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PeaFeather joined May 04, 2009



Ill tell you what won't be tame and just sit there Winking
Just my luck, I was speaking to my aqua yesterday and he's in a rut about the city we live in (not odd for him).
I got annoyed since going through all that pain was basically down the drain but ill just put it into action another time :/
And the wig would freak me out lol, but I do have a sailor hat Winking, and outfit...come to think of it!
Those 40 minutes better be worth it!
I would think I would...but I don't :/ he could like many things, he just doesn't voice them lol.
So...I'm taking the bull by the horns smile
I just went through 40 minutes of the most PAINFUL and warm brazilian waxes EVER for my aqua love And made a very long...long trip through Victoria's Secret and bought this sexy ass bra/panty set that I swear looks like a sailor get up
I was just wondering, is this the right approach? Do Aqua's usually go for the whole lingerie thing?
I keep reading that the way to their pants is through technology and smarts (mind you, I've been dating my aqua for almost 3 years) so I figure leaving him to his computer habits and majoring and living in Chemistry takes care of those two...

Any suggestions?
Soo...I'm new to here
[claps in background]
Thank you! thank you! Tongue
I just went through 40 minutes of the most PAINFUL and warm brazilian waxes EVER for my aqua love smile And made a very long...long trip through Victoria's Secret and bought this sexy ass bra/panty set that I swear looks like a sailor get up Winking
I was just wondering, is this the right approach? Do Aqua's usually go for the whole lingerie thing?
I keep reading that the way to their pants is through technology and smarts (mind you, I've been dating my aqua for almost 3 years) so I figure leaving him to his computer habits and majoring and living in Chemistry takes care of those two...
Any suggestions?

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