
Message Posts by undercurrent

Hi, i want to contact him but, i admit, im "scared" of the reaction.
Just trying to build up the courage !!
Hey, Theres nothing wrong with ABBA !!
The most overrated singer (if you can call him that) is "Robbie Williams" 24Carat C.R.A.P
Yep, Rivers Of Babylon, Rasputin, Ma Baker, Daddy Cool, Sunny, Belfast, Brown Girl In The Ring and so on and so forth !!!
Id hate to think im the only person who listens to Boney M!!
Or am i the only one that admits to it! hehehe :-)
Interesting One, ive known some "Toughie's" from both signs.
Youre right AMW, i used personal info that i was trusted with, turned it around and used it to hurt him. Usually im the calmest most rational person but if i get really mad, i can get extremely nasty and vindictive and i hate myself when that happens.
Maybe im wishing on a star but i dont believe we cant be like we once were. One thing i am, is the "eternal optimist"
Its just hard when the other person wont acknowledge you.
And thanks Dog's for your advice as well.
Serious answers only please guys coz this is Killing Me?
I accused a good friend of doing something i later learned he knew nothing about. He retaliated, which caused me to get really nasty and say some Vile, Very Hurtful things, personal things which can never be taken back. Ive put myself through hell because of it. He hasnt communicated with me for over a year. I once sent him a "funny Pic" but never got an answer.
He's completely frozen me out of his life. This is one guy whos's
friendship id do anything to get back.
For what its worth, Hes a Typical Aries and im a Typical Capricorn.
After all this time, is it worth another crack at it?
Ive heard once you piss of an Aries (and nobody could have done a better job than me) youve lost them forever Sad