I had this happen once to me. I didnt get over him for years. I had relationships with other guys but was always thinking about him in the back of my head. Then he got married and eventually all the feeling went away. Now I feel nothing for him.
I'm sorry I didnt give a play by play of my situation. Yes, the last thing I posted was about him not calling. But he did eventually. Well actually he e-mailed first. We went out 3 times so I guess we are dating but I wouldnt really put a label on it. It's not that serious.. you people on here take every post so seriously. I just wanted Virgo man opinions. Instead I got negativity and name calling. But I wouldnt expect anything less becuase that's all that ever happens here.
Well he called.. Duh. Now I'm debating if I should tell him about my night job.
Your mean. But funny. I think I like you.
Whould a Virgo man be totally turned off by this?
Hi virgoking.. can you do me?
Jupiter in libra 5th house. Taurus rising.
I can be so passive aggressive. I really hate it sometimes.
I attract scorpios but I find I never like them as much as they like me.
I'm a cancer and I've dated cancers. My mother, brother and grandmother are all cancers.We are very black and white. We either want you or we don't. When want to be with someone we aren't going to walk away. And what I've learned from cancer men is that they will cut off emotions and stay in contact to get what they want from you sexually.
It's common and they do it because they are selfish pricks.