
Message Posts by rudy86girlfriend04

This is the perfect place to post this because no one knows what and how a Sagittarius thinks, but himself/herself. Is it just me or are Sagittarius men more than sexually active? I am a Libra woman with a Sagittarius man and we have been together for 6 years and got recently married on our 6 year anniversary. His sexual appetite boarders sometimes on the edge erotica or domination. We could have sex everyday and its still never enough! He's been trying to get me to do porn, and always tries to get me to wear trashy outfits out in public. His facebook posts are very sexual and all my family and friends are on their! He loves talking about other women and bringing them around me; he practically shares everything with me, even when I ask him not to! He's very self-centered, even when it comes to family, but yet so open and honest, but also weird! He reminds me of Frank Sinatra and JFK!
I'm a Libra. Your friend kind of reminds me of me. He seems to have a lot on his plate, probably seems to like it that way. Did he dj because he LOVED music and wanted to travel to different places and meet different people? Is he both a yes and no type of guy? I've lived a hectic life style in the past, which resulted in a lot of one-night stands, friends with benefits, and short-lived relationships. I did all these things because I was looking for balance in all aspects of my life. Does he seems like the type of person to be open, but yet closed? Tread lightly...One of my biggest requirements for a committed relationship is loyalty, trust, and faithfulness. Unless I found or felt these things when I met someone I would have just kept them as friends with benefits until I found someone who had what I was looking for.
So funny, reminds me of a gemini man I once knew...a very long time ago. Maybe you should teach her a lesson, like the way she's doing to you...You wouldn't have never put those comments out there for everyone to see if you didn't like the chase, why else would you keep running back to a Libra. Always & forever a Jekyll and Hyde...Or maybe you just met a libra you couldn't get off your mind, so you go and find another...and another...and another...just to see if she's the one...
You only mentioned what you want, but in a different way...You could have picked any other sign to trash, but you picked libra. Finally met someone who could balance you... me of my first time and with a gemini man...I'm a Libra...Then when you least expect it, your going to get a feeling every time you get around him...that just wont go away, even when your with him. That feeling that you won't experience anywhere else and with anyone else. You didn't say those words by accident...
I apologize for saying basically she should just play jekyll & hyde back with? like play pretend?...or like do to him exactly what he did to you, but worse to let him know the consequences of his actions...The only way to stop him from that is to hurt him, so that he can experience the feeling. Tell him whatever is on your mind, whether it be good or bad and then just leave no trace of you....sorry im in a happy place right now, in a smiley
It's ok to say Libra women are sometimes better at being stuck-up bitches than friends. A few good friends of mine told me that they thought that I was a stuck-up until they got to know me because I never spoke to anyone. Now they just tell me that my personality is "out there in outer space."
Sucks, but your right, it's true...
Yes, of coarse, I am a Libra. And yes I am in the Gemini forum. It's okay to be honest; I asked the question, so I have no choice but to put up with or tolerate the answers I am given. I'm just curious that's all.
How long does it take to get over a gemini man? For me, it's been over 7 years and I still haven't gotten over him. When I first looked at him, it was like "fireworks." In all my life I have never felt that way ever about another man. Every time I was around him, I had "butterflies" in my stomach, he always made me feel nervous. Each time we were together it felt like the first time. Time spent with him was never boring! I "somewhat" remember our first interaction. The only thing that was going through my mind was that I had to somehow get my fingers in his hair, first, then lay him second. He was so beautiful, which is something I have never said about any guy. The first time I met him, on the 2nd day, I slept with him...I was a virgin. I didn't tell him until afterwards.To try and make a long story short we did "some" things: have sex any and everywhere; argue, fuss, and fight, then we kissed and made up. It felt like the world's best roller coaster! We both did each other wrong, so there is no pointing fingers. He tried to get me to come visit him, talked about how marriage was important to his family, told me things I didn't need to know, he did drugs and got drunk in front of me, etc. The main and only reason why I never took it further was because of this feeling that I got-that I couldn't trust him. Even though he said he loved me, it didn't really feel genuine to me. I can honestly say our friendship was too intense for me. I felt too exposed and vulnerable when I was with him. I needed control, stability; I needed to be balanced physically, mentally, emotionally,financially and spiritually. I was so young and I wanted to go out into the world and explore it, be independent. I didn't mind that he had other women just as long as he carved special time for me or loved me more than them. The last time I saw him face to face, he told me when he would come back the following year and I told him that I wouldn't be there when he got back. It wasn't until after he left did he change and the roles reversed. He told me to just move on one day and we hadn't spoken ever since. It was like I loved him, but I hated him, I needed him, but I wanted to be far away, etc. No matter what Gemini men and Libra women say about each other, no matter the length of time or distance both will always be connected no matter how hard they try not to.