I will keep this as short as possible. I am a scorpio female and he is an Aqua. we just started dating not too long ago as there was a definate and big attraction there. I have my gaurds up as it is still new and I have been hurt before, and also because I feel sometimes that I need to keep my guard up around an Aqua because of the way he can sometimes come across. I find that he does and says a lot of things to get under my skin, to see how I might react I think, also his moods can almost match mine which makes me keep my guards...on guard , heh. He is VERY touchy feely with me , is this normal for an aqua man ? or is he still seeing what makes me tick when he does certain things? He also tells me how much he likes me over and over again in a day aswell as coming up behind me to kiss and to hug me just the same. I catch him looking over at me aswell to see what im doing ...smiling or what not alot. Now i know that for many these are signs of love , which he also tells me does a couple times a day. But the amount that he does it makes me feel like its a part of the " what makes her tick" phase that an aqua can have. He tells me a lot about him and his life and how it was and what he wants it to be. He is a walking contradiction which i find interesting and spicy , the way he looks at me and holds me is the kind of affection i like and want , constant. but at the same time i can't help but feel that he is being a little shady somewhere along the line. Some may take this as me being insucure and ill admit there might be a little of that here but most of all its the feeling i get when he says certain things to me , i pick up that he may be stretching the truth with me a little bit in the way that he feels. I know he cares for me and is interested in me a lot , but sometimes i still feel that he says and does certain things just so he can see how i take it. and I want to know what is up with that ? Should i trust him ? should i take some gaurd down.. why do aqua men tend to do this ? or all aquas for that matter, how do i call his bluff? and how to i show him that i am not out to get him either. i guess time will tell but a few pointers wont hurt. whats the deal with aqua men and i know some say scorps are not a match for them , but we get along in this weird unspoken way which we both like. we are refreshing and frustrating to eachother , but we both like that aswell. what are the chances here , whats up?
Also , how do I stop him from being so awkward. How do I go about this with an Aqua? What does they like /relate to ? what dont they relate to ?
I just want to do the right thing, I don't want to hurt this one I like him and I value our friendship and whatever else might happen, but more so the friendship
thanks in advance
Okay , I am at a loss here and not sure what to do. I met my Aqua at school. We are in the same program and groups within the course we are taking. There is ALOT of sexual heat between us and we have hung out and talked on more than one occasion and had such a blast. One thing led to another and we ended up making love at my place one night and again a few nights after that. He didn't show up to school the next day and was very awkward around me the last time I saw him. I said hello and asked how he was and made a few jokes like I always did and he couldnt even look me in the eyes and kept fiddling with whatever was in his hands. The reason why I am at a loss here is because he was the one who kept telling me how much he was into me and how he really liked me. I told him that i liked him to but wasnt looking for too too much in so many words. Maybe that scared him off I dont know. But Id rather keep him as a friend than anything else. Even though there is a lot of sexual energy there I dont see myself with this person long term. But I do want to remain his friend as we have a blast together. So is this why he is acting akward ? or is there something else ? or ? I am a scorpio female by the way , what are the chances for a couple like us anyhow .