
Message Posts by lushlife

It's been a long time since I've been back to this forum and read my old posting from 2006! I thought it would be nice to drop in and report in on the Gemini forum again. I just can't get enough of y'all. The funny thing is after this heartache I felt, I fell for another Gemini I am happy to report. We're coming up on our three year anniversary later this year and are doing quite well. He is probably one of the sweetest people I've ever had in my life and has redeemed my faith in love and in Geminis. One thing I've observed while being with him is how many Gemini friends and family members he has around him. I went from wondering if I had what it took to make it last with a Gemini, to completely immersing myself in a sea of Gemini friends, family members, and love-of-my life. When it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter what sign one is in a relationship as to whether it is going to last. It is a matter of if it is the right time, place for the two. (Although with Geminis, we know it's never just "two"...rather, more like 4,5,10, 20...) smile
Thank you all for your input. It was much appreciated. It is so weird. I saw this person for 8 months and out of the blue, he completely has cut off all communication with me. It felt so strange to have grown so close to someone and then end it like that with no further would have been nice to at least have some closure. Irregardless of astrology signs, he clearly has "issues" with communication. I have given up on this situation because I know I deserve at least the courtesy of a "goodbye." Lesson learned... To all you gems out there, I love ya, you're a lot of fun, but please remember that as painful as it is for you to hear how you've hurt someone, it is equally painful if you don't give the respect/courtesy to your ex's to at least say "goodbye." It was terribly selfish of him to end things like that and it made me feel like in his eyes, I had no worth. What an awful realization!