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Missvirgo99 joined January 13, 2013
Sun Virgo ... Moon Gemini ... Mercury Virgo ... Venus Cancer ...


He makes me melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July :-)

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Posted by Scorsagian21
Ok, I have heard virgos are perfectionist...But what about your women or men?
Do you expect the person you are dating to be perfect in face and body? I know
physical attraction is a must, im all for that, but I know they're might be flaws. But i give the person the benefit of the doubt to show me more about
them in personality wise. The virgos I have encountered are very fit and seem to be all about image and if the image dont add up with they're perception of the person they seem interested in, than they go no further than that.

I don't expect them to be perfect as lets face it no one is perfect are they ? I would like them to put as much effort into their appearance as I do though . I am not perfect but my make up is ALWAYS applied and I dress nicely . I wouldn't like to date what I would refer to as a ' slob ' being track suit bottoms and a tatty old tee . Body wise ..... I am not into the whole body building thing that so many men appear to be doing at the minute just someone with a natural build . Personality is everything though , he could be the most handsome man to walk the earth but if he had a vile personality / attitude that would turn me straight off .
This thread has sickened me to be quite honest . So in your times of being unable to deal with the fact your relationship is a pile of shit you HIT your poor defenceless dog ???
Your vile beyond words ! I hope to god someone removes that poor animal out of your care < and I use that word loosely .
I am disgusted !
So much negativity . I don't think I have seen one nice post from her . I would hate to live life in such a pessimistic way .
It gives me the impression sometimes that between her and one other poster they come on here to simply bash others .
This thread is a little bit of karma .
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by sunnyvirgo83
I told him flat out, I am scared of getting hurt again. I am scared and broken. I told him that I'm so use to men lovin' me and leavin' me. I told him I had a triple layer wall up and it's going to take a strong, compassionate patient man to un do my wall.

lol, leave it to a Virgo to not know she isn't suppose to dump her emotional baggage on another person to carry.
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God ! you are shocking . Always with a negative .
It would have been a great year had I let my barriers down and just gone with the flow with the connections I have with certain people . I am completely my own worst enemy .
Everyone deals with this kind of thing differently and no doubt she will confront it when she is ready too but like I say for me there would be no waiting around on that . It would be done in a heartbeat .
No one should be told anything , they go on their instincts and what is right for them .
" yet, here she is, having no clue that how he treats her is all up to her "
Your not seriously suggesting that its her fault that he cheated on her are you ??
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Missvirgo99
....... can they just not give a generally helpful nice reply ??

Let me guess ... to you, a helpful reply involves reassuring her that she had no participation in the road of her own life that led her here?
.... because ignorant bliss is a beautiful thing
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Nope ! people treat you the way you allow them to treat you . I don't think anyone deserves to be cheated on mind you , if your not happy fucking leave . Personally I would throw the evidence at him , smack him in the face and tell him I never want to see him again . There would be no waiting to do this .
What's the deal with the nasty responses ??
What is the matter with people , can they just not give a generally helpful nice reply ??
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by aqulibini
..this time he has been caught with evidence!!!
Waiting for the right time to get to him!

::: shakes head at ignorant people :::

How many millenniums do people have to be in existence before they are able to grasp their own actions?

Here you are presenting the situation as if you've been taken, as if you were never a participant in teaching him how to treat you.

He hasn't done anything to you that is not acceptable to you, the FIRST time you remained ignorant is the time you taught him what he is allowed to do ... it is also the time that any woman with a smidgeon of sense would stand tall as she walked out the door to never return.

YOU are the director of your own life. If you choose to take the back seat to let someone else determine what is in your best interest ... then don't come crying around these parts, because people like me tear stupid people new assholes.

Of course, I know the drill here, it's always the same ... you're a victim, wa wa wa
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Whilst I agree with Parts of this I wouldn't be quite so harsh about it ( no offence )
Why are you waiting to confront him with your evidence ? Chuck it in his face , stand tall and tell him to piss off .
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
#12Opposites attract
Virgos have an insatiable appetite for control and they often wind up falling in love with someone who is the polar opposite of their usual self. Their curious nature and taste for exploration often leads virgos to be attracted to their opposites -- which can sometimes lead to the perfect yin and yang

This is so true ! I seem to always go for men that are my completele polar opposite , including a aqua , Leo and gemini / cancer cusp male
The Leo was simple friends with fantastic benefits but I think I fell in love with him a little Winking
Yep like I said ............ shoo shoo . Us boring , unwitty , cold , emotionless virgo's are actually bored of YOU !
Hahaha exactly now shoo-shoo the Capricorn board are waiting for you .

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I was browsing this site the other day and although its based on study rather then astrology i was quite shocked with it
Joined: Jan 13, 2013 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 100

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