
Message Posts by sandrine.warcliffe

What do you think of a sag pairing where both share the same birthday? Would it be like dating a long lost twin? Lol.
There's this sag guy who has venus in scorpio and mars in sag.
What does these placements mean?
Posted by DMV

3) the male obviously chases the female

But what if there happened to be a sudden change in the attitude of the guy after trying to chase after the girl? Sorry if this sounds possessive (blame it on my venus in scorpio lol) Like, the other day, he always wants to be with me, looks in my eyes and listens to every word I say and he loves physical contact. But the next day, I didn't hear any word from him and it seems that he's trying to avoid me. We still talk but he's unusually shy. And I have a feeling he's currently into another girl.
When I saw them, I smiled at him, waved goodbye and walked away. He followed me and told me to at least tell the others that I'll be going home but I told him I still have many things to do. He said he would help me then. And I can feel he is trying to touch me in the arm but he's shy. lol
I just have a few questions. Big Grin
1) What do you think about a sag pairing?
2) Most people say that it would be a bad combo. But won't it be actually nice that two people are able to understand each other on a deeper level?
3) And how about the chase? Who will be the one to go after the other?
4) Will it ever last or will it just be some kind of a fling?
We almost made out last night but since he promised me that he wouldn't reach 'THERE', we stopped at foreplay at bathed together instead. Everything seemed fine yesterday but he seems to avoid me this morning. He acted normal with everyone except for me. I caught him online but he doesn't reply whenever I message him. I remember last night when he told me he's scared I might ignore him for the next days, but he's actually the one ignoring me. LOL.
Why is this so? Was it because I suck at foreplay?
BTW, I'm a sag.
Posted by Morrisey
...remember the dresses and perfume, thing smile, stay friendly ,

What if the situation is like this:
They say libras are easily attracted to the people who are also attracted to them provided that they are attractive.
If he is currently having a mutual understanding with someone, can I still attract him?
If yes, how? BTW, what are their likes?Laughing
Posted by Morrisey
Flick an elastic band at him...! - one of those thick ones, they reach their target
Perhaps he was having a bad day or something... dont let it get you down, maintain smiles and be friendly... he may come around.

Done. We're okay now. Yay!Laughing
Haha. There's just one last question. lols =))
This afternoon, I was with my friends, window shopping. When we finally decided to go home, my friend asked me about my situation with him.I said we're doing fine and that I'm missing him. And then we began talking about how I get over my infatuations, etc. We were in the middle of our talk, concerning him, when suddenly, I saw him sitting in a table in a stall right in front of me. I feel like my knees are ready to collapse. LOL Thank god I didn't mention his name.Laughing
But when I saw him, he was smiling at me. I don't know why but at first, I thought it was because he's happy to see me but upon seeing the situation in another angle, maybe it was because he overheard what we were talking about or maybe he saw me freaking out mentioning that I'm dying to see someone. LOL
Posted by Morrisey
....If he flirts with you it could mean either way, as librans tend to be flirty without actually realising it!. But the feeling I get from your post is that he is interested in you. So... wear your nicest perfume,. and your prettiest dresses... look really cute,... be friendly., and he will probably ask you out. Dont overdo it though... but be 'stylish'... and compliment him on his clothes, hair. whatever... but as long as its genuine smile

I tried to talk to him today but he doesn't act like he used to anymore. Sad
When our eyes meet, he doesn't smile like he used to. I really feel he has a grouch on me because of what I did.
I don't wanna think that he's angry, I just think that maybe he was offended because I wasn't responding. What do you think? Sad
Posted by JOJOJO
This is true, no way I'm telling the woman I like about some other woman. When a libra likes you, you will know because everything is about you. But some do test the waters before jumping, I know I don't like rejection. But I don't think I would talk about another woman to see if you like me back. Don't be afraid to ask him because knowing is better than not knowing.

ohh. okay. lols.
uh, I have another question.Laughing
yesterday, we talked a lot and stuff. but after a while, when we were watching the program, I saw him on the other side of the auditorium. our eyes met but I looked away. I did that the second time but I didn't notice that he was actually looking at me. lols. I don't know why, but maybe he thought those were angry squints because when we were on our way out, he walked past me like I was some kind of a barricade narrowing his path. or am I over thinking this?
I've been in love with this libra man for months now. He's so sweet to me and just yesterday, he seem to smile a lot when we bumped at each other in the school gates. There's also something in the way he talks that bothers me. It's not like the way he normally talks to me. Weeks ago, he admitted that he likes this girl, who is a member of our org. but I don't think he really is into her. Does flirting for libras signs that he's interested or they're just a past time? lols. I'm a Sag girl and I'm really having a hard time with this stuff.