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Philosophy287 joined May 01, 2008
male from New York


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"Neither of them will live long lives. Excess and deficeit."
The two extremes..... in the flesh.... and bones...

"Where is the leadership in the 3rd world? i'm sure council is not starving.."
Thats the thing, they're purposely kept that way... unable to fend for themselves.
"I bet if we delivered that kid to Africa, those guys would worship him as some sort of a minute deity, able to communicate to them solely by impretious pointing, and possibly hissing when displeased."
"those are michelin man tire kids"


Have an idea for an interesting series of threads.
So here's how it's gonna go down... I'm gonna post some pics, and you all can give an interpretive feedback on what u see.

in shorter terms....
"Cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen" ya dig?
Perhaps this isn't the game for you.
^ You're over thinking it.... It's not a booty call nor is that serious. And if it is, that would imply that she had consented to some form of sexual engagement prior to her post now. She has to take responsibility for what she allowed... and if that's not the case, then why is she making this so complicated? She said it her self... They are not exclusively dating. To me it means it's a casual relationship...
Usually those instances are very vague/friendly with a lot of harmless flirting, in which both participants are allowed to explore outside options... hey, you did it... so if he's wrong, so are you. Don't try to fit a square perspective into a circle reality.
I think you need to stop making it such a complicated issue, and just speak to the guy, and leave out the drama.... because that will show him that YOU are insecure about your position with him.
I suggest you learn about the aqua male more through the individual and less through the subject, if u catch my drift. In other words, go for the hands on training, because if you learn everything about aqua men through what you've read instead of what u experienced, you'll approach this guy trying to fit a circle into a square..... if u catch my drift.
"Both of these women say something similar = when they lay down to sleep, all the thoughts they keep at bay during the day that pertain to personal issues, coming flooding into their mind."
"Where his boundless energy comes from, I will never know"
Definitely not a coincidence. I go through the same shit some nights.... the mind goes on over time and the cognitive process alone is enough energy to keep me up until sunrise. Its an annoying trait to have. Lately I haven't had that problem (luckily)... I'm knocked out cold 2-3 minutes after I hit the pillow.
Pride still running this guy into the same wall, I see....
Sometimes a little humiliation in modesty can open brand new worlds we thought were dangerous but are actually very welcoming. It hurts the most the first time we walk through that door (of emotion), but push through.... it's the only way you can understand the mechanics. And once understood, mistakes seem to happen less frequently.
"Pride goeth before the fall"
Reserve your pride for the challenges you've conquered, so that you don't make the mistake of being conquered by a challenge you were to proud to face.
lol... Your problem is exactly the reason why I:
1. Keep it professional in the work environment. I'm a little less friendly with co-workers (especially females) and a little more serious... Many times the women at my last job would flirt with me or try to engage me in small talk... And it seems the more detached I become the more intrigued they get. which leads me to number 2...
2. Cut that pallin around shit with women out... they're fickle with their friends even towards they're close circle of female friends. It's cool with your male co-workers cuz they're more likely to be up-front, straight shootin, and won't drag out frivolous matters. Not saying some won't act childish and snicker behind your back.
3. KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. If this job is your current bread and butter, forget making friends until happy hour.
I don't know if it has anything to do with any eclipse.... but since may I find myself doing a lot of healing and bringing clarity to my friends with relationship issues. Either I'm givin advice, or I'm just simply being an open ear.
My mid-heaven is Aquarius and so is the 11th house, Mercury and Sun.
Seen someone say this..... "virgo dad, piscies mom."
try a..
Virgo Mother
Pisces Father
.... Divorced since I was 9. You can judge from the signs.... self-explanatory. My mother is the reason I'm always rootin' for the under-dogs... jumpin in to save someone when it's not my business. Sometimes I felt as if I've jumped in front of a "bullet", emotionally for her.

Aqua man

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...Enjoy being home naked. Maybe not fully naked, but enjoy being home un-clothed. I know I do.... sometimes I'll forget
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
Have an idea for an interesting series of threads. So here's how it's gonna go down... I'm gonna post some pics, and
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
I think my brother's natal chart is cool. I've grown a huge amount of respect for him over the years (he is younger then
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
This post is quote I took from a thread in another forum I frequent. Thought you all might find this to be an enlighteni
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
Do you eat to live... or do you live to eat? In Africa they're starving over here the food hurts you - Talib
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
Very immature character. I don't mind the jokes and the roasting sessions every and then... but when my lady friend come
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
.... No more then 4 hours after a major surgery on the jaw your pulling tubes out of you, preparing to leave.
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
Can you go without solid foods? I fasted for a month... was living off of straight blended fruits and water. Funny th
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Something strange happens to people each and every time they exclusively date and begin to dub one another my girlfrien
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
I have come to the conclusion that The Purpose Of Astrological Signs Is Limitation. I have observed you all and
Joined: May 01, 2008 · Topics: 12 · Posts: 116
.... Names Phill. Young male, Born and raised in NYC. Friends like to joke around and call me Dr. Phill or Philosophy
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