neo joined February 05, 200639 years old male
"Hi,this is Neo Date of Birth : 23 June 1985 Stars gemini/cancer cusp sunsign : Cancer rising sign : Leo I m someone who is lookin fr somethin but still not clear wat i m lookin fr I can feel it but cant explain it.If u ask me who am I??? I will think t
"Hi,this is Neo Date of Birth : 23 June 1985 Stars gemini/cancer cusp sunsign : Cancer rising sign : Leo I m someone who is lookin fr somethin but still not clear wat i m lookin fr I can feel it but cant explain it.If u ask me who am I??? I will think twice,thrice... I m still lookin fr myself...I m still tryin to figure out who m I? I like expressin myself ... I luv the company of strangers... I wld like to try every thing in this world before dying... u know wat??? whenevr I m writtin anythin bout myself I end up contradictin myself...coz all I can say...all I can write r words...n words can never express the truth the way silence can...& that's why I like playin with words all the time :-) I'm cArEfReE & a rEbEl... & verrrrry lazzzzzyy at times!!!!!!!!! hats off!!!!!!!"