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outofdarkness joined November 01, 2016
54 years old female


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I wouldn't mind mind a random reading, if you feel up to it. Thank you!
Holy. Shit. I only got to page 12 over two days. THIS is why I refuse to deal with cancers. DRAAMMAAA!
Posted by seraph
Posted by ArkhamAsylum_HarleenQuinzel
Serious question: does this mean I am ready to die?

Yes. You don’t have much choice but to be ready, because you don’t really get to choose in the first place. Your death is always before you. You might have 50 more years or 50 more minutes. We can play around with The Law of Averages, but it’s a game of percentages for the physical body. Everything, even that/whom to you is most beloved, is touched irrevocably by impermanence. Non-attachment is freedom. Not an uncaring or cold thing, but an understanding of what undergirds all experience.

This is all the more reason to enjoy the show and rejoice in worldly existence. If you obsess about all the dead yesterdays and worry about the unwritten future, you’ll miss the perfection of right now, in which you are just as you are, which is ever what you’ve always been: totally complete, not needing anything more what is at this moment; nothing good, bad, or some other judgment; just what is.
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I ghost like it's an Olympic sport. Brb, gotta go for cigarettes.... ??
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by outofdarkness
My left eye twitches when my anxiety gets to a critical level. That's when I go home, put on some John Coltrane, and crack open a good book.
I'm at work right now. I can't even focus on work. It came out of nowhere
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That's the worst. Try to focus on your breathing.
My left eye twitches when my anxiety gets to a critical level. That's when I go home, put on some John Coltrane, and crack open a good book.
If you're my friend, you're my FRIEND. People go through different things in life, the relationship ebbs and flows. I love catching up with them.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by outofdarkness
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by sierra_
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by sierra_
it sucks that it's not effective on both sides

like if you block someone...there should just be mutual oblivion

we become non-entities to each other

ive made a thread about that... i don't think anything came of it though
Nothing ever will because it's a horrible idea
why is it such a bad idea?
Why should you get to decide what I can and cannot say?
You can say whatever you want. Other people don't have to listen.
I didn't say they had to. But they sure as hell aren't going to keep me from voicing my opinion on an open forum.
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You will still voice it; the other just won't hear it. Meh. It is what it is.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by sierra_
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by sierra_
it sucks that it's not effective on both sides

like if you block someone...there should just be mutual oblivion

we become non-entities to each other

ive made a thread about that... i don't think anything came of it though
Nothing ever will because it's a horrible idea
why is it such a bad idea?
Why should you get to decide what I can and cannot say?
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You can say whatever you want. Other people don't have to listen.
Posted by m200991
Posted by shaymaci
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
I clicked on this thread cause you used the words forlorn and doltish.
Honestly. So did I ??
? User Submitted Image ?
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Taurus, hands down. Also, earth sun with earth moon or earth sun with water moon.
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Then why make the thread, you dumb broad? Seriously, you're all up in arms and jumping to conclusions why? This isn't even a big deal and you're making dipshit threads like this. Your age is really showing, here. You're a known prostitute, yet you're worried about looking like a "dumb bimbo" in shorts and a t-shirt?

I'm not really understanding why you give a rat's ass about what some random thinks, tbh.

Nice job cropping out everything I said and keeping the one sentence that really irks you. I don't know why you're so angry and I have the strong sense that you ain't even gon listen if I explain my inner dialog to you, you narrow minded cunt. So here's some fries for your salt ?
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rockyroadicecream is always salty. Pay no mind.

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Having a Neptune ascendant, I've noticed that other people have a strong tendency to project their issues or anything they don't want to acknowledge in themselves onto me (for example, accusing me of being one way when I am actually quite the opposite). D
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I'm feeling a little creeped out today. I went on Facebook today, and lo and behold, there is one of the girls who bullied me in my first elementary school. I haven't thought about her in years, haven't seen or spoken to her since I left that school 37 ye
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