This thread has sickened me to be quite honest . So in your times of being unable to deal with the fact your relationship is a pile of shit you HIT your poor defenceless dog ???
Your vile beyond words ! I hope to god someone removes that poor animal out of your care < and I use that word loosely .
I am disgusted !
So much negativity . I don't think I have seen one nice post from her . I would hate to live life in such a pessimistic way .
It gives me the impression sometimes that between her and one other poster they come on here to simply bash others .
This thread is a little bit of karma .
It would have been a great year had I let my barriers down and just gone with the flow with the connections I have with certain people . I am completely my own worst enemy .
Everyone deals with this kind of thing differently and no doubt she will confront it when she is ready too but like I say for me there would be no waiting around on that . It would be done in a heartbeat .
No one should be told anything , they go on their instincts and what is right for them .
" yet, here she is, having no clue that how he treats her is all up to her "
Your not seriously suggesting that its her fault that he cheated on her are you ??
What's the deal with the nasty responses ??
What is the matter with people , can they just not give a generally helpful nice reply ??
Yep like I said ............ shoo shoo . Us boring , unwitty , cold , emotionless virgo's are actually bored of YOU !
Hahaha exactly now shoo-shoo the Capricorn board are waiting for you .