickly we never take our time if you are waiting after 3mths then chances are your not the one, because when we meet someone we really like we will fall quickly gifts will start rolling in words i love you will come quick as well.
best signs would have to be another leo if you can share the spotlight.
This message is for Sagi I understand everthing your telling gem lady. But i must comment:
and the thing about taurus is that it will highly respect the trait of finishing what was started in a partner.., we're a highly goal oriented sign maybe a bit misplaced at times) but we really like to be able to see the finish, and we respect desire in a partner. i know i would be flattered if a gem was eyeing me for some time and went outside of her "personality constraints" to get me
My situation is a little different from hers I have been seeing my Taurus for about 10mths and for the third time in our little (relationship) he has wnet back to his ex. It doesn't seem to me like he is trying to finish anything he started with me it's always on and off with us but he always seem to keep me close until he is back with her then it's a different story SO SAgi how do you know when you have earned a place in a Tauruses heart?
Speaking from experience he will definitely like that Taurus men love freaky woman i guess that's why mine keep holding on to me. even though he got a woman he just keeps me dangling like some damn fool the way i see it is jump in head first because you will wait forever for him to make a move. Maybe in your situation you may have a better chance maybe even a relationship but me and him are currently attached. So all I get are the freak sessions.
That is true patron the only way a scorpio will cheat on you is if they are not getting enough attention from you but they will warn you before they do.
Well i'm not a Scorpio I am a leo I have been dating a Scorpio for about three years and sex is not all they want. Scorpios are at their best when they have someone that love them unconditionally. they want to be successful in life make a lot of money and please their lovers in every way. If their lovers are unappreciative they will be unhappy.
Well to all you ladies all I can say is give it up. Speaking from experience if you Taurus male is with you one minute away the next it is because they are not really interested in anything but sex. I can't even say friendship because they are not really good at having friends. None of you want to be like me I was in the same situation for about 10mths. When just last week i see him entering his home with his ex. i went through all of the same things you ladies are going through the dreamy eyes,love making,spending a lot of time to no time at all. i must say i was truly fooled. I thought he loved me but come to find out there was another chicken in the nest. i haven't seen him since but I will soon because of the situation we are in. But when i do see him i will walk proudly with my head raised knowing that i am still a beautiful woman. Ladies before he sweet talk you in to some other shit let him go.
well i can't give all the details lets just say that i absolutely have to see him for another year and six mths because of my contract i have with his company well when i am trying to end it he makes it impossible for me to do that so considering that he has to see me once a week it's like he looks forward to it i think knowing that i have that contract with him he may feel as though he is going to keep me at arms length just in case i do leave my boyfriend why else would he take so serious keeping me their. he still wants to talk on the phone ,and go out from time to time. we don't have to do that in order to keep our contract he looks like a sad puppy that just lost his home whenever i try to leave.
How do i deal with a scorpio man when he is unbelieveably jealous.
I feel you tauruschic and i truly understand but you have to understand it was supposed to be a one night stand no love making just a quick screw but he's the one that took it to another level with the kissy lovey dovey crap. so how do you explain his behavior of trying to keep me when i want to leave.
well that's one of the reasons why tauruses are so lonely women and men because they are always looking for perfection in people not realizing just howscrewed up they are themselves.Don't get me wrong i've had some of my best experiences with taurus (sexually and on the hanging out end) but that's is where it ends that lack a lot of other things that are required in order to have a good relationship.
That's exactly what i am trying to make clear how am i a booty call when he don't want it so what exactly do he want from me?
do you feel me mr.crabby can't be a booty call if i ain't getting any. so what the hell does he want from me please help me understand.
well let me set you both straight leos never depend on a guy or girl to do anything financial only to make them happy we are not natural gold digger only when provoked.
well honey you and i both know that you don't leave a job unless you have something better to fall back how do i know that if i leave my man he will come running into my life especially if he says he is not looking for a relationship that's why i am asking you if you think that he is in love and hiding his feelings
where you went wrong was by saying you spend more time with him than with your bf i think he may have got a little jealous it might be best for you to let him cool down and call you i wouldn't email him tauruses can't stand to be ignored so just ignore him for a while if you email him your only giving him the satisfaction he needs that's where i went wrong.let him cool down then when he calls you be unavailable trust me you won't loose him you'll just make him realize that despite what you two fight about he can't just pop in and out of your life.i wish i would have done this because now my taurus thinks i am his personal doormat.
is their anyway i could make this guy understand that i will leave my man for him. I've tried telling him we are not together and he still did'nt get all happy (let's be together)I went pass his house again tonight and he didn't answer but he was there his lights were on.
scorpio men are great they will give you anything you want wine and dine you but you will have to go through hell to get it.
but how come we always tell ourselves that the guy likes us when they say their not interested? we always have to make excuses we just can't take rejection
well leo women love compliments and that's all verus the diamonds and materials not all leos are golddiggers and if she gold digs you you could best believe she is not interested.
yes i am we live together.
mind you yattayattahey it's been about 5mths that he last said that and how the hell do i move on when i love him so much.
i don't think cancer would be good for leos they are sensitive thy would be doormats for leo
i mean how would i know if he loves me or not he may be trying to guard his feelings because i have a man he always acts sincere it's always a pleasure for him to see me but i can't tell if he wants me or not. Are Taurus always forward in these situations?
Okay well i met himabout nine months ago i had a boyfriend he knew it we agreed we would just have a one night stand but it went further about a month later he went back to his girlfriend he stopped talking to me for about 2 mths then we hooked back up a couple times he would always say to me as soon as i give into you your gonna hurt me because your used to getting what you want . we had an episode where i almost got caught had to run out and leave him mind you he moved out of his girlfriens house and into his moms house.that's when he started acting all funny he said he wasn't ready for a relationship but he couldn't let me go every time we hooked up it was on abuddy type go to the bar thing but he would always get freaky we would have oral sex but he kept stating he didn't want to have sex. i recently found out he got his own crib and asked him why he haven't invited me over he said he didn't want women to know where he lived about two days ago he invited me over (talked, played a little) didn't have any condoms so couldn't get busy. tonight i went to his house unannouced he didn't answer the door (didn't have company) but what's up with that when i talked to him earlier he souned happy to hear from me why would he act this way. (it could be longer but i don't have the time)
well i guess you are right but every time i try to leave him he comes back not begging but throwing me hints. And i meust admit i am so in love with this guy
question for all the leos out their why do leo women and men chase after people even when they are rejected?
I have been seeing this Taurus on the side for about ten months and i am confused with his behavior six months after dating him he said he didn't want to have sex with because he was not ready for a relationship but we still hook up from time to time i ask him do he care about me and he answer quickly saying no but he still laugh at my jokes and he won't get rid of me what is up with him.