I knowwww i should know this one but again my male lions, how do you show you’re interested? Are you aloof or all into her?
Just started dating an aqua i met at my new job, i just wanna say that he is the most amazing guy I’ve ever dated.
He texts me good morning every morning, takes me out, buys me lunch whenever i want. He is simply an amazing man. He’s so straight forward,
Hi lionsssss and cubs!
It’s almost our birthday, what are you guys doing? Any special plans?
I like seeing what other lions do for their birthday lol
I’m just gonna go to Shlitterbahn and get bbq after like i do every year, what about you?? 💕😽
Guys have you ever dated a capricorn if so how long did it take the cap to open up completely? Just started seeing a cap that i've knows my whole life. We've always been friends, our dads work together and have been best friends for over 20 years so we ar
Personal Development
When did you know you needed to end a friendship? what was the final straw for you?
She WAS pregnant, decided to keep is hush hush so she has a stress free pregnancy, her and travis scott (taurus) seem to be doing really well too!
No matter the situation, a baby is a blessing and wish her and travis all the luck! (she prob will never
First, how is the lunar eclipse affecting you? Where is Leo in your chart??
Are you feeling better or worse?
Also if you have any leo placement, is it easy for you to SEE things? Is it easy for you to shed light on everything? Do you audomatically
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:
Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,
Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?
I’m talking
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
The Man Cave
sorry to be in the Man Cave but quick question for the guys; If you never buy condoms and expect the girl you're seeing to always buy them for you is that a bad thing?
I personally dont see that as a bad thing but my friends do?! What do you guys think?
So lately i've been thinking i want to open my own Event Business since i went to school for that. Does anyone have their own business? if so any tips?