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PiscesChikk joined April 15, 2018


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Thank you guys. I had a long conversation with myself about a week and a half ago and decided to do just that. I feel like I deserve at least the common courtesy of a response, and if he's not even capable of that then that's indicative of his lack of communication skills in a relationship and definitely how little he thinks of me. So yeah. I'm going to move on.

Sorry it took so long to reply. It said that there were replies to my post but for the longest time I couldn't see them.

Thanks again.

I'm new here and this is my first post. Hopefully I can't find some clarity. I started talking to my Cancer man in mid January. It was slow at first, but that suited me. We didn't actually go out until the end of February. But before that we talked and chatted and texted and we became really interested in each other. After we started hanging out together we had this sort of instant connection. We became attached to each other pretty quickly. While we were in the getting to know you stage he mentioned to me that one of his bad personality traits was that he had a tendency to withdraw and push people away. It was sort of a red flag for me but I let it slide.

About a week after we became physically intimate, I noticed he started acting a little weird. And he slowed down his communication. When I asked to see him, he would say yes, but never show up, or he'd not respond to my messages at all. So I asked him about it, and he said nothing was wrong. About a week of the same behaviour, I asked him again if things were okay since he seemed to be avoiding me. He said he was doing the thing where he 'pushed people away', but he didn't mean anything by it, that he was still interested in me. After he didn't contact me for days, I panicked. I blocked him on whatsapp, but unblocked him less than a couple days later. He found out about that and got upset. Since then he stopped all contact with me even though I explained to him why I did it.

Before we got physical, I explained to him how my last relationship ended with my then boyfriend telling me that we weren't in a relationship and that he was only using me for sex. So I explained to him that his disappearance right after we slept together kinda gave me the same type of vibe and I blocked him as a defense mechanism of sorts. I guess he didn't like it.

What makes it worse is that we work together. So even though we're not in the same department, I basically see him every day. He ignores me, walks past me as if he doesn't know me. My instincts tell me after everything we've experienced together that he still has feelings for me, but my head says to move on since he hasn't made any effort to reconcile.

I texted him a few times, each time he messages me back immediately, but when I asked him if he wants to still see me he says nothing.

What advice can anyone give me? Like....I'm extremely confused right now.


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