
Message Posts by virgolibraOR

Yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking. Bad timing.
Actually his chart is Aries heavy. But he does have a Libra moon. He has Aries in Venus and Mars. I am actually very libra heavy.
Haha. I said that. Sorry I was totally rambling.

Also I was drunk when I went over and said all that stuff. He was honest with me and said he thought that it was a rebound for me and that I would realize later that I didn't feel for him like I thought. But he was fine being my rebound and not to worry about him getting hurt.
Oh and he had disabled his dating profile right before I went to my moms too. I think because we had an exchange about why he was still checking it. It was lighthearted though. I didn't ask him to or anything and kind of teased him about being conceited and looking at his "likes"

So here's my story. Going through a divorce got drunk one night and decided to get on a online dating site just started liking some random guys pictures. Well the next day I get a message from this guy. Enter Pisces guy. He's 33, and also going through a divorce he has been separated a bit longer though. We click instantly. I'm 35 btw. Anyway we talk for a couple weeks and he is definitely pursuing me. How are we gonna date? Come over? No the first time we meet has to be a date. Like there is no doubt this is a romantic connection. We are texting all day everyday. Go on our first date and it was magical. Best ever. I stayed the night but no sex, we took it slow. Dated for another month before sleeping together. Then things started to simmer down a bit still texting all day every day, him initiating mostly. Making plans into the future about traveling and food prep and whatnot. Like this is moving forward it seems. Then a couple weekend I start going out with my girlfriends and I come over to his place after but I didn't initiate sex so that didn't happen, I told him sorry I would make up for it. The next weekend I come over and get all weird asking him if this is different for him than it is for me, saying I only like him because he likes me, is this a rebound. Like totally weird. I apologize again and smooth that over by making him food and ahem a sexual favor. But here's the weird part we are getting along great but the following weekend I leave town and go to my moms. He texts me halfway there asking if I've made it yet, and at 6am the next day asking how its going. Friday night tells me he misses me. Then Sunday we are talking about my mom and some irritations and I was like I have to come back in a week for thanksgiving and he's all oh I'm going to cali with my friends. Perks of being single! Then I'm like oh and being a dude... kind of joking but we both have kids and it was in bad taste. He got offended and was like does that really have a lot to do with it? Then goes silent. I apologized immediately about it not being a dig on him and left him alone for 24 hours. Then text him asking him if he was mad and wanted to talk about it. Then it wasn't until the next day. I text him to stop hating on me. That's when he said he wasn't hating on me but he stopped talking because he likes me and he can't have that in his life right now. His ex told him he could take the kids and move back to Canada (he's canadian) so he has some things he needs to address and he's going asap. Then he said if he's being honest he's not in a place to like someone right now and that I'm awesome and he has issues. He's either scared or not willing to deal with his shit. I then said "I'm both" and then he deleted me from all social media.

So 3 days later I sent him a heartfelt text about how I'm sorry I freaked out and I was scared and it was just my fears so I understand if that's truely his reason and that's I missed him. He ignored it. It's now been a week since I've heard from him. Is this just a game or is he just done like that? It seems so sudden! I'm confused. I know we had a weird moment but he was SO into me. Or so it seemed.