So I should wait for him to call me or should I? And just be as if nothing. Or is it too late?
They're usually over him making the plan and never cancelling it just it never happens. He avoids to "break" the news, but then apologizes next day... that type. But then again, I never call him. HE always calls me. It's just when I suggest something fun unless it's him and I hanging out alone.. then he's all over it. But we do talk about stuff when he calls. He asks about me.. about my friends.. just stuff. Talks about his friends.. his family.. when he;s mad t someone.. eh'll listen when I tell him my frustrations. I do know his school is his focus. He does have plans to achieve something sooo...
He was like that, until we had sex. Well I can't really say that because we had a fight a week later so it messed him up. Obviously since they hate arguements. When things run smoothly he's there, he calls, but I guess I get fed up. Like he's ok to hangout late at his house watching movies and making out till 3am but to do something during the
BUT I want to know HOW a *LIBRA WOMAN would handle this situation. I don't want to hear about how he is.. I want to know from a female Libra perspective what would YOU do if in this situation. What would be going through your mind. I know you Libras love to analyze things. (He told me this once too, he analyzes too much).
fyi... I did get a bit upset adn he noticed. it's been a week since we talked. Do I call or wait for him... Do I talk to him about it or do I let it go adn be as nothing next time we talk.
So you're telling me now that we've slept together that's it? Isn't that every guy? He is focused on school right now and had told me long time ago that would be his focus.
So tell me, dfor you as a Libra, how does the attraction not fade for you? Like what would you do if you made plans with a guy a to do something fun during the day and he never answers you back, then hours later calls to give you whatever reason why he coudln't come out.
Like what do LIBRA women/men do in situations post sex. If the other person doesn't call you for a while, do you always wait? Should I be less independent? Like what do Libra want in their partner?
And are you telling me, after being friends with a guy for a year.. being so unbelievable attracted to him and one night it went a little too far.. ok 2 nights..
Someone Libra tell me, how have you reacted or acted post sex. Like what is a relation with a person after you've done that.
He's still calling me, and wants to hang out. Like one day he called me 4 times in 1 day while he was out to some family event thing. Then asks when he'll see me next and I suggest something and he ok'd it.. then flaked.
like W. T. F. ??
Female Aries and male Scorpios won't work. I only get a long with female scorpios in a settle way too.
k.. I've made posts about him before.
He and I have known each other for a year, as friends. But he's always been after me whereas I wasn't. Until couple months ago. We've only done it twice... he's always the one to call not I. I have learned to be patient, at some points I just let it be. When we get into some spat of a dissagreement, he does get off the phone quick. Like I can call him he will pick up or call back. If I call he calls right back b/c he seems to think I get mad when he doesn't call back, he said to me, so he calls back. We don't live too close..a bit of a drive and he wants to hang out at his house but we can't when his parents are up so when I'm there it's alraedy late and makes me feels like it's the "wrong' type of thing. Am I overreacting?
How much patience does one need. Seriously. How does a Libra and Libra work out when they are both so slow at getting things started together. EEK
So fed up. I'm an Aries btw.
Question Libras...
Clearly once we had sex it all kinda went wishy washy... or complicated. If something is sitting on my mind, is it best to talk to them about it, or leave it alone and wait it out?
I'm a little fed up he asks when he's going to see me, I suggest to hang out doing some fun sporting thing and he makes up the darnest excuses to come. We kinda got into an arguement. I said I don't care if he calls me no more. He asked in a sad way.. "you don't care? .. so you don't want me to call you anymore?" I said "whatever.. I gotta go."
What to do... WHAT to do. Or what's HE thinking period!!!!!
LEAVE HIM ALONE AND HE WILL COME TO YOU. Believe me. I've had 2 Libras back to back. Don't ever call him unless to return his call b/c u missed his. never call back right away. make him wait.
At what point do they realize they want to be with that person?
Like what makes them or you as a Libra be decisive about a person?
What is it that confused a Libra about Aries?
Krobe03 -- what do you mean the Aries gave the Libra a chase? Chased them or had them chase the Aries?
LOL v s o p
I think LibraP8nt and Krobe have a point.
Aries and Libras are similar, me being Aries...I hate to be left alone for too long I always come back to people, I may be a little more heated than a Libra that being the MAIN difference as opposite as we are that Aries = heated and we can handle it whereas Libras = harmony, cool waters they can't handle heat.
My point is, when I have NO interest in a person I simply do NOT bother.
Form personal experience with 2 libra's now, I kinda agree with that quote. If it's notture then explain why Libra or HOW libras are so misunderstood b/c I ssee the backing off, I see the ego, insecurity and jealousy in him. You gotta knock it down once in a while because it does get over the head sometimes.
So tell me...
no I don't and he doesn't... it's like he's in the confused stage. Doesn't know what he wants. He calls to talk about stuff and catch up in a sense. He doesn't call over for "it" actually it was me wanting to initiate. He never calls for 'it'. that's the thing.
I don't know if this is just a guy question or a libra question. But if a Libra is into a girl only for the "fun" of it, would he bother to call and have conversations. Just even call in the middle of the afternoon for a chat. Or not.
I see so many Libra/Aries people on do you make it work? I know learning to be patient is at top of the list, but how long do you have to stay patient for until you realize there's nothing coming?!?
LOL there is no twin.
sucha_d0ll - he called !
uhm no he doesnt? LOL why's u asking?
I'm so mad. I texted him tonight. It was a genral text as I was going out with girls. So at least now he knows the ball's in his court. Did I completely throw it off?
He didnt contact you for 6 weeks. Are you guys together now?
I do find him insecure. So I dunno. I just want him to know he has no reason to be.
Aries are all about showing actions .. when we do something it's b/c we meant it not just say it
Libras are all about talk ... they talk a lot of talk but it's a pain to follow through
This is what I figured about Libras:
1. Don't play games, they will play them back
2. Don't give too much details as in, explain why this or why that - keep them guessing unless it's causing trouble
3. Be honest
4. Do NOT ever tell them, or give a hint how much you like them, until they tell you
5. If you do something, he will do so as well
Personally, I find Libras and Aries are the same way in terms of doing things, but we go about them in the opposite way. So pay attention to it.
Aries rushes/impulsive/impatient
Libra takes its time/analyzes/patient
Aries thinks about our actions after we do something
Libra thinks about their actions before they do something
Aries likes to be alone but not for too long
Libras likes to be in social settings but not always
get the point. So Be aware.
I do not get along with either female or male pices.
when I'm not interested in someone I a. either tell them or b. ignore them. Just as if nothing. I never call or call back. I just don't bother. Us aries do not like to waste time. We have tons of other things to keep us busy.
My order. I'm Aries female.
Aquarius Male 1050
Libra Male 936
Virgo Male 945
Aries Male 1062
Capricorn Male 1001
Scorpio Male 975
Gemini Male 970
Leo Male 1057
Sagittarius Male 1054
Cancer Male 973
Taurus Male 1009
Pisces Male 974
And why is that theLibran?
That's so typical. Mine is doing the same. I keep wondering if I should make the move or wait. They analyze too much.
I met my Libra guy a few months ago. We never really flirted, just felt SOO attracted to each other. For months we barely even made out, couple of times. After a couple of months of talking on the phone and meeting up for coffee we started hanging out at his place. We made out like thunder without doing it. LOL Next time I came over we made out like a hurricane and this time did it. It was more of a bang. I went away and he text me a day later for couple of days. When I came back we had a fight. I found him to be insecure and jealous in the beginning. Once he noticed I like him he became more grounded. Now that we're slept together twice he's even more secure. I've met his close friends, and brother. I came over again last week, watched movies, chatted, and got 'jiggy' with it ... and had a bit of a tiff. The tiff was basically this ... I swayed a little to give him the idea that I wanted to know what the heck was going on, if this is anything mroe than just s.e.x. He never gave me a straight answer just played around with me. To playfully annoy me then he got all guy-ish on me. Anywho we joked about stuff...Needless to say I have not heard from him for 5 days as of midnight tonight (Tuesday).
Facts: I do know he likes me I have no doubt, but something is making him think I guess. He did once tell me he analyzes too much. My ex who was a Libra did the SAME thing. So maybe things got a little too complicated now that we've done it. The first time I told him I liked him, b/c I was frustrated, he backed off for a week, I never contacted him just had no care. It took 3 weeks for us to get back to normal and him calling me again. - He did most of the calling - I called occasionally.
I'm thinking b/c I gave him an impression I want more than just 'jiggy' he knows that when he calls me the topic will come up and we're gonna have to talk about it. From what I know Libra hate confrontation. Another thing, he does this thing when he's mad at me about something, he makes up shit to get off the phone, since I never call him he ends up calling days later or week later.
Anyone has any input?