
Message Posts by librabra

I called him last Sunday though (Feb. 10) but he didnt answer and hasnt called back... Weird behavior?
Not really...I have message upon message on my answering machine and to be honest..sometimes I don't even check it b/c of the extra calls like telemarketers.. It could be a situation like that. Call him back and act like ya didn't call the first time if he picks up an dsee what happens =)
Tnank you Myst =D
Im going to look into this
Oh that above was in response to part ALaughing forgot to say that..
Part B
I'm still wondering about this altogether.
The idea of perfection is dangerous because it can be misinterpreted to one's detriment very easily. There is a very superficial definition, involving the idea of being "without flaw"
Okay this I'm getting...The "idea" of perfection..which is ultimately a perception right? Have we all the same perceptions? Maybe its possible.
But this part has me somewhat wondering..
Thinking about being without flaw is a self consciousness, and a fear that derails us from the pure intent.
Intent to or from what?
Sorry, do not mean to pick your post apart but it has me somewhat ...perplexed =P
I guess I'm a perfectionalist and thats why this is interesting...
It both hinders and at the same time advances and pushes a person to end up perhaps maybe doing something they might not otherwise chosen to do had he/she not has this "mentality" of perfection.

The idea of perfection is dangerous because it can be misinterpreted to one's detriment very easily. There is a very superficial definition, involving the idea of being "without flaw". I don't like that description, because it already brings the idea of flaw into the equation. Thinking about being without flaw is a self consciousness, and a fear that derails us from the pure intent. I think nailing that intent comes from just thinking about the idea, or the ideal, and constantly focusing on that. Through repetition we become familiar with the "language" of whatever it is we are doing, and then our mind is free to truly explore the perfect idea in whatever it is we are doing.

Idea A above

In my limited teaching experience, I've seen that young people often get to this point through some sort of obsession, which can lead to a lot of confusion. Part of the reason I posted this was to filter through the superficialities of compulsion and obsession, which can either be a pathology, or it can simply be a growing pain. Teenagers seldom have the perspective to know "why" they are doing something, so the motivations aren't always the most enlightened, but that doesn't mean the end result has to be as limited as that original motivation.
Idea B
It seems you have a point but can't get to it I right???

Libra, but he is a MAN.
Scorpio...whats the deal then..its like you are skeptical about this libra. I could be wrong though.. But even though you will not be thinking about marriage...if he likes you I promise he will be =)
Also, if he was burned...then he was prob. deeply hurt. Libras don't do good when burned and it changes sometimes their outlook on love. But it should only make to where they are better at looking at what they want. Also, Libras can be emotional at times. I know like with myself, I'm cranky or ill and do not even know why and sometimes I will take it out on who ever is around. So you may sense this as well.
Leo (yes, another one)
I know of only one libra/sag couple.. sag woman and libra man actually. and they were the very best as it can get. Libra man was so proud of her, and loved to listen to her and they both had this "ne sais quoi" that you can feel, made for eachother type.
He died of a heart attack in his forties.. she is just trying to collect herself. till this day I have no courage to talk to her abt him... they were a world apart.
How incredibly sad =*(
If I lost my Sag. I would be soo lost forever.... I can't even think about it.
I love it when some one gets jealous once in a while.. but living with someone who can get jealous of friends or internet chat or something else.. it is very trying. I mean VERY trying.
Yea, the other night I held my Sag. tight which for some reason he likes but is not a invade your space type guy lol I pick on him about it..because I love being as close as I can get to him. But anyway, we actually talked about this jealousy issue and he said he was flattered. But then I told him I didn't really "like" feeling this way. So I need to work on me... its not him ..its me being stupid I guess haha
I think is a stage in marriage or something b/c I have never felt like this before. And yes, when I get close to him its like fireworks going off that can't stop. VERY strong physical, mental, and everything else attraction... I really can't explain it, but theres no getting around that feeling and its extremely hard to control too. Kinda sucks!! HAHA
Well...ok for along time I pushed him away b/c of how I felt. And, well maybe now its reversed for some reason.
relation with asked him to marry her. I made a comment saying 'oh oh... wrong thing to say to a sag...'.
Yea..I would have never asked my Sag. to marry me..but I was thinking how it would be from the 1st date. That is just how libra thinks :MARRIAGE:: haha
I think that driving my car is sexy
Esp. if you drive a *sexy* car *wink
Yup! I can't believe myself sometimes. I think that driving my car is sexy. I check out men in their sexy cars. Does that sound normal?
Umm actually ...yes =)
All I can suggest is that you cannot keep him captured from the sound of it. I think you may need to come up with a huge amount of patience and understanding. It's best if he can roam around you than in other territory.

*living* with and being married to are in fact to me two separate things. The fact he was not married to libra shouts out a lot esp. after 8 years. Theres no way I would be living with this man and by now he not marry me ( call me old fashioned) but my watch doesn't work like that lol.
So for this combo there is no real commitment. However, in my case I have a husband. And no lol, he does not visit other god I would would go ape!!
I completely trust him... the issue is with me I think.
In fact, we talked about this last night. I get jealous if he wants to spend time with anyone but me. I know it sounds crazy but its something that has just recently occured and I'm not really sure why. But maybe its a stage...
LOL we even did that catch me test the other night..

with sags it is more of a mindset that anything else.. you change the frame and they act differently.

Yes, this is true. His friends have a lot of influence over him but not to the point where he would do anything crazy..
AHH *HITS HEAD* his friends and the need to be with Sad
This is a crazy issue going on right now..but as we are getting closer ..I'm strarting to become more possessive..jealous of his friends. I'm not sure why I'm getting this way either and it completely sucks. ANy suggestions??
The operative word is 'companion' since he believes that man by nature is not desigened to be monogamous. The person he wants in life is some one he trusts and cares for (love is not in the picture) ... suave, sophesticated and very articulate... IMPECABLE .. and her early forties.
(love is not in the picture)
I'm sorry he has no control over this though. It sounds like he is scared of "real" love. I guess b/c a woman would hold such power of him.
AHHH love ...the stakes are so high at times..but LIBRA is willing to go down with the ship =) Thats prob. the worst part about my sign...
It gets worse when you reach the 40s
Laughing How can this get any worse..REALLY THOUGH!!! HAHA
So I woke up this morning and realized that I really like the Libra dude,

Of course! Libra and his charms there is no way out nowLaughing
You really only have 2 choices..
A. Fall in love (maybe get married) OR B. Run like hell =) HAHA IM SERIOUS!!
Libra people are all about getting married and family so...its something to think about *WINK*
BTW I'm a pretty in your face ask me anything you want EXCEPT MY STREET ADDRESS!! HAHA
Talking about infatuation... how old are you, librabra? (hope you don't mind me asking)
Laughing I'm 32 =D
and no I don't mind you asking..
And I might add there is something about a Scorpio that is completely irrisisble at times..I can't put my finger on it. SO with this being said... ya betta run. Its like I said before..u either fall in love with them or run...
librabrahaha she just needs a certain Aries
True..Fire signs are AWWWWWLaughing
Mr. Pisces V/S Mr. Libra
This ought to be interesting...
Libra and Pisces do not get along from what I'm told =)
Have I confused ya yet??? This is why I don't go here =D

Was my need for perfection a defense mechanism?
Was it just compulsion, created by fear?

Well its kinda like this with a Libra..its either a BMW or nothing =)
In other words..the best is in mind and everything else goes to the wasteside. BUT that mentality is good in a way b/c we shoot for the best and usually get it. But is doesnt mean its actually "the best"..
That BMW may have problems with it we can't see beneath its shiny other words we assume we get the total package becasue thats what we are shooting for when in reality..nothing such as this even TRULY exsists. We have been fooled into thinking that it does =)
When I was sixteen years old, I became obsessed with doing things perfectly
There is a clinical name for this : OCD Obessive Compulsive Disorder
Ans so maybe it revolves around the "control" part of this sign. The need for complete control..perhaps this is why a lot fo Scops seem unhappy b/c the idea of complete control can't always be accomplished..and if not accomplished then there is the sense of self defeat...just a thought =)
Ok all you sexy libra men tell us your fantasies!!!
Sags are adventure people and forget tying them down with deep emotional bondage..sorry but I have discovered this as I am married to a SagLaughing
O I got an idea!!! Why don;t you go shopping for her and don't go to those cheap "slutty" places either. You need big time classy name it go and re-dress her in style =D You may need a couple of hundreds whilest you go there SCORPIO!!!
Wow..she would love new clothes!!!
To add: I don't want to seem defensive, I do respect constructive feed back, good or bad. I despise know it all people who tend to remote others, to their "level"
I despise know it all people who tend to remote others, to their "level"
but deep down, still, with no regret love her.
hmm..if you love her then I guess you gotta go get her and maybe try to work on being so possessive. I know b/c I'm that way 2. But sometimes we have to find ways to deal with these feelings instead of letting them control our lives. I can honestly say when I'm makes me feel so bad inside and it eats away at me like acid. But then again I can't even explain it so maybe she just needs to understand you and your needs =)
So all of this was going on, she obejed every command neversaid a word
HAHA she obeyed!!!Laughing
Ok, I have been married to a Sag. now for 8 years. YES 8 years =D The first few years were kinda rocky roadish and he was all infatuated with me. NOW its just the opposite I'm like WHAT IS GOING ON !!!
He is 4 years younger than I am and when I met him ...I just knew he was the one when I was in his arms. And we have been through some hard stuff but we seem to not be able to live without wach other. When I am around him..I'm always wanting him and he has kinda calmed down ..but I am starting to get worse.
Doe anyone know if this is in Libra and Sags charts?? HELP!!!
Ok I'm completely infatuated with my archer!!! I'm feeling like I can't get enough and I really can't ..Its kinda cool but not really.. HELP WHATS GOING ON.???
I did not feel this way at first but the longer we are married the more this is getting intense. HELP!!!
Hi everyone.. I have just recently started readubg into the horoscope with that being said..I'm at ground zero ..well maybe not that low but I have no idea what a "cusp" is. Please explain =D
I said it once and I'll say it again...
Hes going to blow you out of the water =D GET IT!!! haha
Wow... so that sounds really, really scary.. But isn't it also the same way for a male dealing with a Scorpio woman? EVERYYYYYYY man I have been sexual with still contacts me *well, besides the Leo that I told the hell off* and tells me how much they miss me (yada yada) so I believe I have been blessed with the magic spell as well =) haha it sounds like a combustible combo =D *grins wickedly haha
**I agree, in a way though! Because when I slept over, I would try to sleep but couldnt because he would then kiss me or touch me lolStars*
Yea, when I was with my Libra and this was my first I was kinda in the dark so to speak.. he would do the same thing. Its like I was scared to take that step with him b/c I knew there would be no turing back. So it was kinda strange..
I think you should know they are masters at love making so you may want to seriously think about that before you decide to go that route.
And I still havent been with a libra!!! HAHA
**Actually, my best guy friend is an Aries, and we argue too much**
Yes, I have a love/hate realtionship with this sign. Every Aries I know is extremely attracted to me, but they are FIRE!! I get burned and end up arguing with every one of They are rams and are head strong people. But I truly admire them for their independence and willing to beat a dead horse even more. HAHA
Ok waiting for Aries to pop out fo the bushses and attack...XD

Scorpios are the rulers of sex so, I don't think I can agree that much with ya
Maybe..I have no idea never been with one BUT I can say libras like it all night =D
So ya may want to work on your stamina HAHAHA
...just kidding