Posted by aliennationPosted by cowpuncher
I'm still waiting for you to pick which animal I have to murder this week from the following list: Bunny, squirrel, deer, feral pig, feral cat. If you don't pick I'll have to take out multiple animals just to be sure I have my bases covered.
Btw, it's winter folks, if your hands get cold, and you want something that will keep them toasty warm, pick up some rabbit fur lined mittens or gloves. You can also get rabbit fur lined hats. MUCH warmer than anything else you can buy... good stuff!
You'd eat squirrel? O___o
(I've had dog meat before, so I won't get on your case about cat meat...)click to expand
Posted by scorchedearth
now we'll see if she actually wants your attention or not.
Posted by ianthepisces
I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game
pursued.?? I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have.?? I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow.
Fred Bear
Posted by scorchedearth
if he knows it bothers you'll he'll keep doing it just to get the reaction.
Posted by MzSagittariusPosted by DazedScorp
Read the rules page
Shut up Dazed. I hid it for a reason. Be to expand
Posted by DazedScorp
Don't you walk your dog on a leash?
Posted by MzSagittarius
Kudos to you for taking the higher road.
Posted by Awakened
Ya know nights. It might be better if ya set up a FB page for this so that "spectators" don't interrupt. After it's over, you can just post all that transpired?
Posted by TasteOfChaosssPosted by tryandguessPosted by TasteOfChaosssPosted by tryandguessPosted by ellessque
have we picked a name?
i don't have a preference.
Yay, I could care less just not something non-vegan sounding or something too sexual.
Posted by Awakened
Wolf PACK!!!
Suck shit with her being on your team!
Save your breath, TOC you'll need it later to blow up your date
I don't need to blow him up? Dazed's clown made me balloon animals! Theyre already to go baby!!click to expand
Posted by Nights22Posted by Awakened
Can you please make a thread that outlines all the rules? Immunities, debate time spans, the bases for your judgements, rules for the players, etc?
lol yes. ill just respond in hereclick to expand
Posted by TasteOfChaosssPosted by tryandguessPosted by ellessque
have we picked a name?
i don't have a preference.
Yay, I could care less just not something non-vegan sounding or something too sexual.
Posted by Awakened
Wolf PACK!!!
Suck shit with her being on your team!click to expand
Posted by Awakened
Wolf PACK!!!
Posted by ellessque
have we picked a name?
i don't have a preference.
Posted by aliennationPosted by tryandguessPosted by Aviigail
Allienation- I'm not even taking your comments into consideration you would have to know us both. It hurts from both sides, she pretended to be my friend & care about me all the while going after my husband. Need I remind you we've been together for 10 yrs. married for 5 yrs. My brother and her were together for about 2... I never said she was ugly I just don't think I would be proud of my body if I looked like that.. Did you see her gut? That picture was taken 3 months after I had my son she was 9 months post pregnancy and she still has that same gut to this day 18 months post pregnancy. I remember I was ashamed of my body after I had my child. I would never send anyone pictures of my post-preg body if I still had all that weight on me. I lost A LOT of weight since that picture... The reason I'm so stuck on how she looks is because I would of thought a man cheats because the girl is more attractive than the girl he cheats on. They have nothing in common she's 19 very immature way more than you think I am!! He's just a perve I guess.
You look beautiful, don't allow some random chick from the Internet (without any pics of herself posted mind you) tell you, you look average.
I'm sure she's beautiful to some people, as it's partially subjective - but she was not only boasting about her looks like it was an undeniable fact, she was completely disparaging another person's looks. How are self-conscious people supposed to feel if they read that? Hell, I was almost insulted, as I'm tall, and she was implying tall people were ugly. =/
If she can dish out "honesty", she should be able to take to expand
Posted by ellessquePosted by tryandguess
Plus people usually look bigger sitting down.
that was so random. you got a real laugh out loud on that oneclick to expand
Posted by ellessque
Posted by aquaj
Also, my other question is, are you sure you were giving him enough sex? Because I don't care how gorgeous you are, if a person is not getting enough sex from what's at home, they are contemplating cheating on you. If he's ever had to nag you for sex, that was your red flag. Also, what Deezie said. The man has never hadthe chance to have sex with anyone else his whole life yet - you were together through all of high school and college! Shit was inevitable. People should not be getting married that young. Do you KNOW what the divorce rate is for people who get married before age 25? It brings up the whole average!
Posted by PurrrrHissss
Uh, saying that the dude is a cheater because the OP isn't giving him something that he wants or needs is stupid. I don't care how arrogant she is. That has nothing to do with his cheating. Neither do her looks. Look at all the gorgeous celebrities who've been cheated on. It's the cheater's issue, not the partner's!
Posted by Aviigail
Allienation- I'm not even taking your comments into consideration you would have to know us both. It hurts from both sides, she pretended to be my friend & care about me all the while going after my husband. Need I remind you we've been together for 10 yrs. married for 5 yrs. My brother and her were together for about 2... I never said she was ugly I just don't think I would be proud of my body if I looked like that.. Did you see her gut? That picture was taken 3 months after I had my son she was 9 months post pregnancy and she still has that same gut to this day 18 months post pregnancy. I remember I was ashamed of my body after I had my child. I would never send anyone pictures of my post-preg body if I still had all that weight on me. I lost A LOT of weight since that picture... The reason I'm so stuck on how she looks is because I would of thought a man cheats because the girl is more attractive than the girl he cheats on. They have nothing in common she's 19 very immature way more than you think I am!! He's just a perve I guess.
Posted by ellessque
what about immunity challenges by individuals.
btw...i have the best team ever.
okay...what is water, fire and a hint of air? THINK
Posted by happykitsunePosted by OceanDeep
Yippee!! Stoaked over teammates, we're gonna kick some flippin ASS!
Yes! Best team everclick to expand
Posted by Nights22Posted by tryandguessPosted by Nights22
I dont care about cussing. And during the debates personal insults certainly wont help win me over as a judge. Im not gonna deduct points but insults certainly wont win any. Whatever the teams do on non debate days doesnt matter as its just like survivor!
This is already unfair, I can tell I would have been a much better judge.
lol oh please. Just dont let people get in your head its really not that hard. I know some players will try *cough* the scorps *cough*.click to expand