Posted by ChuckcemPosted by starrynightIt's possible.
Really appreciate your replies. I've decided to move on after my confession.
But on the other hand, just curious, will LEOs go back to chase a girl whom they have chase before?
I had a very similar situation. Before I started dating a Libra, I got a number from a Sag. She was cool and I found out she had a boyfriend. I stopped my pursuit, but remained friends with her. One night she let me know that she was going to hang out with her "ex", but didn't give me much more information to go on beyond that. (From what I know her ex was her bf she'd just broken up with). Having been around the ol' metaphorical dating block before, I knew I didn't want to get involved with a girl who had just gotten out of a relationship.
I started talking more with the Libra and would see the Sag woman from time to time because she worked at a bar I frequented. As I grew closer to the Libra, I backed away from the Sag more until I stopped talking to her altogether. Eventually I became completely focused on the Libra woman. A few months past and out of the blue the Sag woman called me wanting to hang out randomly. I declined, but dropped by her bar sometime after that with a buddy of mine. At the bar she asked me about my life and I let her know that I was seeing someone. Her face went from smiling to frowning and she walked away. After she collected herself she came back and was fine. Well things didn't work out with the Libra, so once things ended I contacted the Sag to hang out.
So if you didn't reject him outright, there's a chance he'll swing back around if the other girl leaves the picture. My advice though is not to wait on him. He may come back, he may to expand
Posted by ChuckcemPosted by starrynightPosted by ChuckcemYeah, in a situation with a LEO. Just like you've mentioned, he was very initiative at the start but at that time I was dating with another guy.
Are you in a situation with a Leo?
Recently, I ended with the other guy cause I wanted to chase this LEO guy back as I like him at the later part, however it seems that during the period after he knew that I was dating another guy, he went ahead and chase other girl.
So after I end with my guy, I did confess to LEO that actually I like him. He didn't replied me at all. Cause I guess he might be quite occupied with chasing that new girl.
Cause to me, I just feel like at least I've confessed to him and have no regrets even if he does or does not reciprocate on my confession.![]()
Something to remember is that Leos don't chase indefinitely. Our pride simply won't let us unless we are young/inexperienced. We only chase for as long as we can see progress and an eventual reward. My guess is he may currently be with the other girl or at least very close to being with her. Contrary to popular belief, Leos aren't the players we are perceived to be. I myself can only focus on one girl at a time. It's very possible this girl has his full attention. In which case the only thing you can do is move on and let him come to you if he chooses to do to expand
Posted by 90210
I'm not a guy but I'm a Leo and I'd be flattered if someone was crushing on me but I admit if i didnt like a guy who obviously liked me Id do everything just to avoid him, and at the same time be super aware of his every move from that point on and if I do like that person I'd try to initiate something to get a relationship going.
Posted by ChuckcemYeah, in a situation with a LEO. Just like you've mentioned, he was very initiative at the start but at that time I was dating with another guy.
Are you in a situation with a Leo?
Posted by LarsCPosted by MiZLeo2nd that. You gonna spook the little kittiePosted by starrynightNoooooooo!!!!!!Posted by MiZLeowhat if I drop him a lil gift on this upcoming Valentine day? is it okay or it seems too much for Leo to take it and will backfired eventually?
Never chase a leo. That is a sure fire way for me to run for the hills. Unless I'm in love with you that will just annoy to expand
Posted by MiZLeowhat if I drop him a lil gift on this upcoming Valentine day? is it okay or it seems too much for Leo to take it and will backfired eventually?
Never chase a leo. That is a sure fire way for me to run for the hills. Unless I'm in love with you that will just annoy me.
Posted by Miamia13
Don't keep reaching out.
I would say distance is best if he hasn't completely lost interest. It depends on how deep you two were...
If you were of significance to him, then you'll still remain on his radar. If your on his radar, he'll still secretly want your attention. But he won't want it until you back-off and make him wonder if he can still have it.
I have experienced this with Leo's. But I was significant enough in my situation for him to pop back up with distance.
However, Leo's usually have followers/admirers waiting in the wings. I've seen Leo men jump to a different woman hours after a failed relationship attempt. Leo's can't be second, if he thinks you made him second in your life then he will find someone who will make him feel like first. Or find someone to temperalrily cool-off the ego burn. Very sensitive egos with these kittens...
Posted by Freetobe007could I know what actually triggers you to be disinterest in them? does it happen to you before? And are there anyone try to reach back to you and you just avoid them?
Give one more try to reach out and if he doesn't reciprocate, then move on because there's really no telling when he'll regain interest. With Leos romantically, it tends to be either a ton of fire or no fire at all. There is no in between and we are very fixed in one or the other.
Personally speaking, I don't ever come back from disinterest. Once I lose interest, the disinterest morphs into indifference and by that point, I've severed any and all emotional attachment. Once I make the decision to disconnect with someone, I never decide to connect with that person again and I will stop taking any physical, mental, or emotional initiation to make them a part of my life. This isn't uncommon among Leos.
Posted by LarsCBack then when I first told him that I was seeing another guy and told him that I seldom see that guy, he replied me and said "technically you're still seeing other guys". After wards next few days I did told him about me and that guy RS is quite rocky and not stable and this Leo guy did suggest to me to "break up and find other guy." And he was still the same. He still treat me nice. But out of the sudden he just change to being very cold towards me when I starts to pay more attention and clingy.
But in your case there maybe a chance if you text or email him and be honest with him....act cool and explain the situation that there must be some sort of misunderstanding between you two and not quite sure why he is upset at you. If the girl I liked made me 2nd guess if my actions were incorrect, I may cool down and approach her again. We love being right, who doesnt? But most of us, if we know we are wrong, we will drift back to make amends.
Posted by leowwwPosted by starrynightYou didn't lie but you weren't honest about your relationship status so once he discovered the truth he most likely got turned off and didn't think you were deserving of his attention anymore. And the more you'll insist desperately to have him back the more he'll pull away.
To be honest, I was kind of clingy and dependent towards the Leo guy at the end before everything of this happens. Like I keep initiating to go out dates so I can spend alone time with him. But the more attention or affection I gave him, he just pull himself away.
But thanks solo87! I guess I might just wait till he talks to me to expand
Posted by blackphaseSigh~ so does that means he gone for good?Posted by starrynightThat's what pushed away the one I liked too.
To be honest, I was kind of clingy and dependent towards the Leo guy at the end before everything of this happens. Like I keep initiating to go out dates so I can spend alone time with him. But the more attention or affection I gave him, he just pull himself away.
But thanks solo87! I guess I might just wait till he talks to me again.
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