
Message Posts by virgowoman18

What would make a Sagittarius man come back? I havent heard from this Sag for a year and he just reached out to me.
Also he has slept with another girl last year and has apologized to me for it. I wanted to know why even though we’re not dating. Also he keeps reminding me that he has never been with another girl since then. But I think he’s lying. Is he?
I’m a Virgo woman and I have been seeing an Sagittarius men for 2 and a half years. We’re not dating but we have been physical with each other for this long. He started opening up to me last year about his life and his family but he doesn’t know anything about me (my trust issues). He has been checking on me asking me how I am and have been very attentive to me when I speak. He even remembers everything I say. He takes note on any changes made towards my body, for instance I would get my toes done and he would notice or when I recently cut my hair he noticed. We have never kissed or went out on a date. Lately he has been a little distant and I understand that he needs his space so I give it to him. But he would not contact me for a while. Not until I contact him first. Every time I see him he always says “it was really nice seeing you again.” I am starting to catch feelings and do not want to make a move until I know he is in this. I know Sagittarius men are known for cheating and I am afraid to get my feelings hurt but I really like him and want to know if he likes me too? Or am I just a FWB? How do I get him to talk about what we are without feeling uncomfortable?
A year ago a Scorpio guy and I were seeing each other for four months. He was so sweet and charming. I would catch him staring at me all the time even still today he does. He even showed his jealousy and his possessiveness when it came to me. He opened up to me about a lot of personal stuff about his family and how he feels. He even told me he was gonna propose to me and wanted to move into an apartment together. At the time we were seniors in high school getting ready to graduate so I thought he was moving fast but I was willing to do it for him. We were going to two separate colleges mine was all the way in Connecticut and his was in Utica. We were so private about our relationship that no one knew, until I told the smallest detail to my friend and she ran back and told him. Ever since then he treated me different. He broke up with me a week before I left for college and told me that “i will find someone better than him” I didn’t understand what he meant. As time pass I’m dealing with a Sagittarius now, only sexually, and he found and was really hurt by it. So he started treating me even more harsh. I told him I didn’t like the way he was treating me and he just starting arguing with me. So I blocked his number and haven’t spoken to him in 5 months. Recently, we found out we were going on a trip together with our mutual friends and all of a sudden he wants to talk to me about us and rekindle everything. My question is why? Why does he want to pick up where we left off? What does that mean? Does he want a relationship or a friendship? Why does he still stare at me constantly? I’m a Virgo by the way.