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~mystic_fish joined November 08, 2006
from Neptune and Nirvana

SUN//MOON MIDPOINT: 24°01’ A.Q.U.A.R.I.U.S *** H.O.U.S.E 11 --- MOST DOMINANT NATAL MIDPOINTS *** A.Q.U.A.R.I.U.S. @ 20 + S.C.O.R.P.I.O. @ 22

|F we are looking for the True Focal Point, Central Core or Axis of a Natal Astrology Chart, we cannot do much better than to select the Sun/Moon Midpoint as it.s location. So when we ask someone, "What is your Sign?", it would actually be better to give the Sign of our Sun/Moon Midpoint than our Sun Sign in response to that question. Natal Midpoints represent birth traits, strengths, weaknesses, potential for personal growth and could involve others who are part of our Life.s Path ...
The MORE REFINED you can make your analysis, the MORE RELEVANT. -- FULL MIDPOINTS @

User Submitted Image A.Q.U.A.R.I.A.N. SUN/MOON MIDPOINT: The Highlighted Aquarius shows that you need to be independent or unique (different than the rest). Motivated by friends or groups (on the internet). Needs change and variation, new or new things to feel alive. Highlighted technology or human interests. The family member who is more interested in the latest adventures of the club or friends than in the close family members, but always willing to help if you ask. If your Sun AND Moon were not in the same sign, your midpoint Sun/Moon is the compromise that you found in the way-of-living of Aquarius; as free as a bird, but with an eye for society. It does not mean that this independence or uniqueness need be shown by not getting married. In marriage: The TRUE friend.


User Submitted Image AQUARIUS POWER: 207.6 (rank-1) / 30% , P.I.S.C.E.S )( Power: 127.9 (rank-2)/ 18% . NEPTUNE )( Dominant . AIR Dominant @ 258.8 . UBER F.i.x.e.d! @ 327.0

User Submitted Image AIR DOMINANT (by element) @ 258.8 / 36.2% + FIXED DOMINANT(by modality) @ 326.9 / 45.8% = .. [CORE..POWER..SIGN] .. A.Q.U.A.R.I.U.S .. ~ pullen

|| D0MINANT AXiS = LE QUARIUS: LEO/AQUARIUS -- THIRD RAIL -- Of The Zodiac -- Dance of FIRE and AIR -- Fanning of the Flames -- Playing with Fire --
The Social Awareness Axis; 6 Planets (Leo/Aquarius, HS 5-11) ~ The flow of creative and charismatic energy into group situations to lead or inspire others.


User Submitted Image MARS SINGLETON LEO ... 5TH HOUSE LEO ... 1ST DECAN LEO -conjunct- KARMA LEO ... LEO DUADS User Submitted Image R in VENUS .. ASCENDANT .. SATURN
Fav M.I.L ~ Donald J. TRUMP. James DEAN. Rob HALFORD (frontman: Judas Priest). Till LINDEMANN (frontman: Rammstein). Colin FARRILL. Stefano DIONISI ..
-- Sharing FIRE-MARS.SINGLETON IN HOUSE 5 with_The Marquis de Sade

User Submitted Image MARS LEO: Personality Profile ~ MARS (planet of vitality) - STRONGEST when placed in a FIRE sign.
According to astrology, Leos are proud people, and Mars in Leo have the strongest sense of self of all the zodiac. Mars in Leo is a swashbuckler, with only the Aries male to compete with in terms of astrology. The difference being that Aries is always striving to be the leading man in the room, whereas Leo already assumes he is! They have great self-confidence, with a knack for self-promotion.. Because they love the spotlight, they are obsessed with image, and work hard to maintain a charismatic nature. It is this drive that keeps them at the top of their game. Born show-offs with an enormous amount of personal pride, they know how to impress. This often manifests in a creative way, for the Leo Mars likes to design and produce something they can show off to others. Emotions are positively increased, and their verve, intensity and GREAT love of life and all it has to offer makes them a FUN and exciting confidante! Mars in Leo gives an abundance of Elan Vital and the incentive to project ideas in dramatic ways. Few combinations impart more personal magnetism. Everything is done WITH HEART and in a grand and chivalrous manner. There is a liking for the BIG, the BRIGHT, the BOLD. Mars intensifies Leos courage, pride, and generosity, but it can also incite hasty judgment and lack of restraint. Issues are clearly drawn and action is taken without fear of consequences. It is hard for the Noble Lion to pay obeisance to anyone. Yet there are times when they must submit to others, even if only to prove that they have this additional Power over the Kingdom of their Own Soul.
User Submitted Image M.A.R.S: Archetype of the Warrior: We have ALL got an inner HULK that takes over when we are ANGRY. When threatened or under attack, MARS takes over. Mars is expressed most easily and naturally in FIRE signs, who are quick to anger and quick to get over it.
TRIGGER: Being disrespected, overlooked, or challenged in any way. Pride is both their strength and weakness. ACTIONS (mars) are tied into EGO (leo).
CHOICE WEAPON: Pride and ego, which fuels their competitive nature. Mars in Leo will do whatever it takes to prove it is the best and deserves respect.
VICTORY: When your opponent kneels down and admits they are not worthy of being in your magnificent presence ..

FIXED STAR *PRAESEPE CONJUNCT MARS (1° orb) ^ LEO - User Submitted Image - The character is adventuresome, brutal, perverse, and reckless. Losses can come from others.

User Submitted Image VENUS CAPRICORN_ANGULAR V.I.P. 10TH -conjunct- CAPRICORN MIDHEAVEN (discerning.discriminating.taskmaster.voice-of-reason.staying power)
Famous VICaps ~ Steve JOBS. Brandon LEE, Christian BALE. Elvis PRESLEY. Paul NEWMAN. Clark GABLE. James DEAN. Taylor LAUTNER. Bradley COOPER. James SPADER. Ville VALO (H.I.M). Tim SKOLD. Peter STEELE. Rob ZOMBIE. Billy IDOL. Adam LAMBERT. Justin TIMBERLAKE. Zack de la Rocha (r.a.t.m). "Jay Kay" Jamiroquai. Brad PITT. Kim WILDE. Scarlett JOHANSSON. Britney SPEARS. Andy BIRSACK. KAI. ... ^^ALEX JONES - InfoWars ^^ ...
User Submitted Image INFAMOUS VICaps::: Nazi Germany x NERO x Pablo Escabar ..

PISCES SUN in: PISCES Decan, ARIES Duad | AQUARIUS MOON in: GEMINI Decan, GEMINI Duad | TAURUS ASCENDANT in: TAURUS Decan, LEO Duad CAPRICORN VENUS in: Taurus Decan, Leo Duad | LEO MARS in: Leo Decan, Scorpio Duad | AQUARIUS SATURN in: Gemini Decan, Leo Duad |

Pisces~ Dignified by Domicile in Jupiter..
Aquarius ~ Dignified by Domicile in Saturn..
Venus Capricorn ~ Dignified by Face (day chart).. Venus conjunct MC ~ Essential Dignity; Eminence by Circumstance..
Aquarius Exalts in Mercury (uranus its higher octave) ~ seeing beyond what is concrete, further into abstraction, ingenuity, bigger picture, universal mindset.. .
JUPITER Under HELIACAL RISE or PHASIS (seen as highly intensified, dramatic, speaking)
Saturn in Aquarius ^ 11th House ~ PLANET in HAZE (when all four sects agree) ~ a Diurnal planet in a Diurnal chart, placed in a Diurnal house in a masculine, and therefore Diurnal sign. Saturn Aquarius is also (essentially) Dignified and (accidentally) Dignified by House (11).

FIXED STAR *FORMALHAUT CONJUNCT SUN (0° orb) ^ PISCES - "Watcher of the South." -- Prominent in Magick.
It can increases and amplify whatever planet it conjuncts. The Artist, Idealist, Enigmatic.. The need to keep one's feet on the ground while one's head in the clouds. [One of FOUR Most Prominent Fixed Royal Stars.] - Famous ~ KURT Cobain

STRONG ASPECTS to Ascendant (10 *Major!) may tell a lot about how the person “advertises” - self to others, either knowingly or unknowingly, and. as such may not be so obvious to the actual individual who has these aspects. As with Planets in Conjunction to the Asc; Numerous ASPECTS will further "modify" the Asc - giving a strong presence, a person with many faces/facets/personas; the chameleon, the shapeshifter; able to transform, reinvent; as so with the Plutonian aspects.

SATURN ORIENTAL (17 degrees behind the sun) - Saturn Guiding Planet / Skill Symbol: air of authority, highly organized, well-structured, thoroughly planned
You have a knack for defining systems and making things function well and long. Saturn Skill Symbol people often exhibit an even greater capacity for work, self-discipline and for overcoming hardship and obstacles than the Mars Skill Symbol type.

The SEE-SAW Chart (opposing axis 11/5) ~ Ultimately, the see-saw pattern offers the rich fullness of the two opposite and complementary ends of the personality.

DICHOTOMY between spontaneous living (Leo/fire) and the rigidities of societal convention (Aquarius/air in its more Saturnine aspect.) Because of the self/other dynamic inherent in all oppositions, this particular dichotomy may act itself out through people around oneself, in terms of others mirroring back one or the other extreme of this polarity. For example, individuals with a prominent Leo/Aquarius may themselves be largely spontaneous, while their spouses or business partners are heavily rational and detached in temperament - or vice versa. This AXIS is often emphasized in the charts of thinkers or philosophers with a capacity for synthesizing, creative, diverse ideas and intellectual systems within unifying paradigms. In short, Leo rules from the top down (reigning individual shining before~monarchy), whereas Aquarius rules from bottom up (commoners mingling with the masses~democracy.) Egyptian Sphinx: Merging Lion and Human Body.

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BRANDON LEE (1965 -1993) .: *proudly shares Aquarius Moon // Venus Capricorn Mix :. R.I.P. Brandon. xX

+ YOU ARE BOTH a private person and a people person. This dichotomy may be confusing for a partner, and even for you at times!
A sense of security and stability feeds your romantic spirit, and intellectual stimulation turns you on emotionally.
You bring both playfulness and commonsense to a relationship. It is important for you to have LIKE-Minded SOULS in your life. --

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-- MERCURY (aquarius) OPPOSE MARS (leo) * TIGHTEST * Zero Deg. Orb --
Sharp mind. Strong mind. Mind as a weapon. Quick thinking. Fast talking.
Being the first to think of something. Masculine mind. Aggressive thoughts.
The competitive mind. Writing angry letters. Quick on the trigger. Powers of Speech ..
The ability to think on your feet. Sleight of hand. Tricksters. Breaking NEW ground in thought.
Aggressive pursuit of information. A communication style that attracts enemies. Needing to win the argument.
The ability to think for yourself. Inciting people to think for themselves. Making your thoughts known.
-- NEEDING to draw your OWN conclusions ...

MERCURY (AQUARIUS) Trine Black Moon Lilith (LIBRA) ~ Adds wisdom, intuition and DEPTH to Mercury.
MASTERS Of Witchery and Charm .. A natural affinity with the hidden mysteries of life and a great capacity to fathom them.

MERCURY (AQUARIUS) conjunct Saturn (AQUARIUS) ~ Grants a Strategic Mind, Intellectual Discipline, Powers of Concentration,
a serious outlook, and a knack for logical reasoning. ++ GRAMMER MASTERS ++

User Submitted Image | AQUA Moon

ISTP ^ THE ASSA $ $ IN...... o()xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>
CONTROLLED Charm.. intelligent, calculating, large knowledge - data base, innovative. High situational awareness, high-functioning brain-muscle connection

User Submitted Image | AQUA Moon

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~~ P.I.S.C.E.S. SUN DANIEL )-( G.R.A.V.E.S @

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User Submitted Image P.I.S.C.E.S. .. S.H.A.N.NO.N LETO )-( T.S.T.M
+ Everything is okay in the end. If it.s not okay, then it.s not the end. ~ Shannon.LET0.
+ The human body is volatile, the soul is invincible. The soul can add or subtract to the growth of the human experience; so pay attention! ~ S.L.
+ To change, it takes a decision based on faith; faith takes forgetting everything you thought you knew. ~S.LEtO

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User Submitted Image P.I.S.C.E.S. .. M.A.X.X DANZIGER )-(

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User Submitted Image P.I.S.C.E.S. .. VINNIE P.A.U.L )-( : P.A.N.TE.R.A :

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User Submitted Image P.I.S.C.E.S. .. Martial Artist-Actor Mark Dacascos )-( The Crow: Stairway to Heaven

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@ ++++ d[-.-]b ++++

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