Congrats to you that is exactly what I want my Leo man to do. Did he ask to see you? The only way you will know if he wants you back if he keeps putting an effort to get you back but see what the Leo's have to say because I'm not a Leo but I dated one and when he wanted me he put all out for me and when he decided to date someone else he became distant no calling then cut me off completely.
Well my mother is a Leo and she is a very complicated person to me.
How do you get a gemini to call you a lot
One thing I miss about my leo man he use to answer just about every call and call me instantly back and he would move quickly whenever I needed him. I'm not really getting that from my other relationships. I loved that about him.
I am feeling good not sad or hurt anymore I feel free. I am talking to a great guy he is awesome he actually amazes me. I still think about my ex and wonder what was it really all about if I knew the truth I think I would not wonder. Because he said some words that keep messing in my head that she is his age and settled in her career. My career is moving forward I have put so much time and work into my career and it is paying off. I am also happy for the experience because I have never been hurt like that before and I needed to treasure the emotion for my career, I am an actress and an author my 2 books will be released by the end of this year. One is from a traditional publisher and one is self-published.
The reason being was I always put everyone before me and get hurt so when I met him I said I am not getting hurt this time. He claims I did give him the attention he needed and I did not need to apologize that he had to blame himself for a lot of stuff but I think I started it all but I learned I'm not afraid of getting hurt anymore I will continue putting my best foot forward. I will not be afraid if someone leaves.
Thanks guys I really appreciate all the wisdom. I learned a lot in this relationship and I am getting myself together.
Are you serious this man is not done contacting me. Wow that is amazing to me looks like the relationship is doomed.
The thing about our relationship all the bad stuff happen on the phone in person we would have so much fun I mean a lot of fun but we couldn't get the phone conversation right and I never had any authority by phone but in person he would melt and I had a voice