Hey y'all
What do you guys REALLY think of Capricorns? What are some the positive and negative traits you've seen in them? Also - who would win in a fight? I vote Scorp!
Heyy Scorps!
I have some majorly important questions when it comes to jealousy and insecurity. I'm a Scorpio with a Scorpio moon, so of course everything is twice as intense for me. Not to mention a Leo rising on top of that. Luckily my Sag Venus & Libra Mars keep me a little open and understanding. Anyway, I'm currently seeing a lovely and totally trustworthy Scorpio man (but he does have a Gem moon!) and although I have every reason to trust him, I find it incredibly hard to trust ANY man. I tend to make up dramas in my head, investigate hardcore until I come to some sort of truth or conclusion. I spent hours yesterday looking up compatibility charts of my Scorp man and close Cap friend, trying to see if they might be better together, therefore I should get out now before any cheating/betrayal occurs. I'm very self aware, so I KNOW this is crazy talk and behavior that will not serve me well, but it's such a pattern for me. I'm just wondering if any Scorps out there have been in similar situations or had similar bouts of investigative jealousy/insecurity/fears of betrayal. It's the feeling of: wow this is going really well so I don't wanna get hurt by you, because it would be the most painful thing. So I tend to look for reasons or things that make me take a step back and remind myself of all the negative possibilities. Can you Scorps out there (or Scorp moons, or anyone) relate?
wow, what is it - Scorpio boyfriends ignore their girlfriend week?!?!
I just went through something slightly similar, and I AM a Scorpio (but Leo rising... so I like attention AND alone time). Honestly, you have to talk to him about it. Scorpios have big hearts, despite what some might say. We are not cold and mean and ruthless. If he really cares about you, he'll be willing to make a compromise or at least talk about it. And if he doesn't give you the chance to talk about it, or makes you feel guilty for not liking the way he's been acting, he probably doesn't deserve you! I talked to my Scorp about it and he totally understood where I was coming from and things are good now. Good Luck!!
I agree that I can get along great with other Scorpios, but I've noticed that since I'm on the Sag cusp (Nov 20)... I tend to get along GREAT with Sags, mostly women Sags. Also - I don't know ANY water moons, but I have a moon in Scorp. I just don't meet them... the universe brings me mostly air moons and fire moons, with a few earth moons sprinkled in. Very confusing for me.
In general, do you find that you DON'T get along with other Scorpios? If so, why?? I have a theory that sometimes hanging out with another Scorpio is like looking into a mirror, and sometimes you don't like that you see. There's also the possibility that their chart makes them very different from you. Overall, what's been your experience?
And what is their sign? This can be your best friend, ex-friend, whatever it may be. I find that my very good Cap friend pisses me off through being ditzy (she has lots of air in her) and at the same time being driven by perfectionism. It feels a bit empty to me. I'm a Scorpio, so I'm driven by PASSION, which to me is very real and meaningful. Perfectionism is a buncha CRAP. sorry caps!
Anyway, go at it! What pisses you off (even if you love them dearly), what's their sign, your sign, and what are the dynamics?
anyone ever notice how Scorpio moons are always described as the ones who are going to mess things up in a relationship? The things I've read always say "____ moons charm and desire for freedom can't handle Scorpio moons crazy jealousy and moodiness and all their bullcrap". Oh yeah?? How about "Scorpio moons are so incredibly emotionally intuitive that they can't help but feel intensely, this doesn't match with ___ moons complete lack of awareness and emotional depth" SO HA!
What the hell?!!
I'm a little confused as to why I always end up attracting people who have a Gemini moon or a strong air influence in their chart. I'm a double Scorp (sun and moon) with a Leo rising.... I'm all fixed! The only major air placement I have is a Mars Libra, but I mostly have a lot of water and fire in my chart. I dated a Gem moon for almost 5 years, but it didn't work out because we are emotional opposites. I've been dating a fellow Scorp with a Gem moon and Taurus rising for the past two months. Since he's a Scorp, he does have a certain level of emotional depth and a great sense of humor, but I do worry about him eventually getting bored or suddenly changing his mind about me. I've noticed Gemini moons are known for that kind of behavior. As a Scorp moon, I feel a bit doomed! I feel like ultimately I can only be with people who are as emotionally intense as I am, but I ALWAYS end up meeting air moons! I'm wondering if this a good thing (maybe it gives the relationship some balance?), or if I am destined to be misunderstood and heart broken...
Scorpio Sun
Gemini Moon
Taurus Rising
Does the Gemini moon make him totally crazy and not even worth trying to date? We've only been dating for a little while... he's very much a Scorpio, but my ex was a Gem moon also and that worries me... I'm a scorp moon (aka CURSED)
Does having a Taurus or Libra placement in your sun, moon, 1st house, etc make you somewhat shallow no matter what? I have a Leo rising, but being a double Scorpio makes it almost impossible for me to be shallow. I do seem to put a lot of pressure on myself to be "perfect" looking, but then the scorp in me is like "umm why??? that's not what matters in life!"