Posted by ladyluckPosted by mystiquelibra93
How is there compatibility ?
If you talk about emotional compatibility that depend on the moon signs also...where as if you are talking about the attraction....yes ,there is good compatibility..sometimes they both can understand each other without to expand
Posted by utopian
If your Scorp Mars is in house 1, you'll appear very intimidating, and sound it too. But if its in 12.. Shrugs.
Posted by Shescomeundone
I have some of the same placements.. Remember Libra is a masculine sign! I'm assuming you don't run around in sweat pants all the time etc etc.. I hate heels they just aren't me... I like pants over dresses but I'm not masculine by any means.. I always smell good and look good, were light more natural makeup etc etc... Don't change who you are to attract a man... Be yourself and the right ones will pursue you!
Posted by PVandJelleh
Damn I hate to be negative, but no. There are a few Libra moons that I've met who I get along with, but they are the exception rather than the rule. The rest have all rubbed me the wrong way for one reason or another.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
My mom is a Libra moon and I am a Virgo moon. We don't get along but I'm sure that has to do with other factors.
Posted by 1jadedIndividual
Even as a young kid (7-9) I always wondered why people stared at me, and reacted to me in the manner that they did. I specifically remember once asking my parents while we were out "are people intimidated by me". I also have Pluto conjunct my ascendant (within 3 degrees) so that adds to it's effect. As others have stated, often times people assume that I am angry even if I am not. People often times say "you have such a beautiful smile you should use it more often", the thing is it feels weird for me to walk around with a fake/dumb smile on my face (I usually only smile when something makes me laugh/genuine). I somehow give off this intense/powerful/mysterious energy while doing nothing, and people react to me in the oddest way. Most of the time I don't even allow people to see that I know that I am affecting them. I can walk into a room, and instantly feel the energy change but I don't say anything about it. Honestly if it weren't for me having this ascendant I wouldn't have gotten into astrology.